Tour de France 2013 15h

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team fl
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:12 am

sylvainmeteo wrote:Nice win Quickstep, nobody interessed on the stage today
Really, do you ever write something that actually makes sense?

To the stage: good escape by Quickstep on a day that was made for it. Because of the TTT today, the teams in the peloton were reluctant to chase properly until Red Wine and Gaurain Rx started some control tempo. After a while, the teams that were interested in the stage joined and took over. Unfortunately for them, the peloton missed to speed up a bit earlier and so the two Quickstep riders could save some time to arrive in front of the main group. In which Roy won the sprint. Grmpf. Which means 4th, 2nd, and 3rd place so far for Team FL in the first three stages. Nod bad, but still not the stage win we want.

Today won't be very different. TTT. Red Wine vs. Gaurain, rest fighting for the placements. Then tomorrow, the fight for the stages restart with a light hilly stage followed by sprinter stages and mountains at the week-end. About the week-end: I am still looking for a sitter, Friday is save with bergwerk most probably, Saturday and Sunday not. The mountain stages, as usual and as it was the case during the Giro. Could be App time again. At least, sprint is not that much important there as during stage 2.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

bergwerk cycling
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by bergwerk cycling » Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:30 am

team fl wrote:... I am still looking for a sitter, Friday is save with bergwerk most probably ...
a flat day, a sprint course = olala, so bw is really the right man on a right day ... the sprinting king is coming
(@fl: sehr mutig oder sehr verzweifelt musst du sein .-)

gaurain rx
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by gaurain rx » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:52 am

Mm... I don"t see at all fav' for this TTT. Red wine team is way stronger than mine, Recien also! And with sm team, I would ride faster than with mine I think!

So well, Loosing 50secs today is my goal!

team fl
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:46 am

Had only a look at Red Wine and yours, as both of you have two of the most important contestants for the GC. But yes, SM and Recien also dont' lack of TT power...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:52 am

My goal is winning 50" to everybody! Ok, maybe not. But I'll try to escape, still pissed I missed the escape yesterday. So apes win the TTT by escaping, good plan.
Because of course SM for once is a bit right. A bit. Nobody really interested for the stage. Least of all actually SM. Ridiculous action for some green points, where he is favorite anyway.... he's in an escape, that already there looked good, not only because of the TTT, but also because of the insecurity of the finish, which made everybody rather not ride than ride. Which then happened. Just stay in front young money horder! Then Red Wine started, yellow (with a big risk of losing it) and co stage favorite. Then Gaurain joined, and IMO he didn't need really need to. Not sure why he did. He doesn't need yellow yet, he'll want it at the end, stage chances not that big.... as GC favorite some control from sec tricks at the end... good enough. Ok, show goodwill towards possible helpers later, ok ok, why not. FL another co stage favorite in my opinion started too late actually... but ok, that's the way it was. Ape wanted to escape, grrr. (Narcisse again, not really for the mountains jersey, more because he was already unfit, so only one unfit guy today, not 2... plus with his 46 he wouldn't have been missed much anyway today.) But anyway, neither FL nor Red Wine who probably were the guys with most chances seemed really interested in the win yesterday, earlier start, go slower longer and all should be pretty straightforward, but both kind of gambled and waited.
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by sylvainmeteo » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:55 am

I'll target 2nd place behind Red Wine today, that would be a good result for me
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by IDF » Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:01 pm

[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:04 pm

And you're what, a tighter?
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by luques » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:38 pm

Uhuh, after 3 stages the TdF starts to be interesting... starting with some provocations :)

Ok today objective is to stay close to Singe and Gaurain, not easy for my bad skilled team in team trials...

But things will become interesting this weekend with the first mountains.

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by luques » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:08 pm

All went as expected.

Red Wine wins and he is the new leader.

Good time trial for Recien for the gc and also for Gaurain... the favo are already in front arg!

Poor performance for my team but they are not comfortable on time trial bikes, and 1'30'' can be regained in other stages... not easy but if we want something easy we didn't go to the Tour :)

Recien Nacido
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Recien Nacido » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:22 pm

Kleines Feld 9 Teams aber denke es werden sehr interessante wochen. 4 aus divi 1 Fl , Gau , Sm und ich vergess ihn net der Affe ist auch dabei .

