le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:18 pm

Why always me????

Hope others, Lecce, Aix, Marzahn etc. etc. write their brillant analyses here too, or comments or whatever, Robyklebt, the press speaker of the team has no problem writing a lot, but the new boss, petit singe this motherfucker seems to be more aggressive, not the nice friendly dude that Roby is and was, if this thread develops into another, Roby writes, others read or don't but only write their worthless results in their worthless teamthreads he might forbid me to write here!




Manuel Santillo 83 mountain 70 TT, he has a 6' advantage to everybody else thanks to the 60 Km TT and a 84 mountain helper. Clear favorite. Except that Roby is neither Mangahn nor Elb, so no sense in building up a favorite with good skills but no experience and no team. Santillo won't win. Sorry Nilk...

1) Lack of experience 52 races. Ok, there are 3 Nilkheims, this one 52, another 47, one more with 35, so he might have 130 races, still, he doesn't really have enough experience to win it against people like petit singe, Bergwerk, Lecce, Aix with lots of experience.
2) Lack of team: After the 84 and 83 climber he has a 63 as best climber. And 79 is his best flat rider, that's the same that has 63. So he often will be isolated soon. And if towards the end he still has chances to win it, I don't doubt that Lecce, BW, PT or Aix will kill his chances with an attack he can't counter in a middle mountain stage.
3) Pavé. Which almost makes the 2 other points moot. 50 pavé. 79 best flat rider, he will lose a lot there, he won't be able to contain his loss in the non pavé parts with a strong flat team. Like BW with Carnell, Aix with Marchino and PT with Grillboy, he will lose a lot. 6' won in the TT, regular loss in the mountain, big loss Pavé, really see no chance for Santillo.

So, who is the favorite?

A climber, clearly.

Let's start with the nr 1.. petit singe

Gamov: 89-49-55,8, that's mountain, TT pavé
Buonarroti 86-49-55,4

Both Regmonsters. But the weakest in the pavé compared to the other favorites.First question, will the great ape, oh, sorry, small ape, manage to stay with most of the others on that stage? The advantage of the reg is not huge this time, the opponents have reg too, even though not as much, and it's the Tour, not the Giro. Weakness the team behind those 2, only Berlogea with 71 mountain, the rest is under 60. So attackable in middle mountain stages by BW and Lecce at least. Will make the announced double leadership harder as well, yep, petit singe this idiot want to ride with 2 leaders, Robyklebt could tell him it's shit, and did, after all he tried that for x GTs never won.. but won with a clear single leader, Gamov.. Other possible weakness, the motivation, right now petit singe seems to thing that a stage win for Gamov is more important, after not winning any at the Giro Yuri wants to win at least one here. But that probably will change, the chances to win are there, he probably will concentrate on the GC when the mountains start.


Corvia: 87-49-64,0.
His big advantage: 64,0 pavé, CLEARLY the strongest there. his problem, he will lose some time to the rest between and after the pavé, his best flat rider has 81, next best 80. BW has 87-85-82-81, PT 87-82-80, Aix 88-82-80-80. Still, he should come out in front, but by how much? Winning a lot there will be very important for him. If not, more difficult, but still possible. The team is very strong in the mountains, 87-81-77-76-75, three 75-80 (ok, flat not all 80) and one 80-70 (ok, only 69) Plus he could benefit from a BW-PT block... Gamov-Mandelbrot, clearly the strongest in the mountain, both not wanting to do the first move, Corvia with 87 stronger than their 86 helpers, with his strong support team an attack from far (don't ask me where, haven't really analyzed the thing yet...) could be succesful. His problem then could become Aix though. Balotelli, 81-69 as leader.. .don't think that can work, but who knows, think Corvia has better chances.


