Spring classics 2020

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:07 am

Second Monument! Second win for the Donkey?`

Armas, Belhassen, Brotcorne, Hikmet, Krankl, Lafargue, Quttivoyev, Totakhyl, Wiedmer.

Unfortunately at this point no idea who will end up being the leader (and winner) but I'm confident I'll figure it out in the next 7 hours.

Although, mhh, no reg last night seems. Let's hope we get some before the races start! If they start, it seems we're still living yesterday.

Anyway, my guys with mountain, Armas, Belhassen, have little pavé, the ones with pavé too little mountain, we'll have to think. As I said, 7 hours time. Maybe 31 :lol:
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:51 pm

No second win.. but somehow that was expected :lol:

Strong group I think, very strong, 3 guys with 70+ mountain, 75+pavé, and those are the favorites, 2 of them with 60+ sprint. All 3 were in the 4 man first group. 12 guys with 70+ mountain 72+pavé, 4 of them in Pokemon's team, 2 in Costs. The problem there is the Oude Kwaremont of course, 3*** risks to drop a lot of the ones that are leaders. The hope there could have been to stay close, come back or almost on the Paterberg.

Then 19 riders with 80+ pavé, 5 Tukhs, but all under 60, 3 Donkeys, max 50 mountain. Only 3 with 60+ 80+, another Pokemon, a Gipfel and a Mosca. Mosca with 66 sprint, Gipfel with 59. Pokemon with 47, but it was very clear that this guy, Davies, 66-87 with 81 pavé was going to wreak havoc on the Oude Kwaremont. The question was only which passage. Early or late. It was late.

So, favorites clear IMO, Pokemon, Gipfel, Mosca, in this order. With many outsiders, Cost with classics, but most missing pavé, Tukh the top leader, Hansa assured to be in front but thought with little chances to win, Donkey Armas, but pavé, Leinad Keita, but pavé, Liquigas 2 classics, but pavé (and no sprint)

Race: The Donkey race plan was clear from the start. Well, not the exact plan, who is the leader was to be decided along the way.... But the 3 stage rocket was clear. Go in the early escape with Quttiboyev and Krankl. Turned out to be Lafargue and Krankl, I'm not really sure why actually. And not completely surprising, but a bit, Pokemon with one there. Which basically kills the escape, best sprint, best pavé, good mountain, basically undroppable... so the whole escape was just there to see if somebody works finally. Unfortunately somebody did, I thought about going out at 14', not 15' maybe somebody had that as moment to go in. Out at 14', wait, see if a double attack later gets rid of Pokemon.... And if not no problem, that wasn't planned as the winning attack.

In the back Gipfel and Mosca let that escape go, I probably wouldn't have, would have chased any Pokemon... as I did with Liquigas/CC in MSR. But ok, having him ahead had some advantage too maybe, he has one less helper in the back, for his army not ideal... Catch him, let a group without him go, then he has a full team in the back... which allows him to keep more riders fit. And then the risk of an early massacre maybe is bigger? But ok, I would have chased him immediately.

Group at 13-14', then pace increases, down, second stage by Donkey goes, Km 141 Hikmet-Wiedmer, somebody with Wiedmer was the plan, and this one was more serious, Wiedmer my eternal hilly pavé leader that sucks, wanted to try, far from the goal, hope for some time then see. But most likely wait for the final part of the rocket. So serious attack, only in the Donkey's mind... there Poke went too, was likely that it was for siebing later, and so it was, so the 4 Donkeys ahead were only there to save themselves over some hellingen finally. Reach km 170 was the goal pretty fast. From there 28km till the next climb, so good to have helpers there. All together around there again, the Donkey at one point even had all 9 riders in the peloton again, cool . But only 1-2 km, then Quttiboyev, the last one to come back to the peloton followed the next farmer attack, so 5 Donkeys in attack today, was hoping to make it 7 later.

Farming, riding.. second Oude Kwaremont, now was likely nothing too much would happen, Pokemon had already wasted energy with farmers, unlikely he would try to blow it apart a first time here, didn't. Idéfix attack, but clearly too early before the Oude Kwaremont, after Donkey with 5 riders, Belhassen, by now leader and helped with 2 guys, Brotcorne-Armas for the later attack, if there was an opening, Wiedmer-Totakhyl for loading... So was ridden really softly. Donkey waiting for his opening, then km 218, downhill of Paterberg the weirdest action of the day IMO. Doubleattack Gipfel, Einarsson-Arvidsson, 2 strong guys. 61-85-77 with 59 sprint, 82,9 pavé and 59-87-60, 59 sprint 85,2 pavé. Green attack, but then not riding. 3 guys followed probably Arvidsson, he was behind, so Einarsson rides alone ahead, the one in the back does nothing, then soon caught. This, I absolutely didn't get. The place of the attack seemed strange, then not going for it even more. Ok, don't kill Arvidsson? But ride one km and then try with Einarsson and see what develops? Or don't attack at all. This confused me to no end. 227 Stationsberg? Or whatever, a 3*** anyway, all Donks dropped, maybe Brotcorne stayed? But no fighting on yet. All back soon.

Then finally finally at km 231 the opening, Taaienberg? Or one earlier, really no clue, but a sieb by... forgot, Tukh who was in tempo at that point in the back riding, Donkey attacks, 2 Costs too. A bit disappointingly no followers, had hoped/expected some (not too many please). Anyway, finally could do the attack, had put it in and taken it out at least twice before...I think I got the right moment for once, then hope that a biggish group can go to the end. Was small, so hope that there's no unity in the back, wait for others to come back, give us enough time to survive the last Oude Kwaremont/Paterberg combi. But was soon clear wasn't going to happen, Poke chased. Help by somebody towards the end. Anyway, that really was my best shot at the win, anticipate. Tried, failed.
The Oude Kwaremont-Paterberg finish really rather predictable. Davies siebs on the flat Kwaremontpart, 6 guys there. Downhill somebody helps davis with sectricks I htink, most likely Pincemail? Hoped to somehow get back close with Belhassen there. The leaders in on the Paterberg, Davies and Viel dropped. Thornquist and Pincemail then in tempo, as was logic. In the back Belhassen finally waits, a nice 4 man group that collaborates.. hoped to gain time, but well, we didn't.... went up to 20", stayed there, once to 19", end 21". What made it interesting was Viel chasing with Davies in his wheel.