Team 1 FL : Einen immernoch sehr starken Benni der wohl aber schwächer werden wird er ist schon 34. Dazu mit Lichtenstein und Sixpence 2 gute bergleute. Dazu mit Friesenbichler einen der auch ms gewinnen kann also eigentlich fast jeden tag was für Fl dabei. Prognose hm sicher in den top 10 vielleicht sogar mit beiden bergis . das mzf lief nicht optimal aber das feld ja nicht so groß . Benni sicher einer der was gewinnen kann und Friese wird sich vielleicht auch was holen. Im großen und ganzen Fl wird sicher jeden tag seinen fun haben ^^.

Team 2 Gaurain. Hatt mit Preidler in meinen augen den Tourfavo in seinen reihen dazu mit Seeldrayers einen guten Helfer . Das problem könnte aber sein das er vielleicht ein auge auf weiß am ende mit Tom gewurfen hatt dann wird es sicherlich schwer . Er hatt 2 gute klassiker und auch einen guten sprinter mit Deroy in seinen Reihen auch er wird sicher jeden Tag fast mit vond er partie sein . prognose : Fährt er voll auf Preidler und vergisst das weiße für Tom kann es was werden mit Toursieg .

Team 3 SM: Hatt nur Matt für die berge dabei aber dafür den wohl besten klassiker mit Erik dabei . Sein Sprinter Kesselowski hatt ein problem sobald hintenraus ein siebbarer hügel kommt wird er schwer haben hilfe zu finden für einen ms . Prognose wird schwer denke er hatt nur geringe chancen auf einen sieg mit seinen Bergmann also wirds auf Erik hinauslaufen oder er bekommt den Brad ma in position . Das wohl Flachstärkste Team wird sicherlich auch viel an ihm liegen wie eine etappe verläuft.

Team 4 : Hm ja Der AFFE: Als erstes kein Trapani mitgenommen was mich leicht verwunderte aber er hatt mit Rakhat einen sehr guten wenn auch regschwachen fahrer dabei , dazu hatt er den jungen primoz einen jungen aufstrebenden Bergfahrer dabeid er nur vor reg strotzt. ein gutes Duo vobei er sicher noch 2 oder 3 bergpunkte bei primoz hätte brauchen können aber er ist ja noch jung . Sein klassiker duo auch nicht über wobei aber eindeutig Abel der mann ist mit denen man etappen gewinnen kann , Ein gefährlicher man für Benni . Dabei hatt er auch noch einen guten sprinter der es aber schwer haben wird gegen die anderen . Gute flachfahrer ahtt er auch im gr0ßen und ganzen ausgeglichenes team er wird wohl wie gau und fl auch fast jeden tag was absahnen wollen . Ich halte nicht viel von ihm wäre nett gesagt aber will diese tour keinen Streit also hoffe ich wir bekommen das hin und fahren einfach die 3 wochen friedlich .
Prognose : Hm wird schwer mit etappensiegen überall wo er gut dabei ist gibt es was besseres denke ma wenn er einen sieg holt dann so wie er es oft auch schafft indem er in gute gruppen zur rechten zeit geht .

2 Divi 3 teams folgen als nächstes . Red wine und Luques.
Red wine ist interessant nur einen Bergtypen dabei abe der ist gut dazu 3 Klassiker die alle reg haben . Er wird sicherlich das ein oder andere ma was versuchen .
Prognose : sein fehlender Berghelfer kann ihn hier übel zu stehen kommen da es hier doch sehr viele gibt die 2 bergleute haben . aber Adams ist gut denke ma ein top 5 p ist auf jedenfall drinn wenn nicht mehr man wird sehen.

Luques ist ein Team das kenn ich noch gar nicht er hatt einen Top Bergfahrer am start Esteban ist durchaus auch für etappen zu haben . Sein problem liegt darin das er nur einen klassiker hatt und naja sagen wir so der ist nicht der allerbeste. Einen sprinter hatt er noch und ansonsten eher flachfahrer.
Prognose hm bei ihm tu ich mich schwer da ich ihn nicht kenn nicht weiß wie und was er macht aber eins steht fest auch nur einen bergi und auch das kann ihn erheblich was kosten .

Ein Divi 4 Team Recien Nacidos.