Mandelbrot 89-49-56,0
Rinner 86-53-62,2

Mandelbrot basically equal to Gamov. less sprint, so for the stages Gamov rather the favorite, 0,2 more pavé. For the moment, Gamov 33 might lose there, in the mountain too of course... let's hope not :lol: The 0,2 interesting, if the form is the same (which I think it is) then he might win time in the pavéstage. Which would be very hard to get back for Gamov. Already the 2" now are not really making pt happy. There really is not much between Mandelbrot and Gamov, every second counts, and the luck in the TT might turn out to be decisive. Or the 0,2 pavé. Good for BW, he has the team to keep Gamov away after the pavé. Good for BW as well: He has a better team after the 2 very similar sets of climbers. 75, 74, then 63, 62. Clearly superior to the PT team, might manager to isolate the 2 Singe climbers while still having 4 riders, and Lecce 5 (again, don't ask me when, not sure if there is a stage where that makes sense) BWs biggest problem: BW himself. We saw it at the Dauphiné once again, he just is a useless whiner too often. No risk, afraid of taking the necessary risk to win, prefers to just complain about the difficulty of winning instead of trying. And in my view because of that often not a very good manager. He has the team to put Singe into trouble. Will he have the guts to try it, without guarantee that it works? He might have an advantage over Gamov after the pavé, will he take the risk to attack Corvia but maybe having Gamov suck his wheel? We'll see, but often BW prefers to play it safe for some worthless 5th places in a stage instead of riding 100% for the big win. REason IMO he's afraid of somebody profiting from his work. Which can always happen, Gamov, Corvia, Sheringham could all profite one way or another from him, let's hope BW shows some guts and rides for the win instead of the usual weak riding for 5th places with Colby. Dauphiné was better than expected though. Still not 100% for Mandel, which very likely would have meant the GC win, but better than expected.
Other possible danger man, really interesting option IMO: Rinner. 62,2 pavé, so he should win time on everybody except Corvia, could end up together with Corvia even, thanks to the better flat riders. Then 53 TT, which means, he should gain over a minute in the 60 Km TT to Corvia, Gamov, Buonarroti and Mandelbrot. according to the Robylations he should gain exactly: 1'12". With time on everybody else in the pavéstage and Mandelbrot as a helper... could work. Interesting option, would probably mean not fighting for stages with Mandelbrot, but could work for the GC.


Sheringham 87-51-56,0
36" to the rest in the TT, not enough probably 1:1 vs Mandelbrot-Gamov. Probably together with Mandelbrot at the pavé stage. Where he could profit is, see Lecce, a Mandel-Gamov block, both waiting for the other to do the first move, since if it's between those 2 every second counts. The team behind, not great, but could be ok. 72 and 70 mountain, risks being dropped by Lecce-BW regularly as well, but 87, often should manage to follow still. His chance is mostly "parasiting", he should be behind Lecce after pavé, then wait and see.


Lesage 86-50-58,1
Has a good helper with 83 as well. Advantage, pavé, could be strong enough to gain some time on Mandel-Roby-Gamov. Then win agin a little bit in the TT. But difficult, with 86 not sure to follow Corvia, this missing point IMO makes it more difficult for him to win than for Aix. But with chances too.


Mock, 87-50-52,7
Despite the pavé, thanks to the team, flat helpers, could have a chance. What will kill him IMO is the manager, not experienced enough and too often offline.

Verunga: 86-52, 52,3. Pavé again, plus probably behind Mock after the pavé. Weaker team for bringing him back.. don't really see his chances.

Rest, forget the rest, Villeon has an interesting rider, but don't know Villeon, so no comment.

SHould be between the first 4 mentioned teams, maybe the first 3 with Aix as a very dangerous outsider. Race will be made by Lecce and BW, they decide how it goes basically, the rest, including PT will have to wait and profit if they see a chance. Stars, percentages, pff. forget it... Corvia, Gamov, Mandelbrot, Rinner, Sheringham the 5 big names IMO. Alphabetically here, hope no mistake.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Zentaron » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:55 pm

The only important analysis is the Zentalyse, an analysis of the chances for the points jersey. And here it is:

The only real favorite is, of course, Frederic Iatiknu. Maybe, there is one opponent with Karl Eiterolloid. The others are all crap and won't win anything. :lol:
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:00 pm

Iatiknu, Iatiknu, Iatiknu, Iatiknu, Iatiknu, Iatiknu just practising the correct spelling. Always thought it was Iatniku... sounds much nicer too. Iatiknu, pah..
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by NoPikouze » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:05 pm

After reading the monkeylyse, I think Rinner helped by Mandelbrot is the best chance for GC. I go all-in on betclic :)

Zentaron wrote:The others are all crap and won't win anything
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Zentaron » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:23 pm