I thought at some point Poke would go out in front, let Davies back, ride with him... then it opens 100 possibilites, Davies rides? Pincemail attacks? Davies attacks? But that's probably why Pincemail continued... he wanted to win, not have Davies as a second card, the eternal points record attempt (which will fail anyway) in front Stucki and Gamarra suck, rightly. probably I would have gone in the last 2 km when it seemed possible that Davies Viel comes back, don't want him there...

Sprint, the less said the better.

Donkey 7th, Belhassen, result wise that's fine. My attacks were ok, so I'm rather satisfied with my race. Siebing race was no option here for me (hm, or it might have been, Hikmet flat siebers, provoke POke or Gipfel into riding earlier) Keep Brotcorne in front, see if Belhassen or Armas stay, probably not, look at when they come back, bla bla...)
Leader, Armas or Belhassen.. Armas better in mountain, but pavé a bit weaker, and that 3*** was always to be decisive. So I'm ok with Belhassen. Lafargue to ride with Eggenberger? Hm, not really an option, but liked that he sort of tried that.
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Pokemon Club » Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:11 pm

Omloop, KBK, DDV, p2 Wevelgem and finally the win for Pincemail during RVV. It is a big flanders season for him.
About RVV and the sprint, Donkey said all.
Now I can stop RSF. But okay let's try to win PR before

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:30 pm

CC showing low quality in the first days of April, winning DDV, GP Miguel Indurain and RVV!

The usual km1 attack by Lylloff and Kiik, joined by Batuk(Team-Phoenix), Vergaerde(LombardInvest) and Danneels(Fraegg). The others didn't send a puller so only Lylloff to do the tempo in the beginning. Later, the group worked well together and managed to arrive at the finish line with 30“ in front of the peloton. In a low energy sprint Kuldar Kiik went from 300m and took the win. 2nd place for Batuk and 3rd for Danneels.

GP Miguel Indurain:
Ok, ok, only cat.3 but still worth mentioning. Bringing the lineup with Hitoshi & Wordsworth, Paulo + Bibek in a peloton with no other mountain rider but a few dangerous classics, it was clear that the climber duo is just 100% topfavo. And as there was only a small and easy to control group going in the beginning we even declined the offered help by the classic teams. Everything went smoothly, there was no real dangerous situation until km165 when Hitoshi did a little test sieb. After that SkyPC also did tempo with one flat rider, I don't know if it was to block possible attacks or something else.
At km182 Paulo attacked, surprisingly nobody even tried to follow. Then of course at 184 again Hitoshi siebing the weaker classics, catching Paulo and riding the next km together in order to keep him for the following kms. The only classic who could keep up with Hitoshi and Wordsworth was Schneeweiss from ADMA team, but his chances to win were very small at this moment already.
Some chasing by the SkyPC classics behind, but Paulo was strong enough to keep a gap when at km194 both Hitoshi and Wordsworth attacked, while Schneeweiss didn't go into tempo to try to keep them close. Next km Wordsworth of course managed to catch Hitoshi and they got to the last km with 15“ advantage of which 5 were lost to the chasing group.
Hitoshi then claimed to get the win, as he is the more experienced guy and Wordsworth did the „Barrichello“ shortly before the finish line. Nice race, totally controlled, but in a way too easy in the last 20kms.

Definitely the highlight, despite a unlucky start, when the team, who was scheduled to ride the race at 9am found itself stuck in the GP Miguel Indurain race. Ok, no panic, there is always the 10pm race as a second option. Other starting times would be difficult, but 10pm, why not.
The race started off almost as a copy of DDV. Lylloff and this time Godfrey White attacking at km1, joined by Leon Houa (Fraegg) Vergaerde (!) (LombardInvest) and the 38yo Marco Verdone (Coroncina). Again nobody else in the mood to send a puller. Ok, tricky, but what to do.
We waited until km40 for several reasons. First 20km I was hoping to get joined by another rider, then it was the beginning of a strategical masterpiece. Waiting for another 20km to have the possibility to use Lylloff until km118, then it would be up to the 4 other riders in front.
Lylloff starting and only after 13'30“ CrazyVikings started with the control tempo in peloton. A very slow chase so Marc was able to increase the gap to 15'30“, when all of a sudden he switches to red tempo at km101, thereby gaining another 3 minutes (!) until km118. With 18'30“ in front the group goes into Kwaremont, even increasing the gap to almost 19' in the following kms. At km146 Lorient takes over the chase in peloton, but with 19minutes, it seemed to me that the group has very, very good chances to reach the finishline first.
That was also when the tricky part with energy management started. Convincing Fraegg to stay in green tempo for as long as possible in order to have enough power for the last 30kms, while constantly checking energy cosumption/km vs remaining kms was fun and kept me awake at least.
Naturally the time advantage decrease, but as there was still only Lorient working in the peloton it got more and more likely that it will be enough for the group. At km192 a inspired attack by Los Galacticos, which was caught about 20kms later, when at km200 also Feiting Siebing joined the tempo in peloton.
Again discussion if we should go blue in front, but staying green definitely the better option and I could convince Fraegg to wait at least until km218 before we shall look again. When at km 218 the tempo in peloton was still not high enough, the gap meanwhile at 10'30“, for the last time I managed to convince Fraegg that green tempo is ok for the the next kms. This changed, when the gap was down to 7min at km 232 and the energy management showed, that red tempo for the last 37km was possible. Some of the teams in peloton seemed surprised that the group should have enough energy switch to red tempo. 5Min gap at km 250, but with the group riding together in red tempo by now it was 100% sure that the winner of fantasy RVV2020 22h will be out of this escapegroup.
The very high tempo in peloton only started at km 255, but it was too late. The group still working together, despite the huge differences in sprintstkill (38-46-54-58) it would be decided in a (very-)low energy sprint. Godfrey White took his chance there, launching the sprint from 500m and just never looked back. 2nd place for Vergaerde, 3rd for Houa and 4th but never with real chances Verdone. But nice that Coroncina is back, after few months break!

Almost a copy of DDV (Lylloff only puller, peloton too lazy, low energy sprint) this win is of course the biggest and most surprising victory in 2020 so far.
After Carl Hamilton back in 2014 winning PR, Haakon Olsen MSR 2019 and Pavel „Pavé-Pavel“ Romanishin PR 2019, CC now has a 4th Monument winner with Godfrey White from Bahamas!

Godfrey and some of the team now could rest until PR, having Bahama-Mamas and Cohibas from Eduardo Riveras factory.

