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Mexico 20h

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:39 pm
by Rastaman
Le me riding the great Mexico tour @20h

Goals? Some stages and maybe green.
Line up:
x1 : Rodolph Austin : Does he need an introduction?
x2 : Lloyd Doyley : Will do the job when austin doesn't want to.
x3 : Devon White : On a mission!
x4 : Senne Daems : Future flatguy
x5 : Jasper Dupont : Future star, going for stages
x6 : Patrick Ewing : Animal of the team
x7 : Winston Watts : Useful somewhere
x8 : Emile Verstraete : Future flandrien!
x9 : Paul Bogle : Useful somewhere

Team might change in some places, louis and david really want to ride mexico!

Re: Mexico 20h

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:00 pm
by Hunsrueck
Hunsrueck start @20:

Line up:

1# Robert Ragnetti
2# Alois Oehrlein
3# Rafell Diaz
4# Anton Martinsson
5# Maarten von Reichenbach
6# Prit Zahkna
7# Adel Tawil
8# Dag Hammarskjöld
9# Finnegan Farabaugh

Re: Mexico 20h

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:12 pm
by Rastaman
Second stage, first win
Sorry for not being online for 60 %, there was no internet.
Thank you chense for carrieing this attack most of the time but I should also thank rfm for sitting me the critical part.
Aux and Zug in escape today, Chense and les ours chased them and Chense did a good sieb on first climb, chense controlled with the help of devon, since there was only muh left working with his best flatties I could attack with ewing to secure the gap for the frontgroup. Train was strong enough to secure the win for Jasper.

Tommorow I expect a fight between the same guys. The hill is too hard for strong pavemen.