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Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:37 pm
by Lizard
Even though right now I take the advantage of it, it's kinda boring with all those offliners in RSF and it really hurts the teams that work hard for victories how offliners influence the race. It takes my motivation as a casual gamer and I bet everyone else's too. I want a change, I can't take the offline distortion in almost every race anymore.

1. Anti offline tempo in one day races and stage races:

- After 15kms of tempo offline the rider goes out in one day races, I also want that for stage races. Then other teams need to do the work instead, so what? The main problem will be: "If I'm there on 5 stages and I miss one, even though I did everything ok the rest of the tour, I can't save my jerseys." Ok, one bad point here, but we have a good sitter system and if you organize yourself in time you will find sitters almost everytime, so take advantage of it. (I myself usually do that spontaneously because something in RL pops up, so I'm not excluded here too). Still, it will take out many many offliners disturbing tours with their offline tempo, like e.g. in L'ain 22h right now, where a team makes tempo with 6 riders after I blocked the km 1 attack. Stupidy! This happens so often, so if the good gamers find sitters in time when they can't be there, we will solve the problem of so much offline tempo. (still something to come for this, look later in this post)

2. Offliners show up 10km before the stage is finished, put in the sprint and win the mass sprint:

- Seriously needs to get out of this game, it's one of the most annoying things that comes up. My idea: You must be online 50% of the stage until 2/3 of the stage is finished, else you CAN'T put in any more sprints for your riders. Maybe high percentage, okay, then less, nevermind, but please do that!!! Teams even watch the race and then log in to put in the sprint, please change anything here!

3. The above rules only apply for something very useful we can put in. There is something similar e.g. in FIFA 12 online mode to what I'd like to see. Put in a good statistic finally, out with the stupid fairness thing (well not out, but it's not useful) and put in an online statistic for the teams finally. When you have a good online percentage the above rules don't apply to avoid regular gamers get hurt by these rules. I'd say when someone has an average 50% online time, the rules don't apply.

Who is in for this? Post, post, post, so Buhmann finally does something. It's very important!

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:09 am
by bergwerk cycling
pro lizzy!

and the best of all is this here: when someone has an average 50% online time, the rules don't apply.

So for most of the "normal players" only protection.

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:31 pm
by V-Team
Well balanced ideas imo, and I think it's not so difficult to implement.

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:15 am
by bergwerk cycling
Today race 11 o'clock Padania best example for that

A newbie in tempo with 4 riders in red (perhaps a fault from the TT yesterday?!?) ... but 223 km race for shit!

We need a REFERY or a change in the rules!

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:58 pm
by Samurais
Weiß net ganz genau worum es geht aber ich sage auch schon seit langer zeit das die off regeln zu lasch sind . Ist es denn echt nicht machbar das man sowas einbaut in das ggame das wenn ein team länger als sagen wir 25 km off ist er seine einstellungen verliert? das würde schon viel helfen denn bei uns bei der vuelta hängt der mtv weferlingen jeden tag an einem und er wurde dadurch schon auf rang 2 gezogen . Man kann dagegen net ma was tun weil fährt der net an dem er hängt verliert der viel . hätte wefer seine helfereinstellungen verloren wäre er mit sicherheit net mitgekommen und seine off mist wäre nicht noch belohnt wurden . Es könnte echt sein das wefer mit den ganzen off mist diese Tour gewinnt und das kann nicht im sinne des erfinders sein oder? Das ist ein onlinegame soweit ich das mitbekomme und es sollten auch die belohnt werden die on sind und nicht am ende einer triumphiert der die letzten wochen nicht ma da war . Es muss was passieren im off bereich ohne wenn und aber so verliert man echt ma die lust am spiel wenn man sieht das man mit off sein fast erfolgreicher ist als wenn man on ist .

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:59 am
by Buhmann
Bei einer Rundfahrt eher problematisch. Kann ja sein dass man mal nen Tag nicht kann. Dann die Einstellungen nach 25 Km verlieren ist schon hart.

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:07 pm
by Lizard
Buhmann wrote:Bei einer Rundfahrt eher problematisch. Kann ja sein dass man mal nen Tag nicht kann. Dann die Einstellungen nach 25 Km verlieren ist schon hart.
Das wird aufgehoben, wenn die letzte Regel in KRaft tritt, da es nur auf Leute zutrifft, die grundsätzlich seltener als 50% der Rennen online sind. Also können andere nachwievor ausnahmsweise mal fehlen (nobody's perfect, man hat ja RL und daher wird das aufgefangen)

Re: Anti offliner revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:32 pm
by team fl
Lizard wrote:Even though right now I take the advantage of it, it's kinda boring with all those offliners in RSF and it really hurts the teams that work hard for victories how offliners influence the race. It takes my motivation as a casual gamer and I bet everyone else's too. I want a change, I can't take the offline distortion in almost every race anymore.

1. Anti offline tempo in one day races and stage races:

- After 15kms of tempo offline the rider goes out in one day races, I also want that for stage races. Then other teams need to do the work instead, so what? The main problem will be: "If I'm there on 5 stages and I miss one, even though I did everything ok the rest of the tour, I can't save my jerseys." Ok, one bad point here, but we have a good sitter system and if you organize yourself in time you will find sitters almost everytime, so take advantage of it. (I myself usually do that spontaneously because something in RL pops up, so I'm not excluded here too). Still, it will take out many many offliners disturbing tours with their offline tempo, like e.g. in L'ain 22h right now, where a team makes tempo with 6 riders after I blocked the km 1 attack. Stupidy! This happens so often, so if the good gamers find sitters in time when they can't be there, we will solve the problem of so much offline tempo. (still something to come for this, look later in this post)

2. Offliners show up 10km before the stage is finished, put in the sprint and win the mass sprint:

- Seriously needs to get out of this game, it's one of the most annoying things that comes up. My idea: You must be online 50% of the stage until 2/3 of the stage is finished, else you CAN'T put in any more sprints for your riders. Maybe high percentage, okay, then less, nevermind, but please do that!!! Teams even watch the race and then log in to put in the sprint, please change anything here!

3. The above rules only apply for something very useful we can put in. There is something similar e.g. in FIFA 12 online mode to what I'd like to see. Put in a good statistic finally, out with the stupid fairness thing (well not out, but it's not useful) and put in an online statistic for the teams finally. When you have a good online percentage the above rules don't apply to avoid regular gamers get hurt by these rules. I'd say when someone has an average 50% online time, the rules don't apply.

Who is in for this? Post, post, post, so Buhmann finally does something. It's very important!

With the race development today in your Vuelta group, this thread can be closed and I hope you will never come up with an anti offline revoultion again :P