Team CC now going to ride Pais Vasco, after oversleeping the morning edition, it might be that we have to join 22h again on the hunt for ranking points (ranking points, mate, you know a ranking point is a ranking point R.O'S.) and as some kind of preparation for the Giro.

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:28 am


The Donkey in the afternoon, the team is ready, even if the line up isn't sure yet.

A few comments by the riders.

Gérard Lafargue: Great, leader at Paris-Roubaix! It was a possibility when I signed for Big Donkey, but it seemed more likely to be one of 3 cards. Now I'm number 1, I hope to deliver of course. Sprint? Sprint or solo, I can do both.

Shavkat Quttiboyev: I'm here to win. Lafargue says he's the leader? For Tro Bonbon maybe, I prepared this race for a year, so of course I'm going to win. If it's a sprint, under the right circumstances I'd consider helping Lafargue there, but really depends. But doubt it's going to be a sprint.

Omar Hikmet: I'm a proven winner, so guess who'll be on top of the podium in Roubaix? Me, Omar Hikmet. Lafargue is young, lacks experience, he'll be empty well before the Carrefour de l'arbre. Shavkat is just simply not as good as I am, but will be an important helper once Lafargue starts weakening. Don't misunderstand me, I have lots of respect for Quttiboyev, but he lacks the winning instinct, if we just talk about riding on pavé he's not that much worse than me. Lafargue, as I said, he'll fight and fight, then at some point drop, give him 2-3 seasons and he'll be one of the absolutely best, but right now I'm still stronger and more reliable. This is for me.

Samuel Lanz: I'm here to learn, nothing more. I will be here again in a year. I suppose I'll have to work early in some capacity.

Andreas Nägele: Big Donkey wants me to ride those Donkeypaths? Has he lost his mind? Lanz out, me in? And early tempo if necessary for me? And then he demands that I finish the race because he has some complex that his riders should always finish their races? Can I transfer to some other team? Paris Roubaix? Send Lanz, he wants to be there. Or Izatullah, maybe he then can make up his mind what to train. Leave me out of this shit.

Armand Brotcorne: Looks like I'll be the most important rider in the team, helper number 1 for 3 leaders... .They've been arguing about who's going to be the leader for weeks now... I'll be happy to help, with bottles etc.

Stephan Wiedmer: I think I have my chance. In my races the team didn't fully support me, here I'll pay them back. The early escape with me in it should have decent chances to get through, if not I'm ready to wait and help the other guys. But think it will be my day.

Anyway, seems things are not as clear as they were for MSR, where it was Bogarin Bogarin and Bogarin. Here? Who will be the leader? And will our leader win or finally one of the helpers?

Prediction: Lafargue!
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:39 pm

My predictions are good it seems, have to do that more often!

Race, strong group,
Tukh with Eggenberger, 85,2 pavé, 72 sprint, high pavé helpers, but not high flat. Team strong, 73,6 the weakest. Then directly to 76,9. 5 guys with 80+, but...81-84 flat for 4 of those guys. 87.
Gipfel with his army spearheaded by Adrian Arvidsson, 85,2 pavé as well, very strong team, weakest pavé 74, then 74,2, number 7 with 76.5
Next Donkey, 3 guys over 80, Lafargue 87 flat 69 sprint 81,3 pavé. Team then, was rather unhappy, weak. 5 riders under 74 pavé, so really the weakest of the 3 top teams. Which often doesn't matter much, BUT, an early sieb and fast ride by either Tukh or Gipfel, or both can weaken my 3 top guys. Those 3 were good, , Brotcorne with 77 pavé nice too, the rest....not that good, somehow had hoped to fare better in that competition. I could have been left with 4 riders early really...

The best 6 pavé riders in these 3 teams, 3 Gipfel, 2 Donkeys (but not Lafargue) and 1 Tukh.
After that Valverde, Falkenbier, Girl Power and LIquigas with 82+ pavé riders,
But seemed very likely that the winner would be one of the 3 big teams.
Unfortunately Mosca with the best pavé rider in the game not there, was inscribed yesterday... would have made it more interesting, and changed a lot.

Km 2 attack by 9 riders, at 10 minutes Tukh goes in, the Donkey had Belhassen instead of Lanz and Swift instead of Totakhyl for that job. But wasn't necessary, Tukh did it alone early enough, and of course I would have liked to have Gipfel in to join. Like that ok. Tried to keep my top 6 fit, but ended up with 1... 2 at 995 and one at 990. But at least nr 5+6 wer fittish, not helping, being helped at times, so my disadvantage there possibly disappeared a bit.

Km 115 sieb by the great Kalenchuk, 6 Donkeys, 8 Gipfel and Tukh, Arnasson continued a bit, but HIgh Flyer and Liquigas brought all back by km 127. I was rather afraid of Tukh-Gipfel going a bit ealier, 106-107, then continuing together to weaken one of the 3 "big teams". Me... In their places I probably would have, sieb with one of their 80+, it's one km, doesn't really hurt much energy wise, did a km with Quttiboyev later, Arenberg maybe, he had 12 less than Hikmet after that, same before... no problem, use those 80es! Then ride with their 76 etc and the Donkey has 4 guys.... and is riding and swearing and sweating. And with the heavier pavé continuing till 116, will take time and more than 1 rider for the Donkey to come back. Helps Gipfel more than Tukh of course, Tukh could hope having me as a -3 sprint ally later if I was there, Gipfel needed to go alone

Then nothing till the Arenberg, after that 6 Donkeys, 8 Gipfels, 7 Tukhs in front. And Tukh continues, there I didn't fully get it, why use Buitink to carry 8 Gipfels?