Hm was soll ich dazu nur sagen . wollte es eigentlich langsam angehen lassen aber hab mir dann doch noch einiges dazu geholt und mein Team soweit verändert das es hier was reißen kann oder besser gesagt sollte. Quicks duo hatt mir da sehr geholfen Melotte soll mein mann fürs gk werden und auch etappen holen . Ihm zur seite steht King ein junger Bergfahrer aus eigener zucht der aber irgendwie nicht so recht trainiert . Jedoch hatt er Gute abfahrt . Dazu kommt noch der alte Nool er wird zwar sicherlich verlieren im laufe der Tour aber er soll mir ein wenig den rücken decken und auf Melotte aufpassen . an klassikern hab ich nur einen echten quicks 2 alter fahrer Xavier . Er hatt nicht viel reg aber er ist ein guter klassiker mit allem was man brauch . Canaris ist nur Helfer er wird aber mein neuer Käptn werden nach der Melotte zeit. Dazu hab ich noch ein paar helfer mit mehr oder weniger reg aber fast alle um die 60 berg . prognose: Will aufs podium am ende das steht fest und mit Melotte den ein oder anderen sieg einfahren . Was mein problem sein wird ist das ich nie sagen kann ob ich jeden tag online bin da ich noteinsätze haben kann .

Der rest des Feldes besteht aus Divi 5 Team quickstep und divi 7 Team Saxo bank Tinkof. Bei quick eher nix zu erwarten kein gutes team kein gute rleader er wird wohl ab und an in gruppen sein glück versuchen . Saxo hatt zwar auch kein gutes Team aber mit Contador wenigsten einen brauchbaren mann fürs gebirge.

Wie schon gesagt kleines aber interessantes feld bin ma gespannt wie es ausgeht und was passieren wird wünsch allen aber eine schöne GT .

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by sylvainmeteo » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:31 pm

Petit Singe I want you to translate this :P
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bergwerk cycling
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by bergwerk cycling » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:16 pm

The sprint looks like i am sitting Roby today in the end .-)

but i'am not in his account ... believe me ....

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:06 pm

I did a great sprint! Tactics, wanted to hide my superb for or something.

Great surprise by Gaurain today, nobody expected that really I think. Certainly not me... Should have tried that myself actually...
Sprint then ok, wasn't brilliant. Should have gone for my own train, didn't want to. Then of course the usual Buhmann positioning, which when I saw it didn't surprise me, just had forgotten it before the sprint... otherwise maybe would have tried the train..., Benni gets the best wheel, Gao way back... there could still hope to save a top 5 place, but from then on made everything wrong too... Went to Primoz... .then went right instead of left when I thought now I open the sprint faaaar from the finish... hihi, would have been better just to wait on my slow wheel until 50 from the finish probably.

Cool stage though, up SMs ass and up FLs ass to this cannibal Gaurain.
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gaurain rx
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by gaurain rx » Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:02 pm

Youhou... It worked! Now, I can really leave the TDF, I can't do better than today.

4 guys escapes, not really dangerous on such a long stage even if working well together! Red wine (gc wise), Fl and sm (stage wise) controlled it, and were a bit to fast imo. Anyway, counter by 2 apes at 35km from the finish... There, I went in tempo with Timonier, couldn't let it go! "Last" hill, sieb from fl for Benni, everybody riding for his classic... Except gaurain, who kept Lopard/Frognet/Lemebré fit for the home sprinter De roy! Landed 24 secs from Benni... Really thought it was way too far but 4km later I was already 9 secs behind the front group. FIrst 4, I cameback at 5 secs, when they finally see me coming, which was way too late. Easy controll of the end, helped by apes and Quickstep. Sprint, I guess Deroy was the only really fit! Sm went with his own train, Quickstep also, Singe sprinter lost my wheel, so it went all easy for De roy, the dominator in this tour! Really happy of my move, even if yeah, I only worked the last 35km today and took some risk, with my both climbers around 700 energy! But more happy of this unexpected move, of the (little) risk I took for gc, than of the win itself!

Tomorrow, sprint I hope. I'm totally in to work with the sprinters ;)

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by luques » Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:37 pm

Congrats to Gaurain! Really well played today

Joel has taken the wheels of Pellevoisin and we go to escape with saxo tinkof... but behind the chasers were well organized.... will be for another time!

Tomorrow it's for sprinters... deroy seems to be in an incredible shape; today quickstep could have done better with his sprinterteam but i think he had some problems with the train.

And me, i announced we will go to attack tomorrow! Am i Joking? Not? :? tomorrow the answer!

