Team Bright

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Team Bright

Post by Bright » Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:03 pm

New Team Bright will (after a mismanagement restart) debut in the Tireno Adriatico woth a young and unexperienced team. As the only Division 7 team in there I hope to learn from my competitors and maybe grab any yersey for a day.

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Re: Team Bright

Post by Bright » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:59 pm

Team Bright has evolved to a mostly homegrown team:

🇳🇿 Erving Plower 24 Flatrider and Pave Specialist
🇳🇿 Flopp McMell 24 Young Climber
🇨🇲 Gilles Moulin 24 Pave Specialist and Timetrial hero
🇿🇦 Hans Geurtbraaij 21 Young helper
🇳🇿 Jape Thayer 22 Young classic rider
🇳🇿 Jay Thayne 21 Young leadout and flat rider
🇦🇺 Marny Sheep 26 Helper
🇦🇺 Merrin Farmboy 23 Young second sprinter
🇦🇺 Philmus Pantium 23 Helper
🇳🇿 Pim Shorts 27 Helper
🇭🇷 Petter Maljevic 33 Team Dad (Retired in August)

And the riders that transferred in from another team:
🇨🇭 Loris Donnerhaus 32 Classic Rider and hillsprinter
🇦🇹 Siegfried Berlinger 31 Classic Rider

Expectations are that in the next three months there will be some new riders joining:
-Classic Rider (high reg)
-Time Trialist (Gize Mules added in august)
-Flat Rider (John Dopp added in august)
-Pave specialist

We also expect Petter, Loris and Siegfried will retire in the next 3 months.

So in three months Bright is expected to have 15 riders and a fully homegrown squad

Update: With 2 months to go looking for 3 adds: Sprinter, Classic and Pave Guy) (Sep hopefully a Classic, Oktober a Pave guy and a Sprinter)

Sep: Classic (15)
Okt: Pave+Sprint Reitre berl&donn (15)
Nov: Pave (16)
Dec: Flat (17)
Jan:Climber (18)
Feb: Classic Retire Shorts (18)
March:Climber Retire Sheep (18)
Apr:Classic (19)
May:Climber (20)

Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:59 pm

Re: Team Bright

Post by Bright » Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:43 pm

Pre-selection for the Vuelta:

🇳🇿 Flopp McMell 25 Team leader
🇳🇿 Jape Thayer 23 Young classic
🇳🇿 Gize Mules 21 Time Trialist
🇿🇦 Erwin Ploegers 21 Time Trialist
🇿🇦 Hans Geurtbraaij 22 Helper
🇧🇸 John Dopp 21 Helper
🇦🇺 Marny Sheep 27 Helper

🇳🇿 Pim Shorts 28 Helper
🇦🇺 Philmus Pantium 24 Helper
🇨🇭 Loris Donnerhaus 32 Classic
🇳🇿 Jay Thayne 22 Flat rider / Leadout
🇨🇲 Gilles Moulin 25 Pave rider

Left at home:
🇳🇿 Erving Plower 25 Paves
🇦🇺 Merrin Farmboy 24 Sprinter
🇦🇹 Siegfried Berlinger 32 Classic

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