Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:03 pm

Petit Singe: Ach ja, ausser Ruhr sonst noch einer im Nationenkomitee hier? JPS? Mathe?
JPS Classics: nicht mehr roby .... mein alter acc könnte noch im komitee sein, zumindest war er das vor 4 monaten oder so ^^

Ehm, how about firing the inactive members? You even seem to have inactive accounts. A start would be to fire at least those. Then the inactive members.

Which of course won't improve communication I guess.... I'll ask for the active but non-communicative members to be fired another time maybe... today only

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:26 pm

team fl wrote:Liechtenstein update:

- Ludwig Sarazin -> come on TX, you know better. Sarazin, serously?
- Kristian Janson -> clearly a nordic name
- all the Brandls and so on (also Reto Zicklhuber) -> there are no genuine Liechtenstein family names with a consonant-l ending! These are Austrian or Bavarian names! Ok, could be migrants form there... but as Roby uses to say: If it's too much it's not good anymore.
- Gerold Vindeliker -> don't know where to put him, but sure not Liechtenstein
- Marc Henri -> francophone, not Liechtenstein (no french names in Liechtenstein, that's Luxemburg, or Switzerland)
- Gerd Kristiansen -> Nordic name
- Richard Desming -> ?, English perhaps?
- Marius Lucich -> whatever, not LIechtenstein
- Eduard Schleck -> Luxemburg not Liechtenstein
- Paul Verhagen -> Benelux not Liechtenstein
- Julia Karhu -> ?, sure not Liechtenstein
- Jonas Jensen -> is there a better example for a sure German not Liechtenstein name?
- Alex Brenvitch -> ?, sure not Liechtenstein
- Matys Dikita -> -> ?, sure not Liechtenstein
lots more, I didn't even go into detail...

The general thing is this: Most names for Liechtenstein riders in RSF are German, Austrian or from other origin, but not from Liechtenstein. Usually I don't care, but if the most people that want to have Liechtenstein riders don't even give a damn about Liechtenstein names, don't give them this nationality! Liechtenstein is a country with 1/3 of its population beeing foreinger. Yes, foreigners, not Liechtenstinians! The nationality is very restricted. So, please, look for real Liechtenstein names if you want to have a Liechtenstein rider. There are plenty (!) :D

And to the Nations Committee, please consider this when handling with Liechtenstein riders. Thanks. (Or let me handle them).
February's List of Names that not fit the Liechtenstein Nationality:

- Klen Klonsken (WTF?)
- Markey Luché (Franco-Canadian? French? Sure not Liechtenstein)
Gerhard Brandl (Austrian)
Gustav Vaduz (There are no family names in Liechtenstein named after the Liechtenstein villages!!! Please "Knöpfen")
Andreas Manninger (Clearly an Austrian)
Marco Hüchl (Clone of Marco Büchel?? no Hüchel known in Liechtenstein)
Felix Hollstein (Felix Hollenstein is a famous former Swiss ice hockey player from Kloten)
Urs Bürgl (Urs is a Swiss Name, Bürgl an Austrian Name, but for sure not from Liechtenstein)
Anton Erft (not from Liechtenstein)
Thomas Grinsl (Austrian)
Lorenz Karstensen (German, Nordic Countries, but for sure not from Liechtenstein)
Walter Dynamo (Dynamo? Come on...)
Glaus Wenselchen (Not from Liechtenstein for sure)
Rafael Kirstensen (Same as Karstensen)
Rolf Kaminski (Kaminski, yeah, either USA or PL)
Daniel Diefert (.... not from Liechtenstein)
Samuel Troststein (Who is that?)
Martin Gorga (Gorga... hmm.. German? but not Liechtenstein)
Andeew Wenzel (Andi Wenzel, Andreas Wenzel would be ok. So it is just a CLONE)
Sepp Rigi (Rigi is a Swiss Mountain...)
Michael Rostleg (...)
Claus Diamand (don't know. but not Liechtenstein)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Les Bergzieges
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Les Bergzieges » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:51 pm

Oh I see, apparently here is a big discussion going on. (Ok, mostly Roby discussing on his own and committee members not answering :lol: )
If you don't mind I'd like to give my Senf to it also, since I already got here now. (well, if you do mind it's too late now anyways...)

First, I have a question. Which kind of names are considered appropriate and which are not. Are there any general rules/parameters? Or does every committee member just judge based on personal feeling?

