inflationary use of negative fairplay votings from free team

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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inflationary use of negative fairplay votings from free team

Post by Alster » Tue May 02, 2017 9:30 am

It's not a real fairplay violation, but i want just discuss if we need such persons in the game.

Our friend free team, formaly known as PTT, gives in nearly every race negative fairplay votings. Have we the most unfair community in the Internet? For me his fairplay votings just reflect the atmosphere in races with him... for me that shows, he creates in nearly every race a bad atmosphere. The question is, we need such players?

So i suggest in the tradition of the greek antic a "Ostracism" to ban him out of our polis RSF.

PS: Maybe that is just ironic to show that free team is a awful person.^^

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Re: inflationary use of negative fairplay votings from free

Post by sgumgub » Tue May 02, 2017 2:36 pm


I lol`d when I saw that this morning...typical free xD

Edit...Im too stupid for this img function...just here: ... 3.png?dl=0

team fl
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Re: inflationary use of negative fairplay votings from free

Post by team fl » Wed May 03, 2017 12:10 pm

As much as it may be annoying to race with/agains free team, bothering about fair play votings is pretty senseless in the first place as they don't mean anything anyway. There are a) no consequences and b) no Guidelines/rules how to use them. Hence, you may use them however you like. For example to comment about the teams behaviour during the race, to show your like/dislike of a team, or to make a funny remark about the weather. Well, sometimes they are helpful to check a team you don't know yet or to see if a team has not the best comments about collabortating for a sprint etc. But then again, if you see a free team comment, you may as well ignore that. So again, why bother? Just use them in a way that is helpful for you for future "team checks" is my advice.

I think this is more about the way free team plays this game and how he behaves in the race chat. Might be annyoing too, but it's not against the rules. And certainly it's not a solution to get rid of teams that are generally disliked or behave annoyingly most of the time. Adapt your strategy when racing with them, ignore them in the chat, don't take them seriously. Whatever, learn to deal with it. Otherwise, we would have to get rid of a whole lot of other teams too. I guess it would even affect the majority here as everybody tends to have some annyoing characteristics or racing styles other dislike (except me of course). Let's see by some examples:

free team: overanalyzing know it all with a negative perception of everything that doesn't say "100% win chances", former king of the multi-accounts, current king of -2s
Big Donkey: stubborn and idealistic animal that likes to insult and cannot forget/forgive anything (those two things in combination are very dangerous)
Alkworld: Does always win (= makes you lose)
Pokemon: non communicating omnipotent female adoring anime lover with some kind of narcissistic paranoia and a penis complex.
sgumgub: free team without the success and the fair play votings
Liquigas-CND: Chaos loving megalomaniac who has an Alkworld complex.

Ban them all! Then I can finally win all races 8-)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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