Points in small groups

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Points in small groups

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:46 am

Hey, we should probably take a look at the points and money distributuin in 3 teams races.

I am not 100% sure what SHOULD be the points there but I just extrapolate that it should be 3/10 of the regular points. It looks like the 10h and 15h teams (both groups just 3 teams) got more points than they should if it is 3/10. Can just quote what I experienced for the end of tour points in the chat. No hard facts saved.
Alive And Dead<08:51>: I don't really know the points system for such small groups, but as far as I understood, should get 30% of the numbers shown in the calender, looks more like 50% that I got, for the stages I don't know the exact values, but received less than 100 points for most of the stages, so didn't look to me that it was totally wrong
Alive And Dead<08:47>: I received ~1k points after finishing the tour, from the screenshoted results (top 20 GK, green, red, white jersey, team) I would earn 1780 (~534 if 3/10). For the last stage I do not know the exact results of all riders (2nd Boaz) but I would assume something ~100pts there (thats already the 3/10 value)
Pokemonogatari<08:13>: so losing some points like that
Pokemonogatari<08:13>: I sold Mitsui the day before Catalunya
RS Coesitz<00:34>: Hm, yes. Somehow Furpach, Donkey and you the guys in front now... a bit strange.
Alive And Dead<23:44>: in the final outcome
Alive And Dead<23:44>: but I received about 1000points which seemed too much. check tomorrow. probably a bug.
Alive And Dead<23:40>: should be at least close by now.
Alive And Dead<23:40>: yet. surprised I am still im front
Alive And Dead<23:40>: not sure. thought you guys didn't even get points
Mangahns Mannen<23:14>: Its a bit imbalanced. 3 Teams Tour against 10 Teams Tour. Less fun but much more money and points
RideforMoney<23:01>: ?
Gipfelstuermer<22:56>: same effect for points and money
RS Coesitz<22:49>: Sorry AAD, you know I like you and have respect for you. But Poke before the tour with 300 points behind you, wins a competetive 12-teams-tour and gets a 1/4th of a 3rd place in a 3-teams-tour. Don´t understand this.
RideforMoney<22:45>: =)
RS Coesitz<22:44>: How does AAD get so many points for a 3-teams-tour?
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Re: Points in small groups

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:55 am

Grrr, deleted half the written post . Hate my mobile.

For stages the money IMO seems ok, the salary at least. 155k something, would be 520'000 at 100%, fits I think

For the GC money was 318k
100% 1'062'600

My top 10 GC places


That's 665'000.
Team classification 7000x9=63'000
Youth rider 2nd 49'000
Points 2nd? Not sure I got that, maybe third but let's assume second 49'000


236'600 missing ..
5 more riders in GC between 11-27, don't rember at all where they were... but it could actually work out, place 15 is 56k, 20 38.5k...
2 of the were above 20 I think? And nobody below 25...? Place 19 42k, if that was my average (would think lower?)210k we're almost there. Maybe I was third in GPM too?

So money probably worked out.

Points I didn't check how much I got.
810+324+224+181=1539 GC
Take that 19 average again +500
30+30 for second places sprint/youth
663 points at 30%
But I have no clue how much I got.

AAD with +/- 1000 seems high. Almost 1800 points let's make it 1900 (places 21-27) still 551, 651 incl. the stage, lots missing there.

So Donkey says: Money seems ok, 30%
Points questionable. Somebody look at it exactly in PV!
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Re: Points in small groups

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:24 am

Yeah money is easier to check. Next time there are so small groups we should just check the points after each stage and in the end. Even harder with no calender (not even possible to reconstruct the points I should have gotten).
Boaz Trakhtenbrot:
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Re: Points in small groups

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:40 am

Some of my calculations are probably wrong... was on the mobile and didn't want to use the calculator for everything, plus somehow think have thinking mistakes in it, 70% maybe sometimes instead of 30?

But won't check,

Ardila 964 points in March could help somehow?

Adjusted, Catalunya:
243 GC
91 for stage win and second place in another one
Getting (wearing the leaders jersey) 16.8*4.. probably gets 17 each time?, so 68.

That's 402 points... he probably has another 100 for Catalunya? 4th? in one stage, and some placement in the other 4.... team classification points... 500 for Catalunya
Seems to me Catalunya probably indeed got too many GC points, don't see how he's supposed to have gotten another 460 points in Paris-Nice, where he was fourth, but I don't remember how many team. 336 at 100%, don't remember how many team we were... 5? 168, not too much stage points I guess, 964 for the month seems high... but yeah, check the next tours more precisely.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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