Next Milinceanu at 203, but waited for the next groups, then everybody with 4, Tukh with 5 basically.
209 the race starts, Arvidsson sieb on the 5, 6 guys stay with him, fighting obviously... Gipfel back to the front with Cooper (and Hikmet in tow) another Arvidsson sieb, this time Cooper fighting I guess, 5 riders in front, 3 Gipfels, Eggenberger and Michael Forster by PG. Hikmet not fighting and dropped (wasn't sure if that was good at all...)
8" back the Lafargue group with Quttiboyev in tempo. And Moawad by Tukh too, 82 flat 82 pavé.
Very good action by Gipfel there, big problem potentially for me, tricky situation for Tukh. Fortunately for me Tukh decided to go for safety and help chase in the back. In his place would have done the same thing, but others maybe not. Big chase begins, 10 km later it's 9" lose or keep in the flat, gain in pavé... and Eggenberger drops at 220. I thought was early... yes, no helper, but he he blocks Gipfel a bit. not having Eggenberger to carry anymore, and with Forster being no danger (sorry) 37 km to go, now Gipfel could use Einadsson much earlier than with Eggenberger there. Even right now for the flat km, then put in Cooper for the pavé, Arvidsson alone from 239. That would have made the chase in the back difficult. Hikmet and Nurulloev, the 2 other Tukh-Donks in to compensate. Very early, we risk not being able to control anything later. And then forced to ride with the leaders from 239 too? Hard. If Eggenberger drops me, then 1 vs 1 he's dead too, if he keeps me, he keeps lots of other guys who in the finish will be as strong as we are, attacking and sprinting away everywhere.
So not sure what we do if Gipfel goes all in with Einadsson there, We lose 20-30" until 239? Or we use our fitter helpers to keep it where it is but open up ourselves for attacks? But Gipfel kept Cooper riding, so we didn't have to make any decisions... ok, seems there were questions about me continuing to ride, but well, seemed logic, what else, except having Hikmet now help Lafargue, he didn't before, wanted Hikmet as fit as possible, nothing changed.... I'm in the back, need to ride, need to hope to stay there in the Carrefour...
So only 4" at 231, a ****, Hikmet goes in, Nuru misses it. Einadsson in front, stays at 4" and then he gives up. Which is understandeable, With Nuru joining we were going to catch Einadsson anyway. Even if I planned to take Hikmet out again anyway, let it be Nurulloev vs Einadsson, Hikmet goes in from 239. But Gipfel waited, here ok, at first was surprised, but seems ok to me now.
239-240 Nurulloev, Tirpans does a sieb/energy check on Nuru at 240, but all together. 13 riders in front at this point.
242, Eggenberger-Hikmet, Eggenberger normal or yes with all, so 3 riders dropped
243, same guys in tempo, 2 further riders dropped.
And here I didn't understand Gipfel at all. Put in Arvidsson, do yes alone. Eggenberger won't be dropped, right, but Lafargue will, and Hikmet, then the situation is different, Arvidsson-Eggenberger probably alone in front. Behind chaos, but good chances that Einadsson stays with Lafargue-Hikmet, pretty sure he stays actually. Then see if this time Eggenberger joins. Because now it's 14 kms, offer to ride with him till 251 (out earlier and he can't ride because he might drop you there with an attack), ok, maybe 250 out. And see. But put in Arvidsson yes alone anyway, there's nothing to lose there really?
But like this the group became easily controllable for the Tukh-Donkey connection. Hikmet until 251, he waited for a few dropped ones more than one group, unlikely they all attack to go over us, so little risk, save energy. 12 riders together again before the *** at 251, one had attacked after coming back, but was no danger.
Lafargue Eggenberger do the ***, 7 riders left. Then... Donkey goes green with Lafargue, wait for Hikmet who is 6" back one reason, the other... 3 less sprint, so me going green a bit, or out 1 km seemed ok. Eggenberger went green too, Einadsson attacks. Lafargue and Sartor follow, 5" gained. And I have no idea when I put Lafargue on Einadsson. Remember taking him out of following for the ***, was on Eggenberger before. Then was thinking, Arvidsson the obvious one, maybe Einadsson the one to follow? But thought I decided to go back to Eggenberger. Must have either misclicked or put in Einadsson so fast that when I finished thinking I thought I put him on Eggenberger??? Weird, anyway, wasn't happy at first, even considered waiting, but then wouldn't have ridden....but ok, try 1 km, most likely Einadsson is rather unfit... So rode, didn't lose time, not completely surprising, attack with lower energy has less of an effect than when everybody is fit... Arvidsson in the back some tempo then brought it back to 2" together with Eggenberger. Sprint, went at 150, probably in at the last second, almost forgot it, respectively 200 seemed to be there forever, when it changed to 150 the minute was almost over. Without the 150 sprint possibly Sartor actually wins it... Pff.

Good race, thought a bit more action by Gipfel in some situations, when Buitink rode, when Arvidsson was ahead, Carrefour de l'arbre would have been good for him, but for me was ok like that. Good race, not excellent, 3 team were too superior really, unless we fought each other too much was going to be one of us. Lafargue with the lucky following and the win. Tukh really would have deserved it though, a bit sorry leaving him behind like that, I was ok taking my chances in the sprint, after all he didn't put in yes alone in the Carrefour, after that he had my full cooperation for sprint really. Ok, dropping me there didn't really benefit him much, alone with Eggenberger till the end, better have Lafargue there to share the burden. And possibly Hikmet. (Was tempted to do the double attack after the Carrefour, admit it, would have been possible, one more km with Hikmet then go, I get 10"+ seconds I think to the next chaser, if I'm not followed...... but after the Carrefour didn't feel like trying that, go for sprint, let me ride one km less, if he insists on the same that's ok too, see if I win the sprint. But had the mysterious following in, so went for it...
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:50 pm

Ah, Quttiboyev is throwing wheels at the Big Donkey right now.. he wanted to be leader. Beaten by Rana, beaten by Rana, what an embarrassment for my management skills he says.
Hikmet calling me a dictator, an asshole and a piece of shit, and demands a respectful talk with me to explain why I decided not to have him fight when Arvidsson did siebs. He says it was clear that he was way stronger than the frenchie.
Lafargue in the meantime trying to give me blowjobs... I rather deal with the 2 others actually.
Good think Nägele is protecting me, after deciding that he didn't need to ride today after all he's become my biggest fan!
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Gipfelstuermer » Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:14 pm

Another classic another podium another defeat

Interesting edition of Paris Roubaix. Eggenberger (85.2 pave, 72 sprint) and Lafargue (81 pave, 69 sprint) the big favos but hoped for a chance with Arvidsson (85.2 pave, 59 sprint), Einarsson (82 pave, 59 sprint) or Cooper (83 pave, 44 sprint).

