Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

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auxilium torino
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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:50 am

Idéfix wrote:Seen in several races.
e.g. 30/07, Beccolungo uses all his team to control race without being favo. Even used his leader to ride in peloton. Aux does not work until the very last km, and win the race.
During race, I tried to explain to Beccolungo the things, but he ignored all my messages in chat, and only talked in Italian with Aux.
Aux refused to explain him that he should protect his leaders / ride for himself / that Aux was deeply profiting from his work.

2 days after, I was again in race with Aux. He was so angry I reproach him that irrealist connection that he avoided every escape with me^^

If there are other examples of that irrealist connection (as free team says in another thread that "everyone knows about that connection"), just post it here, then FPK will know... and probably do nothing as usual^^
30 juli i win a race? sure?
your irrelistic connection
on 30 juli Lorient win a race with you and others in escape ( san sebastian)
I was in peloton with an 88 mountain ( no favo at all) becco with 86 mountain ( you decide to elige me as favo) i was offline and working, and you escape with some others players, classic riders!
in front was a 74 from lorient, if i good remember, a 73 from you, a 70 mountain from superdragoes and a pair of others 65 or more...
Riding in front also with 9 points less of mountain, is ok, not unfair, but riding for a rider with 2 points less mountain is unfair!
really intresting point of wiew! OK!
31 juli i was favo, i WIN, and i ride in back 70% race alone ( some help from coroncina, with a mountain rider
Same factor here...58 57 54 53 mountain in escape you have 58, but is fair enough to ask help to 53 owner...88 against 85 ( Italian unfair connection!), Coro ride for mafia! ( your words)
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by clipper » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:20 pm

Very difficult to run this Tour of Burgos at 21H
The behavior of some teams is really strange.
How can you enjoy participating in these rotten races?

When will the PFK take the necessary steps to eliminate these cheating teams?

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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:15 pm

Thought I have a look at this famous tour, nobody riding, but just to see the group etc.

And Aux has been active in the chat it seems.
RV Berlin Sued: this is really childish behaviour. but I don't mean Aux alone. just let me say some things, then I will try to ignore the racechat for the last two stages: I don't care about your personal dislike for each other and I'm sick of reading your bullshit. Don't take your personal stuff into the race. The people want to race and have fun with it. You try to persuade the others to choose a side and it feels like Star Wars, except a can't see which is the light side. About the connection between Aux & Becco I won't say anything, because I think there's said everything. Just wondering why he almost never reacts in chat. Just my 2 cents. Have nice two remaining stages. Don't know if I will join them
Auxilium Torino: NILKHEIM...ancora RODE?
Auxilium Torino: domani vi faro´un ultima sorpresa, dopodiche chi vuole parlare con me si adegua a me, chat NON e´obbligatorio, Parlare INGLESE, non e´obbligatorio, Fare accordi tra squadre NON e´vietato, ne qui ne in realta´! emagari se uno mi da una mano, tra l altro giustificato vista la sua squadra, vi siete mai chiesti se non ne ha dei vantaggi? siete cosi IMBECILLI da pensare che si deve giocare in un solo modo?
Auxilium Torino: sapete le dinamiche del gioco? le conoscete abbastanza bene per poter giudicare le mie mosse, il perche´tiro o non tiro, il perche´altri tirano attaccano o fanno quel che cazzo gli pare?...non credo proprio! Ma state ad ascoltare un voltagabbana che vi usa per quello che siete, degli idioti, facendovi credere che lui e´quello onesto ed innocente, bene seguite lui!
Auxilium Torino: Prima di parlare e giudicare, ma sapete almeno chi cazzo e´quello che state ascoltando come se fosse un santone?Uno che ha piu´multe e ban nel gioco di tutti gli altri messi insieme, che sono anni che prende per il culo a tutti, e ci sono sempre i deficenti dietro a leccargli le natiche! incredibile!
Auxilium Torino: Prima di parlare, dovreste almeno sapere che cazzo sta succedendo e perche´sta succedendo! con 5 gare di esperienza che cazzo ne sai di come si gioca sto gioco? e ti permetti di mettere parole, con gente che ti da la paga anche invertendo le squadre?o gente che stranamente crea squadre e poi sparisce per anni per poi tornare attiva ..e guarda caso la sua squadra e´nata nello stesso periodo in cui e´nato il maestro delle illusioni qui?
Auxilium Torino: Da oggi parlero´Italiano , solamente Italiano, se volete, prendete Translator e ve lo traducete, tanto e´tempo perso parlare con gente che solo capisce quello che vuole, e si permette di giudicare in cose che nemmeno conosce, di decidere per gli altri come devono giocare ( ma dove cazzo siamo, in un regime militare?), di insultare a gogo, per poi offendersi se gli dici una parola tu!
It's funny! The funniest part already the start:

Aux accuses others of doing what he himself does more than anybody else!
tanto e´tempo perso parlare con gente che solo capisce quello che vuole, e si permette di giudicare in cose che nemmeno conosce, di decidere per gli altri come devono giocare ( ma dove cazzo siamo, in un regime militare?), di insultare a gogo, per poi offendersi se gli dici una parola tu!
Would seem he talks about himself..... trying to tell others how they should play, insult others nonstop...Funny guy.
Insult others? Time for a fine IMO. Aux insults people more than even I do, he gets away with it (while I get to pay fines, pah) but maybe it's time to let Aux now that he should try to communicate with people without insulting them daily (which is basically what he does). Enough up there for 100'000 I'd say anyway.

But congratulations on deciding to speak only Italian, I hope you stick with it, both your English and German are absolutely horrible and hardly understandable.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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RV Berlin Sued
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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by RV Berlin Sued » Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:03 pm

Today no english or german. Sometimes a bit of french, when talking with la fr des Jeux.
In this case I can't complain this stage. Completely different from the last 3 stages

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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by ProTour-Team » Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:16 pm

really nobody expected that becco would be riding nearly all stage with aux again, but it happend :)
aux won another stage and tour, becco won, guess what, nothing.. :)

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Re: Irrealist connection Auxilium Torino / Beccolungo

Post by scorpsche » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:24 pm

As all the other posts, never something happened here - even if there were 3 witnesses.

By the way...Beccolungo does continue still as "Ciclistica Astense":
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