Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

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Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:59 pm

For the last few years Tukhtahuaev put the cycling division on hold to focus on their motorsports efforts. Now the team is finally able to focus more on their cycling endeavours again. For now the team is still constrained by a rather modest budget and has to focus on young and local talent, but we hope to reach the heights of the past again.

The current roster:

Image Azamat Abdurashidov
Image Oybek Sariboev
Image Sherzod Kholmatov
Image Shodiyor Gafurbekov
Image Dmytro Kravchenko
Image Yaroslav Nesterenko
Image Vsevolod Skorko
Image Erbolat Kenzhebek
Image Beksultan Babakhanov
Image Nurdaulet Rakhimzhanov
Image Nikita Tatarinov
Image Magomed Bakayev
Image Vladimir Bogaciuc
Image Atanas Peshov
Image Normunds Deklavs
Image Ilya Pashkevish
Image Axel Vermeylen
Image Reuben Kemp
Image Hugo Gil
Last edited by Tukhtahuaev on Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:51 am

The Big Donkey is very happy to see Tukhtahuaev back! Now just ride in the afternoon.
Sadly I just had to fire Tukhtasinov as assistant DS last Saturday. I realized that he was too old, same as the DS and the other assistant DS. But since you're back maybe you'll produce another talented DS that can take over the position soon!

Anyway, viva Tukht! Welcome back! Join the afternoon! (Level is quite a bit lower than it used to be, we have T-Mobile-A, r anti-Ganna, AAD, Bergwerk and so riding there now, your class would be more than welcome!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:24 am

Unfortunately my current schedule makes riding in the afternoon difficult. I'll try to join you for a few races on the weekends when I can, but I can't promise too much

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:11 pm

It took only one week for the first real success to come. In one of the most exciting flat race I can remember, Egor Stepanov managed to win the mass sprint to give the team its first win since the comeback

13.03.2023,9 :00 : Cuglieri-Cagliari: Flat Stage
1. 00:00:00 Egor Stepanov (Tukhtahuaev)
2. 00:00:00 Ilario Mosconi (Gipfelstuermer)
3. 00:00:00 Georg Steib (Black-Star)
4. 00:00:00 Cody Boer (Trekken Racing)
5. 00:00:00 Bernardo Simoes (Cultural Salamanca)

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Impressive performances in Italy, but no wins

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:03 pm

Both Milano-Torino and Milano-Sanremo almost went into the history books for the team, but in the end we just fell short.

At Milano-Torino a late escape allowed Erbolat Kenzhebek a 2nd place finish. Stepanov with outside chances in the bunch sprint took the wrong wheel and disappointed in P14.

15.03.2023,10 :00 : Milano-Torino: Flat Stage
01. 00:00:00 Phil Taylor (Kreatief)
02. 00:00:00 Erbolat Kenzhebek (Tukhtahuaev)
03. 00:00:00 Smithson Utivich (Schartner Bombe)
04. 00:00:00 Percy Rojas (SV Furpach)
05. 00:00:01 Oleg Potrov (Rsc Spree)

In Sanremo the team were complete outsiders, so all hopes were on the escape. To everyone's surprise the escape actually went through. Unfortunately Vladimir Bogaciuc was not quite strong enough to win, but a 2nd place finish at one of the most important races is still a major success. This is already the 4th Milano-Sanremo podium finish in the teams history, unfortunately still without a win

18.03.2023,21 :00 : La Classicissima: Flat Stage
1. 00:00:00 Fitzgerald Pineda (CerveloTestTeam)
2. 00:00:00 Vladimir Bogaciuc (Tukhtahuaev)
3. 00:00:00 Daan Vercruysse (Belgium)
4. 00:00:00 Damian Schiffbauer (pinte pakkers)
5. 00:01:35 Vinncent Verhoeven (Romoc Riders)

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:19 am

New arrivals for April and May

Bulgarian flatrider Atanas Peshov was already signed for the beginning of April. In the future he is supposed to keep the peloton together towards the end of races and help our second new signing.
Normunds Deklavs from Latvia will hopefully become the next star sprinter for the team. Deklavs is also quite competent on pavé and may sneak a few good results in Belgium next spring

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Every race should be in Italy

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Sat Apr 22, 2023 4:08 pm

Yaroslav Nesterenko managed a surprise win out of an escape today. In the final sprint everyone else watched each other and no one reacted to his launch

This is the 5th entry to the Palmarès since the comeback and all 5 of them happened in Italy. The team is now thinking about joining the Giro in May to increase the chances of good results

22.04.2023,10 :00 : Italian Border - Monfalcone: Flat Stage
1. 00:00:00 Yaroslav Nesterenko (Tukhtahuaev)
2. 00:00:00 Florian Schwimmer (Ansach)
3. 00:00:00 Harry Wilson (Cultural Salamanca)
4. 00:00:00 Vladimir Bogaciuc (Tukhtahuaev)
5. 00:00:00 Sergio Lador (Cultural Salamanca)

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Tue May 02, 2023 8:08 am

April 2023

3,344 points

Overall a very decent month. It didn't start well with a very underwhelming Basque Tour, but after that results improved. 3 wins, 2 of them by Egor Stepanov in fantasy sprint races, 1 out of an escape. After the comeback there really aren't much more opportunities.
The classics as expected without any highlights. P13 at RVV and PR for Adurashidov, P18 at LBL for Kravchenko. Flèche Wallone a little bit better with a P7, but also a small and weak field. So really not much to write about.
Training went well. Kravchenko reaching 70 mountain was a nice surprise. Young riders all with decent or good training. A few more months and we might be able to fight for wins in more important races

