Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

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Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by CircleCycle » Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:14 am

Well, well, well… TdF 14h was somehow tense in the last week, as various tactics by different Teams were (harshly) criticized by others. People got annoyed by the daily attack of Paulo, I got annoyed too, when I had the feeling it is going to be anti-Paulo (anti-CC) when my early attacks were followed + chased + whatever. So far so good. I handed out some comments, on which I am not very proud of - I got the fitting answers.

Unfortunately this culminated in the last stage, when Team FL lost his cool after a sieb . Since I somehow started all this and was provocative myself, no big deal, also FL apologized towards the end of the stage. (Both is marked in the racechat below)
What bothers me is that today I had a sitter and I am not sure, if Team FL was aware of this, but now he insulted my sitter (and me).

Rob il prof: gw
Big Donkey: And then this Asadbek refuses to spint.
Big Donkey: Snorri for today, spent days keeping him fresh, with half the team dead who would have needed help. Finally managed to get him to 100 today. GRrrrrrrrrr
Tukhtahuaev: Same for Asadbek. Form couldn't have been worse
Team FL: Have a nice Sunday and enjoy the after after giro france criterium time :)
Team FL: Anyway, was a pleasure riding for sprints with you.
Team FL: Don't know, Eduardo had form for the first week.
Tukhtahuaev: Which is not impossible
Tukhtahuaev: I'll just imagine that you would have won anyway
Team FL: I mean I am happy about the win, but that's annyoing.
Tukhtahuaev: Gw FL
Team FL: Ufff...
Tukhtahuaev: Distracted and missed the 50m
Big Donkey: First Feiting to stuff it up Schappys ass on Friday, now Tukh to stuff it up FLs ass today.... bah...
Team FL: GW to all winners. Sorry CC for the rant in between. Was kind of a stupid moment. And don't fuck off please :)
Big Donkey: And he used Brodar for that.... bah.
Team FL: But thanks.
Team FL: Would have GW Asadbek happily.... feels kind of weird like this.
Big Donkey: GW
Big Donkey: Ok, he simply didn't sprint?
Team FL: What's with Asadbek?!
Big Donkey: Tukh waits till the end... enough?
Big Donkey: Top 5, top 5!
Big Donkey: Now he sprints, pfff
Big Donkey: Hiroyasu probably...
Big Donkey: Anyway, sprint with that guy, Hiroya wants to beat him.
Tukhtahuaev: Both on the same wheel
Tukhtahuaev: Because Ludvig was weaker
Big Donkey: Why is Ludvig on Ikromjon???
Big Donkey: So now the problem is Brodar, somehow like that better than Marinheiro.
Big Donkey: YYEAH!¨
Big Donkey: Brodar yes alone!¨
Big Donkey: Or maybe the other way around.
Big Donkey: And my problem today is a) Marinheiro b) Brodar.
Big Donkey: Only 3 guys have managed to have 0 points so far....
Big Donkey: Pffff... then I tell you. 0 points!¨
Team FL: I couldn't care less.
Big Donkey: Do you know what the competition is now FL?
Team FL: Oh no, works.
Team FL: Kopinski still fit too.
Team FL: might need him sooner than later.
Big Donkey: Although at worst he still has to share it with Pianto.
Tukhtahuaev: Yes. Still topfit
Big Donkey: Coolman doesn't want to win the competition?
Team FL: Bor fit for the end?
Tukhtahuaev: Unfortunately I have to soon
Big Donkey: Strong Ranbir, I think he will catch me easily without others helping, you shouldn't change riders!!!!
Team FL: fuck you.
Team FL: disrespectful the least.
CircleCycle: must show the public a little bit, the pay for some action
Team FL: you also interfering in the GC. spirito
CircleCycle: calm down, only for the tv
Big Donkey: What about my great attack. I feel left out, you should criticize that too.
Team FL: just to piss the sprintteams off.
Team FL: greedy and stupid.
Team FL: got red, got green, got stages. Everything. and now this.
Team FL: Just because he can.
Team FL: Why, I ask myself. Why such a move on the last TDF stage. This is so stupid.
Big Donkey: Don't like Kwak... I'm not even able to do a 50 km escape today...
Big Donkey: I like Logothetis when he's riding for Kunonga and Matsukaze!
Big Donkey: Although maybe you're fast enough to catch him with that guy..
Tukhtahuaev: Yes, just wanted to see if Laskowski alone could be enough
Big Donkey: Tukh, probably waiting for FL makes sense no?
Big Donkey: I know why Matsuyama wasn't helping:)
Team FL: didnt think that somebidy would pull this on this stage.
Big Donkey: OIH, GC fight, Wiedmer ahead of Spirito!!!!
Team FL: thanks
Team FL: busy. app.
Big Donkey: FL, tempo, you're dropped
Big Donkey: Team classement again?
Big Donkey: Maybe we shouldn't sieb Ranbir today, he already has the last place.
CircleCycle: i am off again (CC)
CircleCycle: hi, cc here. can you just set sprint at km89 and for the final?
Tukhtahuaev: He will soon
Big Donkey: Ranbir should give up and start crying.
Big Donkey: I bluffed you all implying my team wasn't fit, hahahaha
Big Donkey: Winning move
Big Donkey: Hi
Schappy: Champagne?
Schappy: hello
CircleCycle: hi, furpach here for cc, if needed, but only 45 min
Tukhtahuaev: Hello. Finally a somewhat fit team today
Team FL: off and app.
Team FL: hi everybody. as yesterday
CircleCycle: hi. maybe a sitter will show up, maybe not, I try to be online for the final with app.