Ha, everybody had seen today, how good, correct, precise the Zentalyse was.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Toxic » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:24 am

Now the Toxilyse:

***** Lotonu Nokise
**** Brian Nakubu
*** Peniu Toavalte
** Paul Vatalu
* Apisai Nokise

***** Jan Fjörthoft
**** Apisai Nokise
*** Lotonu Nokise
** Sergio Muniesa
* Peniu Toavalte

***** Brian Nakubu
**** Paul Vatalu
*** Lotonu Nokise
** Maxime Partouche
* Filip Duerloo

**** Apisai Nokise
*** Brian Nabuku
** Lotonu Nokise
* Paul Vatalu

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:56 pm

Lecce show today, dominated everything, impressive. Terranova wins, gets green, which one of our managers doesn't like at all it seems, plus third with Corvia. Had 5 riders in front while everybody else had 1 or 2, he had the only classic riders as well. Very strong. If the result of the Corvia sieb is always this... we'll see other Terrranova wins for sure. But anyway, one of the greatest shows on RSF today.

Tomorrow, much more interesting of course, sorry Lecce, your ride is already forgotten, that's RSF :D

3 fights basically:

1) stage: Seems clear, Hernando Guerrilla. ByZickl with Jannsen with 67 sprint, but "only" 82,4... Mack from Satzte 82,8 but no sprint. Then Thoronto with a nice army too, but maybe a little bit too weak, 4 riders with 79,0 to 80,4. Guerrilla with 86,7 seems to strong for that, especially consindering that he has a support rider with 92 flat and 80,9. Normally should be Guerrilla, with the 3 others plus Duculescu (82,0) trying somehow to beat him. Actually a group from far (but doubt a big group will go, see point 3) seems to have almost better chances than the other pavé riders, especially since Merz after making a mistake today seems to expect tempo from others tomorrow. Fat chance :lol:

2) yellow. the smart ape rode for Duculescu today. Very surprised nobody else did. Especially Merz with Guerrilla. He would very very probably have gotten yellow tomorrow without big problems. Don't think Ducu would have dropped him today. Maybe a few seconds at the first sieb, but Guerrilla with 90 flat could have come back. So tomorrow the smart monkey has his chance to get yellow. But far from sure. The leader, Santillo, should lose the 1'57", no problem, but then... Metzig (Flitzer) 40", 70 pavé only, but 1'17" to defend. Bruvier the best Lecce at 42" (1'15" to Ducu) 72 pavé, 1" back Terranova with 73 pavé. A lot will depend on how hard the favorites for the stage will ride. Ducu too isolated to have a chance to do much himself, all he can do ist hope. Then how seriously do the others take the yellow? The fantastic monkey won't, Ducu will have Berlogea, that's it, Grillboy will be helping Gamov, not Iordan. How will it be for Lecce? No clue. Flitzer? No clue. Bergwerk who has 2 classic riders in front of Ducu? No clue, but for him difficult like for the superb ape. 2 climbers, they need helpers, one sprinter, who want be able to help anything... Colby or Whittaker risk being isolated in front too. Anyway, the chance for yellow is there, but if Flitzer or Lecce are 100% serious about it.. don't think will be enough. Maybe with Grillboy helping could work, but..mmh, maybe change of plan, leave Grillboy in front longer... bah, we'll see.

3) GC fight, IMO the most interesting. No clue how big the differences will be. Having the 2 weakest climbers the royal ape is a bit nervous, and swearing at his predecessor Mr Klebt for buying such weak pavé riders. Completely ignoring that pavé climbers were a specialty of Mr Klebt, 2 wins on the death road! Ok, of course that's the brillant Klebtics, less the skills of the riders, we'll see if that stupid ape will have the talent of Walrus Sheep Klebt! Oh, sorry, sorry... back on topic, don't doubt the celestial ape will fully convince tomorrow. Santillo will suffer, Verunga who sprints like a pregnant trout, too. Aix, BW with a chance to drop Gamov, Lecce with a huge chance to gain time on all the climbers, and BW who has the Rinner card. Not to forget Lesage who might want to drop Mandel and Sheringham too. Not sure how all will play out.. the intergalactical monkey said that he would be happy to reach the goal with Mandelbrot and Sheringham. Good luck.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by bergwerk cycling » Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:42 pm

tomorrow the pave km might have 3 minute tact for me ... the scrolling might by difficult i think ^^
But hoping that it runs a little bit better than the one-man-lecce-show from today ...