Tukh controlled the race successfully for Eggenberger until km203. Arvidsson and Cooper sieb over 3km with ***** and only Eggenberger (Tukh) and Forster (PG Force) were able to stay in the group. Tukh decides to keep controlling in second group instead of letting Donkey work for Lafargue. Tukh even drops Eggenberger back to second group. Then Donkey decides to keep controlling. Good coop from them for Lafargue and Eggenberger, so very difficult for the three Gip Riders in front. Gap of 12'' was quickly closed, especially as Donkey used his second rider (Hikmet) before Tukh used his. I claimed this was really surprising riding for Eggenberger as he would be stronger on pave and on sprint.... falsely claimed so apologies to donkey...

So with a group of roughly a dozen riders (2x tukh, donkey, gip) they continued. Tukh and donkey worked well together until 5km before the finish, which is fair of course. Only mistake from big favo Eggenberger kills his day: He follows Arvidsson but I attack with Einarsson and Lafargue follows. Donkey claims it was an accident that he follows, but no bad thing to call it a "race" on the last 5km. Donkey stopped the coop with tukh in the right moment and takes the win with Lafargue.

Mystery for me why Eggenberger hangs on Arvidsson instead of Lafargue at that point. Lafargue had more helpers, less time in tempo and higher sprint value... so clearly more dangerous. Explanation? Losing concentration after 250km of control is possible. Or he did what others did before: see Gip as the big opponent but lose focus on other opponents. Happened to Hansa during RVV who gave the win to Poke and happened to Tukh here so Donkey took the win. Big gw to big donkey. Well done again after winning MSR. Suprising thing is, they all take me as the big opponent although I never won a single classic race! I take that as a compliment for my Grand Tours performance and team building skill.

12.04.2020,15 :00 : L Enfer du Nord: Flat Stage
1. 00:00:00 Gérard Lafargue (Big Donkey)
2. 00:00:00 Oscar Sartor (Liquigas-CND)
3. 00:00:00 Edvin Einarsson (Gipfelstuermer)
4. 00:00:02 Lukas Eggenberger (Tukhtahuaev)
5. 00:00:02 Adrian Arvidsson (Gipfelstuermer)

But... season target of winning a monument seems out of reach now. LBL and Lombardia clearly more for climbers or superstar classics with 75+ mountain. Maybe we can try with an escape? Seems more logical in any case after JJ, Theo and Edvin all failed as captains. All on the podium for monuments but all failed to win...

While honestly, losing the monuments vs. Donkey 2x and Poke 1x is no big problem for me. They are number 2 and 3 in eternal points after all. So simply two strong managers.
Gameplay: Flexible Min-Tact. Improve Sprint System. Windkante.
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:28 pm

CC adds another classic win as Thomas Tyrell wins Brabantse Pijl

In a latenight edition with 16 teams it started (of course) with an early attack by our heroes of the first week of april, Kuldar Kiik and Godfrey White. Big group went, while Gipfel was controlling well. Unfortunately, the group was not balanced at all - the last km a 4 made it not so easy. After good collaboration until km169 riders went out of tempo and started to wait for others to pull them, so Bibek Lama tried an attack at km 179 which some pavé-riders followed, but the strongest sprinter refused to work there. So Bibek rode a bit, then stopped.
3 bullets already fired, it was time to launch nr4+5. At km 192 Paulo Marinheiro did tempo, he stayed in tempo but maybe Theo Thornquist's tempo was more decisive for the sieb? Although 2 riders, Chris Kjaer (Bonebreakers) and Snorri Bergsson (ADMA team), could get away, which would speak for Paulo strongest guy in tempo at that km!? No problem to catch them on the next km, but what to do now? Clearly, an attack on km 194 (1*) is the only chance. Tyrell stronger than Paulo and unfollowed managed to get 6" away of the peloton and 1" ahead of Paulo, who did get 2 followers for his attack. Luckily, the sprinters were following each other, were siebed at km 192 or didn't even try to follow and so Tyrell could save 1" on the Paulo group, who could save 1" on their own to the peloton. While Tyrell was celebrating, Paulo could get p3, behind Poul Christensen (Team-Phoenix).
After somehow desastrous Tour Pais Vasco, another surprising win at a classic race!

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:16 pm

Flèche Wallonne coming!

Today Amstel Gold Race, but that's not worth my time for a report. I probably should try to take it more seriously, maybe if you really want to win it it's nice, but like this.. .bah. Somehow the parcours doesn't seem overly exciting either. Today we raced, somebody won, not a Donkey, but we claimed the moral victory. Gobert was 27th. Somebody else can write a race report, we prepare for the great Flèche Wallonne.

1 F. Antinori
2 T. Armas
3 H. Belhassen
4 T. Bogarin
5 A. Brotcorne
6 F. Krankl
7 A. Nägele
8 I. Totakhyl
9 S. Wiedmer

Maybe Swift or Hikmet for Bogarin, but otherwise that should be the team.

Dammit no, completely forgot Larios... ok ok, Larios in for??? Bogarin? Wiedmer? Totakhyl? Probably Bogarin, with the Swift/Hikmet with chances to come in for Wiedmer.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:20 am

Paulo Marinheiro shines at Amstel Gold Race

While Pauwel Kwak was preparing the beer for the 9 riders who had to ride at Amstel Race and doing some training, the race started with Eduardo and Maliksi going in an early group, only to notice after 4kms, that this time Fraegg has send a classic (70-79-70) in the escape. After no puller at DDV & RVV another rather strange approach. So Eduardo got the order to not ride for now. After the gap got to 7min freeteam and Lorient started to chase there was no other option than to join and see how the race is gonna develop further.

With 28(!) riders with 71+ mountain it was clear that there was only a chance to win with an early escape or/and an early attack, when the favos probably could not chase too hard, as they would lose their helpers, which had to chase before.
So what to do? Well, continue to ride a bit in front, rest a bit, ride a bit and see how Fraegg is going to handle the situation. He even started to put his classic in green tempo early, but without communicating anything. Meanwhile, both freeteam and Lorient were using already the second rider to chase, changing at the possible sieb kms to the slower ones, in order to keep 9 riders for a long time. That clearly improves chances, at least thats what I thought.