P.S. Today I see Gao's sprint with Benny Hill theme as background :mrgreen: anyway better than Ciccio...

team fl
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:22 am

Very interesting finish yesterday, and very well done by Gaurain. I didn't even realised it until he was 5 secs close to the front group. For Team FL it was a another Top5 placement as usual, but not more. Today, the team has to rest from yesterday so that Rosenblatt will be fit at least for tomorrow.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:38 am

Yes, very nicely done.... But the ape realized what Gaurain was doing a bit earlier than when he was at 5"! Not much... but Mollagholipour was helping a bit, so I want credit for not being completely asleep.

Gaurain: "Will ride with the sprinter teams". Hihi... Gaurain, Gaurain, my dear Rougecroissant. YOU ARE A SPRINTERTEAM. Not a pure one, but here you certainly count as one.

Ape today will be late, and as announced, Mollagholipour will do tempo when McREynolds does.... very probably. So not much anyway:)
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by sylvainmeteo » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:00 pm

Got my stage, good, got a good day for green to, thanks guys :) It drops a lot of pressure with my stages goals :)
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:34 pm

No major changes with the training this night ;) Gaurain still the favourite ;)
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:19 pm

SEcond win in a row for Brad.. not really surprising actually. Today thought FL might go for his train and put him under more pressure, but didn't happen.
Escape, only 3 again, well 5, but Saxo really doesn't count... was clear soon that we only had a chance if they made a mistake in the back... only Gaurain and SM riding, but thay controlled well. Today SM too, he was a bit too SM yesterday IMO, today perfect. A bit too scared maybe. But doesn't matter, not scared enough to make our escape completely senseless. Good and deserved victory finally.
Tomorrow mountains... Melotte? Preidler? Esteban? Momyshuly? Or another climber? We'll see... the Turkey lover will for sure try something tomorrow, we'll see what.
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:30 pm

Deroy 2-2 Keselowski, good day again, I'm happy :)

Tomorrow will be hard for me...
hope for a top 10 for Matt
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by luques » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:54 pm

Good day today... nothing special. Gw for SM.

Quickstep needs to change something if he wants to win the sprint jersey, his train is the best his sprinter not, also today a second place.

Tomorrow mountain stage, i guess that Mario will have some problems with the two mountains, surely he prefers a stage like Mont Ventoux, anyway the aim is to finish in a good position and with the other best climbers as Melotte and Preidler. The Gc will change much after tomorrow, surely there will be a new yellow jersey.

Let's see also if Recien is online because he can make a really hard pace with his climbers.

gaurain rx
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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by gaurain rx » Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:39 pm

Normally, you'll get Aix Saturday to sit me, maybe also sunday (or taka)!

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Re: Tour de France 2013 15h

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:12 pm

Yes, Aix!!!

Short first week Apemmary:

Ape didn't want to repeat the Giro mistake. Tasman and Legrand-Sekiguchi with outsider chances... so too passive, relying on them too much. So... attack. Ride for Tasman? No. Neither actively (which I didn't do in the Giro either) nor passively (which by waiting I did in the Giro). Same thing with Gao. They are both option 2. Attack was option one. Missed 3 attacks though. Ok, stage one wasn't planned... just do nothing. Stage 3, the only time the group came through I simply missed the start and the attack if I remember correctly. Narcisse was the man to go again, then after an SM intermezzo for Keserlovski Narcisse was in the back and couldn't attack really... and because of the TTT he was the only guy that was allowed to go. Marseille then tried the middle distance attack too, plus of course the early one.... both didn't work, yesterday not there at the start, so no attack, today Narcisse again. Did what I wanted to do in principle, not successful. .. Narcisse in red dots, some money, today he won almost every GPM as well... hihi, pure luck. Long term not interested in that though. Rather get a win stage win. TTT was ok IMO, Sprints too, Marseille not brillant, ok :lol:

Second week outlook: Mountains... there outsider again, but climber nr 4. Then sprints and TT and to Lyon will be a Tasman day. Or rather Narcisse/Bochini or so day.. .since they will stay the first options on hilly terrain.. and flat too + Zibi there.
GC generally... all normal, nothing happened. Preidler still favorite number one. Recien, FL and Ape the 3 teams who might be able to open up the race with attacks from far, but with Seeldraeyers Gaurain has a pretty ok helper. Lots will depend on Recien, he can close the race, either by riding in the peloton for stage favorite Melotte, or by doing attacks nonstop so not leaving any attacking space for others, or he can ride offensively without overdoing it. Prediction: Melotte tomorrow, Preidler on Sunday.
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