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Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:34 am
by Gera
Renaissance Königreiche

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Die Renaissance Königreiche (kurz RK) ist ein freies, historisch-realistisches, Multispieler Rollenspiel, das im Mittelalter stattfindet. Sie leben in einem Dorf, in einer Provinz im Sacrum Romanorum Imperium Nationis Germanicæ, gegen 1450. Alle anderen Bewohner sind auch Spieler, und Sie müssen sich in die Gemeinschaft integrieren, Geld und Ruf verdienen, eine Arbeit ausüben, ihren Grundbesitz entwickeln, um dann die Macht zu erobern, Bürgermeister, Bischof oder auch Regent werden, und ihr Land regieren. Sie können auch beschliessen, dass so eine materialistische Macht nicht interessant ist, und Sie es lieber haben, umher zu wandern, um die verschiedenen Dörfer und Wirtshäuser zu besichtigen, die Einwohner kennen zu lernen...

Eine realistische Simulation des Lebens im Mittelalter in Europa...

The Renaissance kingdoms (briefly RK) is a free, historical-realistic, multiplayer role play which takes place in the Middle Ages. You live in a village, in a province in the Sacrum Romanorum empire Nationis Germanic æ, about 1450. All the other inhabitants are also players, and you must integrate yourselves into the community, money and call earn, a work exercise, her property develop to conquer then the power, mayors, bishop or also regent become, and govern her country. You can also decide that thus a materialist power isn't interesting, and you have rather, to wander about to visit the different villages and pubs, to get to know the inhabitants...

A realistic simulation of the life in the Middle Ages in Europe...

Re: Browsergames

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:33 pm
by bergwerk cycling

Kostenlos mit überwiegend netten Mitspielern und vor allem man kann Skat spielen,
wenn man Lust hat und so lange man möchte :-) Es nimmt nur die Zeit in Anspruch,
die man auch spielt, Voraussetzung man kann Skat spielen (möglichst besser als ich .-)

Man findet mich dort unter bergwerk65 (welch ein Zufall), falls mich jemand suchen sollte.

Re: Browsergames

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:43 pm
by schappy
Race – engine Sportmanager
What is expected of a good motor Sportmanager? We have found a very balanced and realistic combination however to have a very high level of play.
Each season consists of 17 races and runs 61 days. After the start of the season, there is a race every three days. In the meantime have sponsors sought and found and driver with ten differentiated and partly oblige trainierbare handling characteristics. The car is made from 16 parts of four development groups (aerodynamics, stability, behaviour and performance). For the development of these parts you need engineers and designers as well as to repair mechanics.-team depending on expenses you can very quickly develop a competitive vehicle. But you should be on the finances you have infinite money cannot be used. Forget not should also, bringing together its tires, and motor vehicle as a complete package. In a well-developed vehicle with suitable tyres, engine and the correct driver, you can successfully pass the race weekend.
The race weekend is the core of the game. Here everyone wants to bring its benefits from the development and preparation for the road. The race weekend consists of two days. The training and qualifications is on the first day. In practice, you must first find the right setup for the route. Here you can test four properties (front wing, wing, suspension, and gear ratio) using the driver to the perfect balance. After you find the Setup for the route, can you go in the qualification and to contend with the opponent to the pole position. Before the race, you must define yet strategy of changing tyres. The live race can you track then the race. Here, each round is calculated and the spacing change from round to round. Race failures and accidents are possible, so that you don’t know the exact result until the last round. Here, stress is to guarantee the target flag.