Discuss about the RSF Races

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gaurain rx
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Post by gaurain rx » Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:09 pm

The only rsf race which counts is coming. The gaurain planned all his team for this race. Unfortunately, all went wrong... From the training to the designer of the race :-)

Well, two possible team version at the moment.

a. The expensive (and chanceless) one :

1. Jurgen Bellinckx : Climber, leader, everything you want. 85 - 57 - 70 - 50 - 55. 57 reg. Surely too weak both in TT and in hill... Only good point, REG!

2. Giles Cordaro : The training hero. 66 - 78 - 79 - 51 - 56. 52 reg. He could have is usefullness here for sure. His reg is a real Vorteil.

3. Rémy Gaiolle : Classic n°1. 73 - 81 - 70 - 50 - 51. 49 reg. Haha, he'll do everybody suffer after the first TTT.

4. JeanMarie Javaux : The rider for Anden. Only trained him for this race :-) . 64 - 82 - 67 - 69 - 55. 57 reg. The perfect Ande rider... But the with the hilly TTT he won't be that usefull finally

5. Adrien Joveneau : The young parasite classic. 60 - 69 - 74 - 49 - 51. 43 reg. I needed a parasite guy. I got him!

6. Lionel Maréchal : The third Maréchal in the Anden. 74 - 82 - 61 - 47 - 51. 42 reg. Well, after the brilliant work of his borthers Laurenz and Lorenz for the Ethan boy, Lionel has a big challenge this year. Only problem : his bad reg.

7. Benoit Pauwels : The guy who was dedicated for the TTT ... but the Aix boy destroys all his hope. 50 - 87 - 64 - 67 - 52. 63 reg. He seems really unusefull finally... Okj, ok, maybe I need a flat guy.

8. RobyWalrus SheepKlebt : The rsf rider with the most stupid name ever : 80 - 51 - 79 - 52 - 55. 47 reg. Well, the moutain helper of Jurgen. And the one who'll need to open downhill for him.

9. Charles Spiroux : The 3rd classic : 73 - 77 - 78 - 50 - 61. 59 reg. He should be the followers of Cyriel... Unfortunately, he doesn't train that good.

Biggest problem of the team : COST : 577k (at the moment... Should really 600k in November). With a leader who is quasi chanceless for final win, that's really really too much

b. The cheap (and chanceless) one :

1. RobyWalrus SheepKlebt : 80 - 51 - 79 - 52 - 55. 47 reg. White countender

2. Giles Cordaro : The training hero. 66 - 78 - 79 - 51 - 56. 52 reg. He could have is usefullness here for sure. His reg is a real Vorteil.

3. Rémy Gaillard : The sprinter and the TT guy of the team :-) : 50 - 80 - 77 - 54 - 60. 42 reg.

4. Corentin Genez : The most sexiest voice of rsf : 50 - 78 - 65 - 58 - 55. 49 reg. Cool guy. 58 TT cool (but not that usefull here).

5. Jérémie Gorius : Brilliant flatguy : 56 - 86 - 70 - 50 - 54. 35 reg. Big problem is his reg. For the rest perfect!

6. Adrien Joveneau : The young parasite classic. 60 - 69 - 74 - 49 - 51. 43 reg. I needed a parasite guy. I got him!

7. Tom Legende : 58 - 77 - 73 - 49 - 46. 37 reg. Better than all the ape pussies!

8. Lionel Maréchal : The third Maréchal in the Anden. 74 - 82 - 61 - 47 - 51. 42 reg. Well, after the brilliant work of his borthers Laurenz and Lorenz for the Ethan boy, Lionel has a big challenge this year. Only problem : his bad reg.

9. Charles Spiroux : The 3rd classic : 73 - 77 - 78 - 50 - 61. 59 reg. He should be the followers of Cyriel... Unfortunately, he doesn't train that good.

Cost : 436k (surely 460k in November)
Last edited by gaurain rx on Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Robyklebt » Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:24 pm

Nr 1: Omar Fahrny: Well, I expect to finally be properly protected. At the Giro I wasn't, Shamshi could ride for his own chances. Tour de Suisse I was alone. Tour de France the same. Jura I had recieved guarantees that I would be the protected and sole leader, but in the end got virtually no help from Dante and Shamshi. I expect this to be different in South America. Otherwise I'm seriously thinking of looking for a new team before the start of the race. I heard Radler needs a Leader! I know I can deliver, I do when I get no help as well, see my podiums at the TdS, TdF and Jura, give me support and I can win this race .
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Post by Aixteam » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:16 am

Gaurain said he would ride with me, and now he left ! Grrr.
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Post by Robyklebt » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:31 am

Riders 2 -9

2 L. Alighieri Leader for middle mountain or flat stages, support rider otherwise.
3 P. Haryono Support, could be important with his high flat skill
4 D. Mattarozzi: Nr 3 in the mountains, first experience in a GT, white is not a goal, although Dante stated that he wouldn't mind riding for yellow, being nr 3 he reckons he'd have the most chances to get away, not being covered by other riders.
5 T. Olteanu: Support rider with reg, expected to be the first to work, if there's any need to work actually
6 C. Todea: Classic support for the climbers, except in downhills... dreams of showing Alighieri that he's better. Important TTT guy
7 O. Uchigasaki: Old classic star, co leader with Aligheri in easier stages, battery in others, likely he'll do less than 10 km in tempo.
8 S. Urganov: Nr 2, although he hasn't ruled out riding for himself.
9 D. Wei: TTT guy, at least when it's not too steep, otherwise a weaker Haryono.