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Aixteam » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:20 pm

I think every manager should pray to have a good conection tomorrow ..
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by bergwerk cycling » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:51 pm

Aixteam wrote:I think every manager should pray to have a good conection tomorrow ..
yes that very important too ... i need no probs like today at the end. Better not.

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:21 pm


Bought for 1'094'103 on January 1st, now, 6 months later he wears yellow! Yipee! 46-65 at the start, trained 17 flat and 8 mountain... mistake I thought... why train mountain, should have gone for sprint, with 50 at least maybe maybe he could win something some day, with 43... no. pah, correct decsion, won the NC in Romania with 43 sprint, and not got yellow thanks to 54 mountain. Basically won it yesterday by being the only one to ride for his pavéleader. Especially Merz should have done the same, he would easily had yellow today, didn't, good for me. Didn't really think he could get it though.Worth a try, but... Colby, Ariatti, Terranova all far ahead... BW, ok, same problem as me, 2 climbers, one sprinter that won't help at all later.. not sure if he can spare Colby to go for yellow. Lecce on the other hand, thought he would either try to leave Ariatti or Terranova in front for yellow, he only had one leader to protect, 2 riders, then 2 flat riders, one helper each, makes 7, ok, Ariatti or Terranova with on helper to get yellow... if he had done it doubt I would have yellow, but didn't, all cool. Flitzer.. was a bit less worried about him 70 pavé not enough I thought, was right. Cool. Of course lots of luck, yesterday with the strong Lecce distancing everybody, so Ducu had Berlogea as a helper and the other classic riders were a bit back, and today with nobody really caring. But I'll take it.

Payed for it though... .Gamov 41" behind Mandelbrot, bad, bad, now 43". But ok, that was not only Duculescu, that was more Grillboy, or petit singe. the useless monkey put Grillboy on Buonarroti. If dropped, come back with Grillboy immediately. Still think a good idea. Not dropped at first, ok good. Then should have changed.. or if not, after he was dropped ride with Grillboy immediately to come back. So after Gamov ended up 1" behind Mandelbrot and Sheringham I was fucked.. Grillboy 30" back, Gamov only with Feng... Idiot. OK, then ride with Grillboy, much too late of course, caught up in the pavé, then came closer and closer, but was clear that Marchino would manage to make the gap bigger agian, he was fresh, Grillboy not. Bah... could have been much less I think, doubt I could have followed all the way, but think 20" max would have been easily possiblem if Grillboy is on GAmov the whole time, even less. And with one more helper, Ducu, less again. But ok, then one of the two would have helped Ivan for sure.... But well, wanted yellow, have that, so ok.

Loser of the day

1) Lesage: With 58,1 pavé he ended up losing 2'18" to Rinner. Too much. Zickl rode a bit everywhere, but not in the Lesagegroup who was completely isolated for a long time. He did the bad bad sieb that dropped Gamov too I think... :evil: No problem, just didn't really see the sense in it at the time.. .maybe to help Lesage come back by disrupting the front?
2)Gamov: As I said, very bad riding for Gamov today, wanted to keep Buonarroti in as well, but once dropped I should have used Grillboy immediately. Then see what happens. 1'42" to Rinner, ok, not brillant but ok, the 41" to Mandelbrot much worse.
3) Corvia: 64 pavé. "only" won 32" to Mandelbrot-Sheringham. Partly because of his lack of real strong flat riders, (plus he used the best one early), partly because of the stupidity of our helping system, that guarantees that helpers come to the pavé dead... so of course the ones in the back have more help, since their helpers are where the leaders are or just a little bit behind them, possible to wait to have more menpower, while Lecces helpers are with Mandelbrot and co, of course can't wait for them. But ok, the big problem for Corvia: lost 29" to Rinner. 62,2 pavé. that has to be a surprise.

