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Number of team by Race

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:20 pm
by chartreusecycle
Yesterday we rode a race with 3 teams, today a race with 2 teams. It is sensless.

Could we put in place a rule like: if there is less than x teams the race/tour wont start.

I suggest 5 teams as a threshold to start a race/tour.

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 3:03 pm
by Gipfelstuermer
It's not a bad idea, because it would be like an automatic adjustment to the calendar in case there are too many races/editions in the calendar.

There is only one problem. What about the players who can only rider at that specific time? I know some people will prefer to ride a 2-/3-/4-player race over riding no race at all. Maybe for the fun, maybe for the money. At least these players should get a compensation for a race that is cancelled only 30min before it should have started...

So if you want to make a rule, a race can only start with 5 players, then any race that is cancelled should at least give some money to the teams who were correctly inscribed for the race. Maybe something like 25,000.

Another solution could be, that we make a rule that calendar can only have 2 columns. 1 tour, 1 one/day race. Nothing else. Always. Because the very low participation only happens when we have long tour + short tour + one-day race.... But it would be really a problem in some situation like Paris-Nice / Tirreno-Adriatico...

Anyway, the best solution would be MORE ACTIVE PLAYERS. See the masterplan in my signature below!

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:47 am
by Z&B
How about the easiest solution and give the teams the option to withdraw from a race after they are able to see how many teams are actually riding?

Add a limit on top. The option is only available if there are 4-5 teams or less riding and ends with 5 minutes before the race starts. So every participating team has a little bit of time left to adjust to the even smaller peloton and can decide if they keep riding or leave too. Teams who don't really care about it are still able to ride and the ones who don't wanna waste their time, can do something else. Give them even the possibility to sign up for a race later the day and eveyone is happy. Yeah, there will be probably still some teams who check the peloton first and go to a later race if they think their chances to win are (maybe) higher, but that should be kept low by the "threshold" and ignorable as long as the rest of the playerbase has the opportunity to avoid the really really small races. And if you are that guy who just withdraws for the sake of higher chances to win, you have to take the risk of riding against even stronger teams later the day anyway.

Or even simpler. Add the option in the sign up menu. "Only ride if there are x teams participating". So both kind of player have the chance to ride or cancel the race.

You don't have to be a genius to know that there will be races with more teams the less options (time wise) to ride are available. But that probably goes with less teams riding overall over the whole day because some teams arent that flexible if you only allow 3 single day races. Especially if a tour is running at the same time.

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:29 am
by Pokemon Club
Would be better if teams aren't just limited at 1 race per day

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:45 pm
by chartreusecycle
OMAN 14h: 2 teams

Just sensless, please consider the possibility to add a rule such as: a tour will not start with less than 5 teams
At least for a Tour, to me it should be also applicable to 1-day race…

why not making a vote about it ?

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:10 pm
by chartreusecycle
RVV today, a Monument and at 9am 2 teams to ride it…
A bug happen and such a rule would have cancel this sensless race.
Alkworld get one more monuments, ok he would have probably won it even with 10 teams but it shows one more time that we need such a rule.

Please make a vote about it !!!

"a race/tour will not start with less than 5 teams registered"

Re: Number of team by Race

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:00 pm
by schappy
New try to keep it onjective not like the talsk in the Chat.

We see today a tour with one team for 16 days. So want to discuss to start tours only if 4 teams in and one day race with two teams.

Is it possible to make one day race registration until **:45 h? So if someone want to ride a tour at 18h, the tour doenst starts he can join the one day race.