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by Gipfelstuermer » Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:01 am

Ok for FPC to vote on this case, but I don't understand two things

1.) How provocative do you have to be, to be OK with insults against yourself?
2.) If insults against you are fine, why are insults against your anonymous sitter a problem? (I am a big supporter of a rule, that anonymous sitting is unfair. So if I were sitting you CC, I would always identify in the beginning of the race.)

Maybe you can help by answering these two questions.
Gameplay: Flexible Min-Tact. Improve Sprint System. Windkante.
Marketing: Re-attract old players. Advertisement. Social Media.
New Players: Fair Start Budget, New Tutorial.
Fairplay: Improve FPC features, Fair Prize Money Disribution.

team fl
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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:38 am

I have already written sorry about the "fuck you". It was not okay to write that. I stand to everything else though.
Team FL: GW to all winners. Sorry CC for the rant in between. Was kind of a stupid moment. And don't fuck off please :)
I accept every decision by the FPC about it, be it a fine or not.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by CircleCycle » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:46 pm

Well, since I spent already time for the other thread….

What I think, FL wouldn't have insulted me, if there wasn't the history of the last few stages at TdF. So call it mitigating circumstances? Of course insults are not fine with me and of course there should be a -in this case- symbolic, fine. But thats not up to me to decide.

That I have a sitter was mentioned in the racechat in the beginning - although, FL was playing a lot from the app during TdF so maybe he didn't see it (and maybe he wouldn't have insulted the sitter then). Dunno.
Did the FPC already came to a conclusion?

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by CircleCycle » Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:26 pm

team fl wrote:
Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:38 am
I have already written sorry about the "fuck you". It was not okay to write that. I stand to everything else though.
Team FL: GW to all winners. Sorry CC for the rant in between. Was kind of a stupid moment. And don't fuck off please :)
I accept every decision by the FPC about it, be it a fine or not.
so you stand to everything else? Hm, calling me stupid and disrespectful, greedy and stupid?

Did fpc take any measures, or are "they" just too lazy to communitcate something here?

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:56 am

For some reason thee is no decision taken yet

team fl
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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:48 am

Because of your fairplay problem (see viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7225) your team get a fine of 50000 credits. We hope that you will follow our game rules next time. Thank you.

Zufrieden CC? Ich hoffe dir geht einer ab... Mit deinem erneuten Hervorholen und beharren, obwohl eigentlich alles wieder gut war, hast du aber nun jeden Kredit bei mir verspielt. Und das hat nichts mit der Geldstrafe zu tun. Die habe ich verdient und die akzeptiere ich auch gerne so.

Zu deinen Anschuldigungen wegen dem Rest, dass ich dein Verhalten als "stupid und greedy" und "disrespectful" bezeichnet habe: Das empfand ich damals wirklich so. Deshalb stehe ich dazu. Ausserdem war's ja in der Etappe eh Furpach, den's getroffen hab (obwohl ich natürlich dich gemeint habe), bei dem ich mich auch per PM persönlich entschuldigt habe. Dein Verhalten war sozusagen die Ursache, die Aktionen in der letzten TdF-Etappe der Trigger. Wenn du das nicht verträgst, dann hast du auch meine Empathie für den Rest nicht verdient.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by CircleCycle » Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:22 pm

Du willst es anscheinend nicht kapieren, stattdessen weiter beleidigen.
Punkt 1) Mein Verhalten während der letzten Etappe: Was genau war das? Ich war nicht online. Wie kommst du also dazu mich zu beleidigen?
Punkt 2) Ich habe nachgefragt, ob das FPK bereits irgendwas gemacht hat. Nebenbei las ich, dass du zu den Beleidigungen stehst. Sehr fein von dir!
Punkt 3) Dass du dich bei Furpach per PN enschuldigt hast, finde ich sehr in Ordnung.

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Re: Le Tour 14h Et.21 insults Team FL

Post by Hunsrueck » Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:30 pm


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