For instance, what about names that include a french second name but a spanish/english/whatever first name. Is that ok or not? My impression is that some "officials" think it's ok, other think it's not.
I have a guy I wanted to be italian, named Rollo Tomasi. He was denationalized. Reason, stupid, not italian first name. Well, ok, even if I think it's unnecessarily strict, I can see the point. Maybe I should've made him American, since Rollo is an english first name. Weird one, you're right, but there is proof:
Then I have this second guy (he had the name when I bought him) called Vin Bordeaux. Vin definitely is a first name. Without checking I can think of Vin Diesel or the former NBA-player Vin Baker, so maybe an english first name. He also is without nation.

If this is a general rule, I think it's pretty strict and also kind of unrealistic. But at least it should be handled the same for everyone, because I see other riders with nationality that have such names or worse. (With worse I come to think of Joke Spinat, who is allowed to be german as far as I know).

This first-name-matter is just one point, where everyone seems to do different and just because of personal like or dislike.

The other thing I critizised before: before a rider is trottled there should be a minimal effort to check, if that's ok. I had two or thre riders already in the past who where trottled though they exist in real life. Same name, same nationality. A 10-second google check would have confirmed that.

(sorry if I mentioned something that was said before, didn't read all old posts :? )

captain ahab
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by captain ahab » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:45 pm

@roby:i did give those two mexicans their passports back,right after i posted here(so i didn't contact tean du futur about,becaus i already posted it here)-but that got changed again from other comitee-members together with the natko zrnic thing and they lost their passports again...

i am realy torn right now-i did say that i am gonna stop working for the comitee,on the other hand i still look at the list and did some work just yesterday-so i think as long i keep my "knöpfe" i will continue to look every other day...

@berziege:basically the rule is,that the name should be a real name and it should fit to the country...prenames not so important,since many pre-names are used all over the world and not just in the countries whre they are originally from(and i guess everybody here knows their kevins,jessicas or jaquelines coming from germany or austria...)-so what is important is that the last name is fitting to the country...

other rules exist(for example:no clones) but have a wide range of interpretation;like the no-nicknames rule,becaus there are many names that are basically nick-names but are also used like normal pre-names(for example "bobby",or your example "vin",which is a short form for vincent)

Team Du Futur
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team Du Futur » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:09 pm

Robyklebt peut tu traduire a captain ahab que je le remercie d'avoir essayer
Nom : Chatel / Victoires course d'un jour 1 / course d'un jour 8 .

Bonne route sur les côtes Chatelaillonaise. :)

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:25 am

Futur dankt Ahab für die Versuche bei seinen Fahrern.
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Team Du Futur
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team Du Futur » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:13 am

Nom : Chatel / Victoires course d'un jour 1 / course d'un jour 8 .

Bonne route sur les côtes Chatelaillonaise. :)

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:38 am

Hi, for once I'm not here as a commentator!
Nachricht von Team Ruhrgebiet(National Comitee), 03.02.2011
Änderung der Nationalität von Omar Fahrny:, "Schweiz" zu "frei wählbar"
Begründung: Nation passt nicht! Bitte auf passende Länderwahl achten! Unter Extra können Sie dem Fahrer eine passende Nationalität zuordnen.

Fahrny: Swiss name, more often Fahrni, but Fahrny exists too.

Omar, most certainly not a typical swiss first name, more middle eastern, north African, but definetly not a name that doesn't exist at all in the west.

The last one, nr 60 for example, typical family name in Switzerland. First name Omar. There are others too

So, I still think Omar Fahrny not only fits in Switzerland, but that Switzerland is the best fit for Omar Fahrny. But before I give him the swiss nationality back, I'd like to ask Ruhrgebiet what he thinks after seeing the links. Switzerland ok? If not, what country fits in his opinion?


Deutsch für Ruhrgebiet:

Fahrny: Schweizer Name, öfter Fahrni, aber Fahrny gibt's auch.

Omar, sicher kein typischer Schweizer Vorname, eher aus dem Nahen Osten/Nordafrika, aber sicher kein Name der im Westen gar nicht existiert.

Der letzte, nr 60, typischer CH Nachname, Vorname Omar. Gibt auch andere.

Also, I denke immer noch dass Omar Fahrny nicht nur in die CH passt, sondern sogar die CH das beste, passendste Land für Omar Fahrny ist. Aber bevor ich ihm die CH Nationalität wieder gebe, würde ich gerne Ruhrgebiet fragen was er jetzt meint, nachdem ich die LInks hier gepostet habe. Geht die Schweiz? Wenn nicht, welches Land würde seiner Meinung nach passen?
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:33 am

When I saw this rider, I knew this would happen :D
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Widar » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:34 am

Robyklebt wrote:Hi, for once I'm not here as a commentator!
Nachricht von Team Ruhrgebiet(National Comitee), 03.02.2011
Änderung der Nationalität von Omar Fahrny:, "Schweiz" zu "frei wählbar"
Begründung: Nation passt nicht! Bitte auf passende Länderwahl achten! Unter Extra können Sie dem Fahrer eine passende Nationalität zuordnen.