Kiik with the sieb at km 149, then Marc Lylloff (one of our escape heroes of the first week of April) 1" ahead of the more or less fit flat riders of Lorient and free, riding hard and giving them the choice, either to leave 2 helpers each behind or try to keep them, but losing ground in the following up and down kms. Marc giving everything until km 164 and gaining 1'26" on the tired helpers, when at km 165 Bibek Lama and Paulo Marinheiro, followed by Cristobal Yanez (Los Galacticos) and Dominik Kohr (Imperials) attacked. No reaction in Peloton and very much to my surprise only 2 other classics following Paulo. By km 172 the attackers had already 2min advantage, while the riders in the initial front group were just waiting for the right moment to drop back to help. Meanwhile Bibek and Mario Haas (SK Sturm Graz, äääh Los Galacticos) were gaining second after second in the hilly Terrain until k182 when finally Eduardo and Maliksi could drop back, the latter starting with tempo immediately.
With 3 fit classics in the group, almost 3min advantage - mostly because the teams who missed the (obvious) attack didn't even try to help in peloton for a chance of a later attack - it was just a very good situation. Ride with the helpers until km220, from there the 3 classics together and it was guaranteed that this 3 are gonna be the ones fighting for win+podium. A 4th classic there and it would have been anything but easy....
At km 220 then happened, what I was a little bit afraid of. Paulo Marinheiro (CircleCycle) kann nicht mithalten. 45km to go, 3min advantage. If Kohr and Yanez don't wait, they probably gonna make it anyway. But they agreed to wait, and after being dropped for a second time at km 226 Paulo asked for blue tempo on the remaining steep kms which was accepted.

Peloton was no danger anymore for the 3 in front, the tempo not being high enough and the gap too big anyway for a counterattack. The cooperation in the group held until km258 when Kohr, clearly the guy with the least chances in a sprintfinish attacked succesfully and, maybe desicevly, too strong for Yanez to follow. Paulo and Yanez got him back 4 kms before the finish line.
The start of the sprint saw Yanez in front of Marinheiro, but with a sprint from 200m Paulo could surprise Yanez, who at that time had the wheel of Kohr. When Yanez didn't sprint from 150m but only from 100m it was too late and Paulo could cross the finish line almost a bike length in front.

So Amstel Gold Race for Paulo, who was not even declared as captain by the team manager before the start of the race.
The almost unbelievable series of classic wins continues, a lucky streak, no question, but a really nice win with a long range attack.

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:21 am

Flèche Wallonne 15h

Record winner Donkey, 4 wins (we don't talk about the time he should have won and failed, ah we just did) has decided the lineup

1 F. Antinori
2 T. Armas
3 H. Belhassen
4 A. Brotcorne
5 F. Krankl
6 J. Larios
7 A. Nägele
8 I. Totakhyl
9 S. Wiedmer

So the Giro team with Totakhyl and Wiedmer instead of Bogarin and Swift.
Antinori leader, Larios second option. Wiedmer for the early slightly hilly part, Brotcorne for the flat parts, Nägele Krankl after that, Totakhyl for some downhills, Belhassen+Armas for the last part.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
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gaurain rx
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by gaurain rx » Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:43 pm

Robyklebt wrote:
Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:21 am
Flèche Wallonne 15h

Record winner Donkey, 4 wins (we don't talk about the time he should have won and failed, ah we just did) has decided the lineup

1 F. Antinori
2 T. Armas
3 H. Belhassen
4 A. Brotcorne
5 F. Krankl
6 J. Larios
7 A. Nägele
8 I. Totakhyl
9 S. Wiedmer

So the Giro team with Totakhyl and Wiedmer instead of Bogarin and Swift.
Antinori leader, Larios second option. Wiedmer for the early slightly hilly part, Brotcorne for the flat parts, Nägele Krankl after that, Totakhyl for some downhills, Belhassen+Armas for the last part.
No fear, no glory.. Starting also at 15h with ambitions (which one, don't ask me) :

1. Théophane Barreau
2. Jonathan Bouckhaert
3. Yohann Frognet
4. Achille Gourdin
5. Lukas Jung
6. Gaston Lambot
7. Julien Liboton
8.Georges Prieur
9. Marten Van Looy

Looks like unbeattable hé...

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:10 pm

Donkeys running wild in Huy! Again!

It's becoming a yearly plague, those Donkeys invading the streets of Huy, wreaking havoc, going on a rampage!

5th win, 3rd win in a row, forget fake news about Donkey weaknesses in the Flèche, forget malicious talk about failings, never happened, how else can you explain this new record? Antinori unbeatable, boom. 2018 1st Zafzaf 4th Aeschlimann, 2019 1st Hisashi Matsuyama 3rd Hiroshi Matsuyama, so we went one better and 1st Antinori 2nd Larios. 2021? Ex aequo win, that's all that's left. Or maybe we go back to failing... ok ok that happened, long time ago we almost don't remember it....

Not much to write about the race, 6 man group goes, 2 pullers 4 leaders, 69 mountain to 48, so while the top mountain guy is a danger, the 48 would either make it a 3 man group soon, or slow them down in the hills. Little danger if I pay attention. So the Donkey, cool as antarctic ice, relaxed as during a massage, worry-less as a sleeping Baby made tempo. Ok, slightly nervous, don't let too much time, so played a bit of Mahjong Titans in order not to have to watch all... But nowhere near as nervous as with Zafzaf, where I probably survived 19 heart attacks before this race was over. Can almost count as relaxed this year.

Ideally wanted to reach 118 with 2 riders, 5 minutes down. Did it with 1, a mistake that cost me the win once, keeping the same guy too long. So wasn't too happy that I deviated from my plan. A bit too much back too, but one rider more, should be ok. After all it's easy to miscalculate here, lots of flat, the time gain in the hills of course is there, but they are short. But Wiedmer did such a good job, couldn't talk him out of tempo. So Brotcorne after the first sieb at 118. 137 tried something new, heavy sieb to isolate Barreau completely, make him lose energy. Feiting would catch me, no problem, then use Krankl/Nägele/Totakhyl later, while killing Belhassen early. After all Barreaus team wasn't too impessive, 68 as second best mountain skill. And he was the only opponent on the Mur. Barreau dropped back, so we stopped, better keep Belhassen for later, and if we continue Larios isn't getting any help.

So wait, continued with siebs here and there, Krankl, Nägele working, Then km 168 with Belhassen again, weakened obviously, so Frognet, the 68 stayed, but well seemed ok like this. Good try by Killers at 180, but I was easily in control by then. The final climb of the Mur, Antinori unstoppable. Larios the closest, 4" back Barreau as expected, didn't have the legs today, that was the early impression we got from him in the race anyway. We checked his Pais Vasco results, he seemed very strong there, so were worried at first, but he didn't seem to have the kick today, maybe age? Barreau third at 5" with Dutoux at the same time.