Winner of the day

1) Mandelbrot: Only 1'01" behind Rinner his own teammate, 32" behind Corvia, 41" in front of Gamov. Right now, all looks perfect for him,
2) Rinner: 29" to Corvia, even won time. Excellent. Question now of course who will be leader. Rinner or Mandelbrot? Tough decision...
3) Nobody really.. maybe Santillo who got a free ride from Flitzer, but don't really think it matters,

Neutral: Sheringham, whose manager kind of apologizes for riding for Mandelbrot... Idiot, what else would you do? Can't beat everybody on the same day, Gamov back of course you ride, I would in your place, doesn't matter if Mandelbrot is there or not, today Gamov, tomorrow Mandelbrot, then Corvia etc. etc.

AFter the Lecce show yesterday, BW show today, ok, Merzshow in front, but that was almost too clear. Bergwerk the winner of the day of course. Now he'll have a few days to decide how to ride in the mountains, Rinner or Mandel or try to keep both as long as possible?

Petit singe now will enjoy his yellow for hopefully 3 days.. not sure about the third, but normally the first 2 should be safe.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:01 pm

Pah, petit singe in yellow, what a noobgroup ! That guy has only been playing for a month and he's the best here :lol:
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Merz Racing » Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:43 pm

can´t hear it any more roby, i know that i made a fault yesterday, but now you have the yellow jersey and you have to ride for it, and you are favo at the mountain stages too, so you will have much work to do the next days.

And it was no show today, i only rode 10km or so in front, then the attack of guerrilla who is as stong as he was today.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:44 am

Look, Merz,I know when I have to ride and when not... so don't worry, I'll ride when I need to. Plus what's it to you? You hope I will write less? :lol:

Pff, and after thinking it over, no mistake by you, Iordan in yellow is as it should be.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Merz Racing » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:47 pm

I hope always that you talk less, but thats impossible,, because then you wouldn´t be roby/petit signe any more. ;)

be happy and hope that karl is lucky some day and win a sprint, ups thats impossible because Iatiknu is doped ;).
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:26 pm

First week over, easy analysis

Sprint: Iatiknu, 2 wins, green solidly on his shoulders, already 19 points to Terranova. Claudio. The possible danger, Emanuele Terranova already 47 points back, looks good for sprinters and very good for Iatiknu. Now let Karli win! Or Claudio, he always beats Iatiknu when another one is even further ahead only gets second places, deserves a first too. The sprint stages in the end were all rather boring, BSE + Merz, + Thoronto, plus maybe Satzte, Aix, Flitzer if it ever gets close are just too impressive, nobody really dared trying.

GC: Lecce showed his teamstrenght for his Terranova win, but got a cold shower the next day on the pavé, not only didn't gain time on Rinner, even lost. So now the Ball basically is in BWs hand, Rinner or MAndelbrot, both look in good position, sooner or later he'll have to decide. But he has a good team too, Colby/Whittaker will not always be dropped first, so possible that he manages to keep both in the race for a while.

Mountain: At least some action, Müller vs Lancanu, today Müller got the upper hand back. But right now don't think he'll manage to keep it till the end, but who knows.

The Robyweek. Good, Iordan 3 days in yellow, tomorrow he'll lose it, but no problem it's more than expected. The rest... Buonarroti out of the GC already, not as planned hoped, Gamov with 43" to that bad boy Mandelbrot, doesn't really look too good either. But ok, at least that increases the chances of stage wins, if BW rides for Mandelbrot he has no reason not to collaborate, and Gamov sprints better. But we will see. Next goal is a stage win now.

The team: Sucks obviously, knew that before... probably after tomorrow I will be swearing at myself, why didn't I bring Uzielli instead of useless Fouché? Or at least instead of Nedelcu is not really all that useful either? Money... and bah, it's the Tour, I rather not lose to much money than win it, so would still do the same, no problem. Highligth so far Iordan of course, yellow, but he won't be very useful from now on... 35 reg, the skills otherwise ok, 54-82, but once dropped will be dropped, no downhill.. plus if he rides, he's dead for ages. Fouché the same but worse with 36 reg and no skills at all. Grillboy? 45-86, 45 makes him fairly useless, 35 reg completely, same problem as with Fouché, but if he's dead it's worse, with 45 mountain he will always way back anyway. Eiterolloid, at least he can go down, but again, no reg, can't really help much either. That leaves 3 guys that can help in a somehow useful way, Feng, 52 reg, 58-77-78, my star support rider. But because of yellow he is kind of weakened for the moment.. Nedelcu, 61-79, but no downill and 42 reg only, well, not too impressive, but he can do some stuff, plus doesn't risk being out of the Tour immediately, even if he's dead. Then Berlogea, 71-79, not really enough against Whitaker/Colby or Bruvier/Ariatti/Terranova, but at least he will be able to help a bit sometimes. Not used to ride with such a weak team, will hate it, but ok, we'll see what happens. Not too optimistic about tomorrow for sure, think I risk being isolated in front very early, but ok, then one climber will have to help the other, and see what happens.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Zentaron » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:27 pm