B. Gong: Future Titus, but future. Right now with 47 mountain would be clearly the weakest climber in the team. But perfect for the long flat approaches on some stages, if the team has something to ride for.. And until he misses the time limit. Basically an additional worker.
F. Montandon: 41 reg, 54 mountain, would not hurt the mountain average too much, but still, not that much reg, wouldn't be a great worker either.

The only rider from the starting 9 that risks being kicked (unless one of the other is injured or is involved in a doping scandal) is Uchigasaki. Not really dependent on his training either, that will likely suck, but just feeling. We'll see, 90% he's there.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Post by Robyklebt » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:43 am

Bah. no Gaurain, so I'll be the only one writing here... Boring.

Anyway, big loss the first day, should have won that. BW and fresim rode well, still, I had the team to win it. Fucked up Alighieri, should have let him drop after all, but never thought Uchigasaki would have the quality to stay until the end. He's the guy with the least energy too, must have been really close to dropping a lot of times (and didn't wait for him) Second mistake, bigger one,thinking Uchi sucks still seems logic to me after all. Saw that Alighieri was too weak, didn't really understand why, but he didn't have as much energy as I thought he should, but didn't react. Probably should have taken him out of tempo completely for a few flatter km then.... When I finally reacted, was too late, in the climb, and of course the wrong reaction, put Todea on middle which increased the effect of the climbers, on middle too... so then dropped, second km big stupidity.. didn't change anything, not sure why, then ok, all low except Leo who stayed high (hihi), tried Todea one km middle again, dropped again, by then with all his droppings (which seem to cost lots of energy) he was clearly going to be dropped again. Probably lost 30-40" with all this waitings, not more, he's still 67 mountain and not THAT slow still. Bah. Positive, think positive after all: I don't have yellow to defend. Don't have to do anything at all, can try attacks, doubt BW let's me go, but if I want can try (not that I couldn't with yellow actually, just probably wouldn't) can do nothing at all and just be in the peloton singing folk songs (then need to learn some first) or enjoying the landscape (probably too cold for that).

But generally BIG differences already. 3 teams in front, BW, fresim, PT, the rest at 3'. GC favorites clear
1 Eyckendreyer 88 mountain, 53 TT, favorite for most mountain stages
2 Fahrny 87 and 55 TT, if Eyckendreyer has a weak day, he's the favorite for the stage
3 Hansen 85-50, nr 2 BW
4 Urganov 85-53, nr 2 Ape, but 33, risking negative trainings, grrr. Bigger chance to become leader than Hansen, so maybe he should be nr 3
5 Elsener 82, still 23, really goodlooking climber, but still only 82 now.

Won't put in Mattarozzi, as nr 3 in my team he'll very likely be helping fairly soon at times, then regularly losing time .. Others still with chances, but seem rather small, both BW and me are experienced enough to protect a 3 min lead I think. But if we kill each other, or try to push the responsability to the other...

Oh, Banana hero of the day: Uchigasaki. Thought to be the weakness of the team, ok he didn't contribute much to tempo really, a few km at low, better divided by one more, saves a few energy points for later was the thinking, but surprised the whole team to stay with the leaders! His comment: No, I'm not surprised, I knew I could hang on. I don't feel as strong as I did a few seasons ago, that's true, but I'm still there, I still can follow in the mountains, same as I still can sprint at the end of a stage. I'm not retired yet, that's why I'm here after all. I can and will help Omar and Shamshi in their quest for the win, and I will be there if there is a chance for a stage win. Don't count me out yet. But can somebody give me a japanese champion jersey? I'm not corean!! Or give me a grey jersey, after all I'm the best old rider in the race, nr 1 of all 35+ year olds.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Post by Psychopath » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:49 pm

Bin ich hier im richtigen Thread?
Egal. Ich habe einfach keine Zeit mehr und auch keine richtige Lust. Zwei Stunden übern Daumen Zeit für ein Spiel, dass ja auch meist erst auf den letzten Metern interessant wird, zur Verfügung zu stellen, kann ich mir momentan einfach nicht leisten. Wollte mein Team eigentlich auch abmelden von der Tour, was ich dann aber versgessen habe. Wollte dann fahren, habe aber gestern und besonders heute gemerkt, dass ich das einfach nicht schaffe.

Vielleicht liest das hier ja Buhmann und kann mein Team einfach von der Tour nehmen, damit die 15.000,-, die ich heute engenommen habe, dann wer anders bekommen kann ;)
Ansonsten ist's aber auch egal, weil ich wohl ohnehin mit RSF - diesmal endgültig - aufhören werde.

Ist stark programmiert von Buhmann - dafür meinen uneingeschränkten Respekt!
Aber für die berufstätige Gesellschaft, die keine festen Arbeitszeiten hat und aber auch eben nicht mal zwei Stunden vor einem meist ereignislosen Spiel sitzen möchte, fehlt hier irgendwas. Irgendwas, wo man Einstellungen machen kann und dann das Rennen allein fährt und man sich an seine Trainingsfortschritte erfreuen kann und gaaaanz tolle ausgeklüngelte Taktiken Offline machen kann. Oder irgendsowas :D

Egal. Es hat zwischendurch viel Spaß gemacht mit Euch. Einige werde ich wohl vermissen, besonders den klebenden Roby, aber insgesamt ist mir das hier einfach zu Zeitaufwendig geworden.

Viel Spaß noch mit der Tour. Vielleicht schaue ich ja auch noch mal kurz rein zwischendurch. Muss ja auch überprüfen, ob Buh ein Herz mit meinem Team-Geldbeutel hat :D

Hasser von Tempofahrenvorschreibern

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Post by Robyklebt » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:02 pm

Richtiger Thread?


Allerdings ist hier nichts los da es eh niemanden interessiert. Waren heute übrigens keine 2h nötig! :lol:
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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