Rather easy and unexciting win, but that's the good thing (one of the many good things actually, not really "the", that's a literary device here) about the Donkey, at the Flèche he doesn't need excitement to be happy, just wins is enough. 1 team race? No problem, as long as I don't fall asleep and get kicked out. So after Helios Hochuli, Dourado, Zafzaf and Matsuyama, Antinori joins the riders that get posters in the Donkey's bedroom, eh stable.

Next up Charleroi-Tournai-Charleroi, a real classic, even if not recognized as such by the general public.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:03 am

Ivkov lucky at the Flèche Wallonne 15h

In a race with only 2 other climbers (one of them Hitoshi M.) Ivkov was lucky enough to catch the very dangerous escape led by Pokemon on the last km. The race itself was well controlled but it was clear, that if some in-form classics attack, that it will be very hard to get them back. In fact, if one or two more classics follow the pokemon-freudenfeuer-Team phoenix attack, it may have well been enough.
Got help in the last 5?km by free-team, who secured p2 winning the sprint against Poke's Darwin Machis, but 4" behind a strong Ivkov. Hitoshi M., in the role of a helper finished 4th, but his tempo on the uphill part from km179 was very important.

The preparations for La Doyenne are almost finished - the final line and the starting time not yet decided.

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:54 pm


Last spring classic that counts.

1 T. Armas
2 F. Antinori
3 A. Brotcorne
4 H. Belhassen
5 F. Krankl
6 J. Larios
7 A. Nägele
8 I. Totakhyl
9 S. Wiedmer.

Bogarin stays at home, even if he really wanted to win this too, from an escape. But ok, after Wiedmer's good job on Wednesday he deserves the start here too. Armas starts as leader, but others can ride themselves into that role. Antinori&Larios can sieb, Belhassen can hope to stay on or come back, Krankl-Nägele-Wiedmer for tempo if necessary, escapes if that looks good, Brotcorne for the Belgian win and Totakhyl as usual is there without know exactly what he is good for. As long as he's present it's ok I guess. We don't really have a strategy yet, we'll see that tomorrow before the race and of course during the race too.
Prediction: T. Armas!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

gaurain rx
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by gaurain rx » Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:08 pm

Robyklebt wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:54 pm

Last spring classic that counts.

1 T. Armas
2 F. Antinori
3 A. Brotcorne
4 H. Belhassen
5 F. Krankl
6 J. Larios
7 A. Nägele
8 I. Totakhyl
9 S. Wiedmer.

Bogarin stays at home, even if he really wanted to win this too, from an escape. But ok, after Wiedmer's good job on Wednesday he deserves the start here too. Armas starts as leader, but others can ride themselves into that role. Antinori&Larios can sieb, Belhassen can hope to stay on or come back, Krankl-Nägele-Wiedmer for tempo if necessary, escapes if that looks good, Brotcorne for the Belgian win and Totakhyl as usual is there without know exactly what he is good for. As long as he's present it's ok I guess. We don't really have a strategy yet, we'll see that tomorrow before the race and of course during the race too.
Prediction: T. Armas!
Competing also for LBL trophy at 15h..Only 10 riders left after the departure of Frognet, Gourdin (who still worked hard and brillantly today) and Wauthier, our serial classic winner. He was still motivated to go for one more year but we needed some space for our future star climber. So everybody except Prévois riding tomorrow. Let's celebrate a second win in a row on Belgian ground

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:47 pm

Joining the fun at 15h too.
Weakish Team of course, combined with low-class Manager, the goal is a place in the top20!

el Galactico
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by el Galactico » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:10 am

22h version of Liège-Bastogne-Liège

The early group of 6 riders and one puller got to 16 minutes before they stopped and rested. With Mangahn being offline at that time and the other favorite Lorient in the group it had the looks for quite some time that this group was going to make it but somehow nobody seemed overly interested in trying to go to the end. Bearclaw with the puller had the weakest sprinter of the 6 and decided to use his guy in front in another way after Mangahn started the chase when he finally came online. Steve Holcombe and Fleche Wallone winner Hamish MacDonald attacked very early and nobody reacted to it. Hamish eventually continued alone and got to over 4 minutes. I looked pretty good for a while but the long flat part at the end of the race should prove to be too much for him. He would have been a deserved winner but at the end the race was a few kms too long for him.
Mangahn tried to get rid of Lorient's strong classic Dupont with an early attack but the team of Lorient which could rest in the peloton until that point was able to keep him in distance. So when the last hill was over there was a group of 14 riders lead by Lorient with Dupont chasing Hamish in front and Mangahn's Lilly in between.
My team was in that group with our two leaders for this race - Marco deLuca and Cristobal Yanez. Cristobal made the cut to the first group while being the worst of the classics in front. The difference in sprint between Marco and Dupont was 64 to 57 but Dupont was forced to do some tempo to catch Mangahn so we saw our chances growing for a sprint. With 2km to go Cristobal attacked, Dupont had to follow and the group didn't get away as I hoped.
So again this cost Dupont energy while Marco could rest. The group of Mangahn/Bear was caught on the last km.
In the final sprint Marco was in the wheel of Dupont while Yanez was in another row alone in front. At 200 meters Yanez started his sprint and Marco could and should have followed him. It would have been the win. Marco was stronger at the end but not enough to overtake Dupont from his wheel.

The spring classics end with another podium and a race which will leave me thinking for some time. The chance to win my first monument ever was there for a minute but I didn't take right decision. It would have been the second Ardennes win for Marco after he won the 23h version of the Fleche earlier.
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:56 am