Nothing happens here. No analysis of the first two HC-stages, no one praising the Zentalyse, which was obviously right - Frederic dominating the sprinter stages and even today he dominated the other sprinters.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:28 pm

Why always me?

Bah, ok...

- Gave away a good chance for a stage win.
+ Bergwerk commited to Rinner now. Going back to Mandelbrot almost impossible.
- Training tomorrow.. if GAmov loses a point I'll regret not riding for the stage.
+ 2 stages seem winnable for Gamov now. Ax and Tourmalet.
- Rinner is far away from Gamov
+ Rinner with Mandelbrot as helper is very strong, but he has Corvia, Sheringham at less than 2 min. Then Bruvier who can try to gain lots of time in the next few days. Then GAmov at over 2'. Santillo at 3'57". He should win 5' in the last TT, so only 1' to go, which shouldn't be a problem... shouldn't but could become one. Lots of work, possible that he cracks sooner or later.


All was clear, force Bergwerk to chose. Attack, then see. If all goes perfectly he follows with both. And then he has to chose. Hoped for that, but tought it unlikely. If he follows with nobody, he's almost forced to chose. Would have hated it if only one, Mandelbrot or Rinner, follows the other enjoys the view in the back. Uff. Like this finally ok. BWs reaction. Will not look good if Rinner is finally beaten, which is not impossible, but I think it was the right decision finally. Getting me the first time not a big deal, the second time... if he waits and let's Lecce chase... Lecce won't get me before the start of the last hill I think. But in the last climb Rinner, Mandelbrot, Verunga, Sheringham Corvia will get me. But he has Mandelbrot still in. That's if Lecce is nice enough not to force him to chose. Maybe he would have been, maybe not... but in BWs place I wouldn't have tried to find out either. Decision earlier than BW probably hoped, but finally he kind of was forced. My second attack was brillant IMO. Ha. Then the third one.. less. ok, much less. Thanks to that Gamov ended up 4th which is not bad considering the attacks. But lost additional time. Really should have gone in with Buonarroti that km. Then work together with Aix. And Rinner finally would have won very little. Or nothing at all to some. Probably wouldn't have ended up 4th, but behind Corvia and Sheringham, but lost less to Rinner. But well....

Ah, WC Final starting..

VERUNGA! Almost forgot. Cool winner!
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:58 pm

Cool race yesterday, forgot to post!

LIked what Lecce did. Yeah, ok, contra productive for him finally. But the idea. Open the race, see what happens=good. I almost profited, of course I like it, but he could have turned out good for him too, depending on how Bergwerk rides it.

Santillo still there, was the talk of the day yesterday. Well, Bergwerk let him back, as simple as that. Plus for all the "don't bring him back"... he profited from that as well in having Colby back then, can't have everything. Of course if that group doesn't come back I wouldn't even have attacked, Gamov alone without Buonarroti yesterday, no chance.. In the end caught, as could be expected, but was fun.
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:06 pm

Yesterday Aix, today Bergwerk, pff, now everybody is winning except me! Unfair, unfair!

But now those damn hills start again. 4 days nonstop hills and fighting for Grillboy, Fouché, plus soon Feng and Nedelcu too probably, since they can actually do something, so will be dead soon, unlike Fouché and Grillboy who are useless and so stay at least half fit. Wäää even 5 days. Shit, don't think Grillboy and Fouché will be in the race much longer..
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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bergwerk cycling
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by bergwerk cycling » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:12 pm

Tomorrow will be yours normaly ... and they coming some hills more ... so don`t be sad, everything will change soon.