Fahrny: Swiss name, more often Fahrni, but Fahrny exists too.

Omar, most certainly not a typical swiss first name, more middle eastern, north African, but definetly not a name that doesn't exist at all in the west.

The last one, nr 60 for example, typical family name in Switzerland. First name Omar. There are others too

So, I still think Omar Fahrny not only fits in Switzerland, but that Switzerland is the best fit for Omar Fahrny. But before I give him the swiss nationality back, I'd like to ask Ruhrgebiet what he thinks after seeing the links. Switzerland ok? If not, what country fits in his opinion?


Deutsch für Ruhrgebiet:

Fahrny: Schweizer Name, öfter Fahrni, aber Fahrny gibt's auch.

Omar, sicher kein typischer Schweizer Vorname, eher aus dem Nahen Osten/Nordafrika, aber sicher kein Name der im Westen gar nicht existiert.

Der letzte, nr 60, typischer CH Nachname, Vorname Omar. Gibt auch andere.

Also, I denke immer noch dass Omar Fahrny nicht nur in die CH passt, sondern sogar die CH das beste, passendste Land für Omar Fahrny ist. Aber bevor ich ihm die CH Nationalität wieder gebe, würde ich gerne Ruhrgebiet fragen was er jetzt meint, nachdem ich die LInks hier gepostet habe. Geht die Schweiz? Wenn nicht, welches Land würde seiner Meinung nach passen?
Ich wundere mich gerade darüber, dass ich Omar Fahrny als Schweizer abgelehnt haben soll, weil erklären kann ich es mir nicht, der passt für mich nämlich sehr wohl dahin. Da muss ich mich – im Eifer des Gefechts – verklickt haben. Ergo bekommt er natürlich seine Nationalität zurück.
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:08 pm


Guter Service, bin fast etwas enttäuscht :cry: Kann ich ja nicht protestieren...

Und dass ihr Anfangs des Monats 7 Millionen Fahrer habt und nciht mal der falsche erwischt wird ist klar. Und hier dann auch gute Kommunikion, sag deinen Kollegen im Komitee mal so mache man das.

Wähle also CH Nationalität wieder.
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Aixteam » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:31 pm

Hi all .. I'm French , and I see no French guy does his job correctly here so I think I can help .. At least help you to communicate to the French . But I can't speak German : it's my problem . Maybe I don't ask in the good part ..
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Widar » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:27 am

Aixteam wrote:Hi all .. I'm French , and I see no French guy does his job correctly here so I think I can help .. At least help you to communicate to the French . But I can't speak German : it's my problem . Maybe I don't ask in the good part ..

Mein Englisch ist bekanntlich miserabel und die gängigen Übersetzer im Internet haben es nicht leicht damit, dieses Forumsenglischkauderwelsch zu übersetzen. Da kommen manchmal lustige Sachen raus.

Wenn ich Aixteam aber richtig verstehe, möchte er dem Komitee beitreten. Zum einen, weil er sich - natürlich - bei den französischen Namen auskennt und zum anderen, um mit den französisch sprechenden RSF-Mitspielern zu kommunizieren, also praktisch Ansprechpartner für diese besagten Mitspieler und Vermittler zwischen Komitee und ihnen. Das finde ich gut und befürworte somit eine Aufnahme von Aixteam in das Nationenkomitee.

So, nun die Übersetzung meines Textes durch den Google-Translater

If I understand correctly Aixteam but he wants to join the committee. First, because he - of course - the French name familiar on the other, to communicate with the French-speaking players RSF, practically contact for this the said committee and players and mediator between them. I like that, and thus a favorable reception of Aixteam in the Nations Committee.

Ich hoffe, dass die Übersetzung gut ist. Absonsten bitte ich um Mithilfe aus unserer Radsportfreaksgemeinschaft, damit keine Missverständnisse entstehen.
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:41 am

He says: OK :)
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Clement-Phantom » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:00 pm

Good initiative of Aix, I think.

:arrow: Thank you for Stringer's nationality but you forget DeAngelo. Its would be nice to get it before the championship.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:01 pm

+3 Aix!
+3 Ruhr!
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Amor lux » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:16 pm

aix in the comity , of course ! :p

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:52 am

Amor lux wrote:aix in the comity , of course ! :p
Would like to see that too
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Potter » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:54 am

Wenn ihr meint das lohnt sich für einen Monat, dann nur zu!

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:51 pm

Very productive as usual Mr Potter.