16 teams, (if the thing is correct) as expected km 1 the big attack, 9 teams ahead. Wiedmer in tempo immediately, did 80 km, then it was enough. No of the other favorites seemed interested in riding (could be because I started early of course) so out. And at this point I was okay with letting the group through. After all VC Multi with Conceiao 78-69 with 65 sprint, free with his countless classics, the best at 75-81 with 54 sprint, depending on form Gipfel with Thornquist 73-80 with 64 sprint (but that was more of an outsider, 73 normally not enough to be in the first group, especially with no puller. On the other had with the team he had early attacks weren't impossible either) and probably others had reason to ride too. Didn't check too closely, free for sure had reason to ride, that was enough for me to stop after 80 km. And of course free didn't ride, but VC Multi did. Still, at that point I thought the escape actually had a fair chance to go through. VC Multi didn't have the team to chase, and was basically assured of being siebed pretty soon...so ok, use 1 or 2 for his chances until then ok.
Anyway, didn't matter, km 115 CC started the attack from the back, too early IMO, unlikely to go through from that far and the front group had chances to go through like this I thought, why sabotage it. Lama and Klick go, at km 121 the Tyrell Marinheiro attack. With lots of followers, amont them a Big Donkey, Totakhyl at 69-72 and a free 73 mountain. Totakhlyyl not having been helped, but not helping either sure not as fit as others, but with some sucking can work later. The group actually had a chance, if nobody reacted, but Liquigas who had missed this one did. Advantage went up to 2 minutes, but in the end the group was always under control. After all in the back I had possible interest in getting back too, so after a while worked together with Liquigas, keeping the group somewhere near.
Group leaders then in tempo, Izatullah joined too after a while, worked rather well, but with the last 11 coming the big danger was always being siebed by the certainly still fitter 73 by free. So went out again before the last climb, whatever that is. Which killed the group, others followed this time.
There the decisive moments too, 2 groups in the back, the first one already with only really strong classics, let the second one back or not? Was thinking too long, wanted it back for Habib, but didn't want it back for most of the others.... In retrospect should have let it back earlier, leave Totakhyl in front and try the attack with Habib immediately. But ok, didn't, dropped Totakhyl, but so late the group came back, rode, then Antinori, Armas 2" ahead of Liquigas and free. And that was the problem, free, who didn't even bother having his climber wait for his classic to bring him back there too. On the 7 Antinori too strong for Armas, had to wait, in the back Liquigas did it better, back to 1", there any small hope of Armas being the only classic in front was gone. Alone in front and stay alone was rather unlikely anyway, at most I get 4" or so after the climb, unlikely he can keep that if it's against more than 1 classic in the back. So wait (or maybe they caught me not sure I went out early enough) Then ride with the free classic and Armas. In retrospect stupid, 54-55 sprint, the 55 who was going to ride very little, with a normal manager just the downhill, he'd be clearly the favorite at the end. Better ride green or blue... or let him ride alone, but ok, mintact not enough for such advanced tactics. At least I had the good sense of refusing to ride the downhil with Antinori, let Romero do that, free didn't have the good sense to do that... So Fuenzalida attacked at the -7. And here I didn't have the good sense to follow. Not sure why. Probably one thing is that I expected free to use common sense, and ride those 2 km with Romero. But still, should have put Armas on Fuenzalida for these 2 km. Stupid not to. So lost all chances to win. In the remaining 4 km free still seemed more concerned with saving energy, for his classic now, instead of putting him in alone, certainly fitter than the surviving guy from the escape, he tried to spend less energy for the sprint I guess. Or just normal instinct :lol: So 4" in the end for Cristobal, deserved and good win, he rode for it, attacked in the right place. And attacked to get rid of Barreau and some Falkenbier passenger in the last km too.

Donkey of course has some regrets, follow Fuenzalida. Pretty sure he can follow, energy wise was still closer to 900 than 800 (I think)... stupid not to think of it. Then the win is not assured, but chances are there. Like this, no. And even if free rode for his interests instead in the end, I actually don't think I had many chances to beat him, should have collaborated green max really, not red. And somehow still have the feeling I could have done more with Habib, but not sure what exactly...
But well, good winner, Fuenzalida, interesting race and in the end I won enough this spring, no need to overdo it :D
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Laurens88 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:05 am

So all important spring classics are over, let's recap:

Omloop: 1. Mansilla, 7. Toloza
Monte Paschi: 1. Browne, 10. Toloza
Milano - San Remo: 13. Mansilla
Harelbeke: 1. Mansilla, 9. Cleverley, 10. Abromaitis
Wevelgem: 3. Abromaitis, 10. Mansilla
Dwars door Vlaanderen: 4. Abromaitis, 5. Morris
RVV, Scheldeprijs, Paris-Roubaix: not participated; preferred to focus on Pais Vasco
Brabant: 1. Browne, 4. Abromaitis
Amstel: No time to race
La Wallone: 3. Manu, 5. Abromaitis. 7. Kaltack
LBL: 2. Browne, 9. Abromaitis

Except for DDV and the horrible MSR (somehow this classic never works out for me), a podium on every classic where we started. So overall I think we can be satisfied. Thankfully no losses resulting from mistakes. Mansilla and Browne were the stars of the spring, with 2 wins each. Browne won it because of sheer skill, while Mansilla had to be clever and sometimes lucky in the sprint to catch his win. We can also conclude that Abromaitis is a great rider from his 6 placements in the top 10, but he clearly lacks the killer-instinct to actually win lots of races. Nonetheless, the team is blessed to have such a strong rider in the roster.

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:13 am

Only 4 wins? After your autumn 19 thought you win more than just 44% of the ones where you start. Failure!!!! The Republic is in danger, the monarchy gains supporters :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hm, didn't see you in any afternoon editions, autumn you were there depressing me with winning non stop. Join us in the afternoon again in autumn!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Spring classics 2020

Post by CircleCycle » Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:15 pm

Since I started posting about my glorious wins also wanna give my opinion on the LBL 15h, where Big Donkey already gave a good summary of what happened.
Chances for the early escape group were quite OK, just with Liqui in it, Marc Lylloff weaker than the rest AND the slow chase by VC-Multi (49-65 or something like that), the 2+2 attack before and on the first hill (km115 and km121) seemed like a more promising alternative. Early, yes definitely, but waiting with two not in top form 70-80 to be siebed later? No thank you.
Chances then of course depend a lot on who is following and who is gonna react in peloton. I expected a free team guy following, and was hoping for Belhassan instead of Totakhyl. Then, a few things could have been improved in the next 40kms, clearly, if I can bring Marc over the hills fresher the chances would increase a lot. Unfortunately, the cooperation wasn't as good as it could have been. Probably it would have been better to send Bibek in escape and attack with Marc later. Anyway, the attack was not without hope, but Big Donkey with way better chances in peloton than with Totakhyl, helping Liqui in the chase made it very unlikely to go through. Nothing wrong with that, but Liqui alone with free and Big Donkey working in escape would have made the difference.
Good work by Liquigas, good attack, and for once definitely deserved the win. The last 5km although a bit strange, free not blocking, Donkey not following, but my guess is, that many riders were following Armas at the km, where Liqui attacked.
In the end p5 for Ivkov, clearly manager's fault who should bring Hitoshi in the lineup. Worse form, but better sprintskill.

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