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Zentaron » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:32 pm

Get them into my group, Mr. Ape, and we will see.
sprint victories:
2007: 33 (30 since buying licence in april)
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2010: 47
2011: 34

The Fantastic Four: Ewen McBright, Perry Niclas, Aigars Cakls & Frederic Iatiknu

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Aixteam » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:44 pm

Gamov will be the strongest in the Pyrenees
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:13 pm

Gamov ist the strongest anyway. Ha. But good, won his stage yesterday, today Terranova, both not huge surprises.

Our Tour basically very controlled, sprint stages, clear, we knew that, the other stages... nobody is really trying. Nilkheim with Mullermann everyday, but he doesn't really try most of the time. Puller always green, then no fight at all. Yesterday there would have been chances, depending on the help I get from Bergwerk towards the end. Look at my team... but no, pullers forever green and then give up. And Nilkheim special, asks the 2 others if the leaders now should ride green, then when they do, it's only 2 of them, Mullermann just following... so.. attacking just is pointless somehow, most of the time controlled in the back, and in front Mullermann always there but he has a way of riding that minimizes of the group. Which was even understandeble as long as had to get as many points as possible for the mountain jersey.. now he basically has it, probably not mathematical yet, but nobody has really shown an interest so far except him. Why not go for the stage and risk having a day off the next day? Maybe not today since tomorrow there are many points on the Pailhères which he could get, but then why not just send 2 others, or nobody, instead of sabotaging any chances for groups basically?

But ok, Mullermann has the maillot a pois almost sure I think, the green fight is still a bit open, but not really, Iatiknu still has 17 points. 2 more sprints.. Doubt Terranova can get the necessary points to beat him. But who knows? Terranova third 43 points back. Probably could have been in the fight as well, but Lecce decided otherwise, cool, fighting for GC instead of green, like that.


Corvia 1'09"
Sheringham 1'33"
Neubauer 1'59"
Gamov 2'19"


Santillo 4'12"

Basically 5 riders with chances, no chances for Neubauer I think. Rinner 86, Corvia-Sheringham 87, Gamov 89, bad Mandelbrot the stupid helper 89 too... grrr. Looks good for Rinner, but he still can expect 4 days of attacks now. His TT advantage will probably not be as big as it looks in the 52 km horror TT, with same form he should roughly gain 1' to Corvia and Gamov, 15" to Sheringham. And lose 4'15" to Santillo (ok, calculation based on 50 km) But with form 1' difference is posible, so if Gamov has 100 form and Rinner 0 they would end up at the same spot.. opposite would be 2' Same with the others. But looks good still, he has a strong team, Mandel, then Colby+Whitaker, but then Hyde, I expect Rinner to lose some time to all of the others except Santillo in the next 4 stages, but normally it shouldn't be enough to lose yellow. But I'll try to get yellow for Gamov somehow...the fight is on, now I got my stagewin, so don't need to care too much about that!
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DJK Nilkheim
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Re: le TOUR 2010 - 14:00 h

Post by DJK Nilkheim » Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:19 pm

you are totally right, that mullermann just attacks most of the time, but is too inconsequent...
but you need to see it the other way around! i only have on rider with more than 60hill and still good in the flat and because nearly all stages end up at least hilly, he has to be on off my riders infront. and i always take one puller for the chance, that the pelOton decides to let us go. maybe we could have had a chance yesterday, but that was imo the only stage, where we had chances but didnt try enough!

in the jerseys, i trust you :) but you forgot to mention white, even if it is 100% already

now to the GC:
the one for the win is RINNER! great teammates, best in tt and still a gap to the others
but for sure roby will attack him, lets see how good :P

and roby, you have to be ashamed for not mentioning neubauer in your first robylsye!
off course he is/was(will never be) not one of the gc-favos, but with his positive attitude and good seported by his teammates ( even if he is only our n.2 and has to help santillo in the hills) he tries his best to be at least in the top10 and to challenge santillo somehow...

and last but not least to our gc-hope: SANTILLO!

everybody knows his position: losing (too) much time at the pave, losing (hopefully only some) time in the hills and gaining ( a lot of) time at the final TT.

til now he didnt lose to much in the hills, but there are some still to come and he obviously lost way to much at the pave-stage.
he is still hoping for this GT-Win, but he is realistic so he would be fine with the podium, like he did at the dauphines..

dont know, if roby will be happy or sad, because somebody else now wrote a
longer report to the tour, but i dont care :P

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