NOthing interesting to say? And in German too, when this discussion here should be held in English, after all it involves Aix. Just shows your complete lack of manners and education. Get a job, shut up.
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Les Bergzieges
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Les Bergzieges » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:22 am

Thx captain ahab for your answer.
Would've been great if the guys managing france and italy could have said something, too, so that I know where I'm at with my two guys. (don't expect a long answer. what about a '+' for "we will think about giving him his nationality back" or a '-' for "forget it, stupid!".) So I have to speculate, but I think its like you said that Vin and Rollo are seen as nicknames that cannot be tolerated. Ok then.

Team Lidwinia

Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team Lidwinia » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:49 pm

Message from Team Ruhrgebiet(National Comitee), 07.02.2011
Änderung der Nationalität von Henning Prötzer:, "Dänemark" zu "frei wählbar"
Begründung: Sicher, dass Prötzer ein dänischer Name ist respektive ein Name, der in Dänemark vorkommt? Wenn es so ist, ist es ok, in dem Falle bitte einen ensprechnden Nachweis ins Forum und er darf Däne bleiben. Ansonsten passt dieser Name wohl doch besser zu Deutschland /Österreic / Schweiz .... MfG.
Umm, I guess I don't mind changing his nationality, but I'm not sure about this. There are parts of Denmark pretty close to Germany, you know. I wanted to name him Prøtzer, but the ø is not allowed.

Then, how do I change name or nationality? I did see a thingy today or yesterday, but turned in Denmark, not knowing something was wrong.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Widar » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:11 am

Team Lidwinia wrote:
Message from Team Ruhrgebiet(National Comitee), 07.02.2011
Änderung der Nationalität von Henning Prötzer:, "Dänemark" zu "frei wählbar"
Begründung: Sicher, dass Prötzer ein dänischer Name ist respektive ein Name, der in Dänemark vorkommt? Wenn es so ist, ist es ok, in dem Falle bitte einen ensprechnden Nachweis ins Forum und er darf Däne bleiben. Ansonsten passt dieser Name wohl doch besser zu Deutschland /Österreic / Schweiz .... MfG.
Umm, I guess I don't mind changing his nationality, but I'm not sure about this. There are parts of Denmark pretty close to Germany, you know. I wanted to name him Prøtzer, but the ø is not allowed.

Then, how do I change name or nationality? I did see a thingy today or yesterday, but turned in Denmark, not knowing something was wrong.
Hallo Lidwinia ...

Entschuldigung aber mein Englisch ist nicht gut. Dennoch will ich dir antworten. Der Name Prötzer ist in Dänemark nicht üblich. Wohl aber konnte ich diesen Namen in Deutschland ermitteln. Deswegen habe ich diesen Nationenwechsel vorgenommen. Aber ich gebe dir recht: Es gibt deutsche Namen in Dänemark und auch dänische Namen in Deutschland, weil beide Staaten Nachbarn sind. Grundsätzlich sollen Namen dorthin, wo sie ursprünglich beheimatet sind oder wo sie häufig vorkommen. In diesem Fall ist dies Deutschland. Was meinst du? Soll ich die anderen Mitglieder des Komitee fragen? Es kann aber sein, dass meine Entscheidung vom Komitee bestätigt wird.

Gruß, Widar

Hello Lidwinia ...

Sorry but my English is not good. However, I will answer you. The name Prötzer in Denmark is not common. But I could find this name in Germany. That's why I made these nations change. But I'll give right: There are German names in Denmark and Danish name in Germany because the two countries are neighbors. Basically, names are to where they are located or where they originally occur frequently. In this case, this is Germany. What do you mean? Should I ask the other members of the committee? But it may be that my decision is confirmed by the Committee.

Regards, Widar
Mitglied des Nationenkomitees
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Team Lidwinia

Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team Lidwinia » Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:53 pm

Thanks for your answer. I can read german decently, so you don't need to translate it for me. But writing is not my thing. My point is not that I disagree, but more I didn't expect it to be wrong. Anyway, you don't have to ask the other guys whether Prötzer is right or not. If you give me a way to change his name or nationality, I'll make him German or Andersen.

Danke für dein Antwort. Ich verstehe gut deutsch. Du Musst es nicht übersetzen. Aber ich kann es nicht so gut schreiben ( :mrgreen: ich versuche es :mrgreen: ). Mein Punkt ist dass ich es nicht erwartete dass Prötzer kein gute Name was. Wenn du mir ein Weise gibst, sein Name oder Nationalität zu ändern, werde ich I'm Andersen nennen oder deutsch machen.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Clement-Phantom » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:56 pm

Clement-Phantom wrote:Good initiative of Aix, I think.

:arrow: Thank you for Stringer's nationality but you forget DeAngelo. Its would be nice to get it before the championship.

Up :roll:

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