Not riding the Giro in May, so probably good chances to get a few decent results as opposition shouldn't be the strongest in parallel to the best GT

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:45 am

May 2023

3,799 points

May was a very successful month. Only 1 stage win by Azamat Abdurashidov doesn't sound that good, but that's not all there is to the story. We decided rather spontaneously to ride the 4 Jours de Dunkerque and Tour of Norway, which proved to be a very good decision.
In Dunkerque it was Sherzod Kholmatov who got to shine. Thanks to 3rd places in both key stages he managed to not only win the youth jersey, he actually won the GC as well. That's the first stage race victory since the comeback. As a bonus we also got the Team classification.
Norway didn't go quite as well, but still some decent results. This time Dmytro Kravchenko finished 3rd overall and we won two more jerseys. Oybek Sariboev surprisingly won the youth classification and Vladimir Bogaciuc won the mountain jersey as he was simply the only one that really fought for it. None of the other one day races are worth mentioning, but still a very good month.

We can also welcome two new riders to the team. Beksultan Babakhanov from Kazakhstan joins as a hopeful classic for the future, while the Belarussian Ilya Pashkevich is supposed to be a rather cheap hellper, who can do a lot of early tempo

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:51 am

June 2023

1,673 points

A very underwhelming month this time. No results worth mentioning at all until the National Championships where we managed a total of 5 wins. Unfortunately those wins don't earn you a lot of money or points, so not a big help to get the team back to the top.
In the end Azamat Abdurashidov got us a real win towards the end of the month after following the right attack in a not so important race. Nothing else worth mentioning this month. The lack of success meant that we didn't have the budget for a new rider for the most part. Now the budget would be enough, but there is a very limited number of riders worth considering.

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:32 am

July 2023

2,256 points

Another unspectacular month, but a bit better than June. Azamat Abdurashidov gave us the only win this month in a rather unimportant one day race in Italy, but there were plenty of decent results all around, including 4 top 3 positions in stages at Austria, Castilla y Leon and Pologne.
On the personel side there were a few more changes. At the start of July promising Uzbek allrounder Shodiyor Gafurbekov joined the team. He can do pretty much anything well, but his main focus will be the Spring classics. Also joining the team just now is Belgian Axel Vermeylen, who is a pavé specialist and is supposed to give us the 3rd Paris - Roubaix win

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:38 am

August 2023

3,018 points

Lazy, so almost 2 weeks too late with the August summary. A solid month with 3 sprint victories by Egor Stepanov, one of them actually rather important at the Benelux Tour. As a bonus Ilya Pashkevich got 3rd at the BEMER Cyclassics out of a group. Actually missed a few chances for more wins, so things are looking good for the future.
The team also welcomes another young rider. Vsevolod Skorko from Ukraine joins as a future flat monster

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:22 pm

September 2023

4,751 points

An absolutely incredible end of the month! The beginning of september was nothing special until the two classics in Canada, where Oybek Sariboev got his chance to shine, taking 3rd at Québec and two days later winning in Montréal. A few days later we got another win thanks to a brave escape attempt from Azamat Abdurashidov.
All these result pale a little bit compared to what happend in the final third of the month with an incredible streak of wins and good results in the Tour de Luxembourg and Cro Race. In Luxembourg the team completely dominated the field and two wins each from Babakhanov and Sariboev meant that we won every single stage apart from the time trial. Due to the TT it was impossible to also take the GC, but Sariboev at least managed 3rd overall and also took the sprint jersey. All these victories of course also gave us the team classification.
At the Cro Race it was a similar picture, although not quite as dominant. Three stages won, one each for Atanas Peshov, Axel Vermeylen and Erbolat Kenzhebek, the team classification again and also the mountain jersey for Ilya Pashkevich. Unfortunately there were no chances in the general classification with Vladimir Bogaciuc finishing fifth as the best rider of the team.

Thanks to the much higher than expected income we managed to sign two new riders for this month. Magomed Bakayev fro mRussia is a promising classic who we expect to play an important role starting with the spring classics, while Reuben Kemp from the Bahamas is more of a support rider, who should get decent results in flat stages

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Re: Tukhtahuaev - Still not difficult to pronounce

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:42 am

October 2023

4,627 points

Overall very mixed feelings about this. Stats look a lot better than it actually was, but they are misleading. A lot of money and points come from Cro Race, which was primarily done in September. After winning the final stage there it took a while to get any more results worth mentioning. Guangxi was very disappointing with mediocre sprint results and no GC chances.
Success finally came at the national championships where we won the three most important ones for the team. Shodiyor Gafurbekov won in Uzbekistan, Erbolat Kenzhebek in Kazakhstan and Vsevolod Skorko in Ukraine. Given the lack of opposition these wins are seen as mandatory, so we barely had reason to celebrate.
The real highlight then finally came at the Tour de Paves. Shodiyor Gafurbekov could win the fourth stage and also secure second in the general classification. In addition to that he also won the points and youth classification. For a while Sherzod Kholmatov was also in GC contention, actually wearing the yellow jersey for one stage, but he overexerted himself in the half stage and couldn't keep up afterwards.

On the personnel side Egor Stepanov, one of the most important riders of the first few comeback months retired. He was the one to get the first win after over 2 years.
Finally we also welcome 2 new riders. 25 years old Hugo Gil from Bolivia was signed as an additional option for the spring classics thanks to his decent mountain and pavé skill. Our second signing is Nurdaulet Rakhimzhanov from Kazakhstan, whose biggest quality is his salary

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