Team Trojer Vellau

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Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:37 pm

Now we go for it ... Team Chense is under new management and they got a sponsoring by famous company Hans Trojer from Vellau ... So now here we present us to the world.


Team Trojer Vellau has 717 races and won 72 stages. The Team has 60460 eternal points what means an average of 84.32 points per Race.
One of our stagewins was a Cat 4 (Piemonte 2010) besides of that we have won 6 Tours, 7 green jerseys, 6 red jerseys and 8 white jerseys.
Also we have won 8 team classifications.


At the moment the team consists of 14 riders


Goldmund Falterhöcker - 50 - 58 - 76 - 51 - 89 - 35 Reg - 23 Years - Germany
Following the Falterhöcker tradition but this time a sprinter not a classic guy ... already 5 wins with his young age ... he is the actual number one of the team

Jeremy Joystaff - 49 - 62 - 50 - 50 - 92 - 40 Reg - 31 Years - USA
The old sprinting gun of the team ... now on his way to give his experience to Goldmund who is the new captain of the team.


Hannes Gruber - 61 - 86 - 60 - 54 - 47 - 45 Reg - 27 Years - Austria
Not a typical captain but with already 3 stagewins and a tour win he may be mentioned here

Josef Plank - 51 - 77 - 77 - 54 - 77 - 37 Reg - 24 Years - Austria
The topdraw leadout guy of the team ... Wanting to be a 80flat 80sprint guy in the end ... anyway he is doing it all again and again


Johann Zirker - 49 - 85 - 72 - 57 - 52 - 39 Reg - 29 Years - Austria
A bit disappointing in training but still a important flathelper

Mark Kuhn - 54 - 85 - 62 - 59 - 44 - 63 Reg - 30 Years - Germany
The reggun in the flatteam - Always able to ride or to escape

Hans Miedl - 50 - 84 - 55 - 49 - 46 - 55 Reg - 24 Years - Austria
Another important flatguy with much reg and still young enough to train up he is always riding and riding and riding if he is needed to

Peter Flemings - 62 - 81 - 71 - 52 - 55 - 35 Reg - 27 Years - Eire
The 60-80 guy of the team willing to escape and help the classics guys mostly in the one day races

Young guns:

Markus Kribitz - 61 - 76 - 74 - 49 - 52 - 46 Reg - 22 Years - Austria
The first of 3 young classics in the team may be a offensive captain sometimes or a helper for the upcoming classicsstar in august

Anton Plank - 59 - 77 - 76 - 53 - 55 - 52 Reg - 22 Years - Austria
Another young classicshelper with reg ... he will be wanting to ride much for his leaders or to escape for mountainjerseys

Edelbert Falterhöcker - 58 - 79 - 49 - 49 - 56 - 41 Reg - 22 Years - Germany
Another Falterhöcker not following the classics tradition but wanting to be a 63-87 guy so the new Hannes Gruber


Andy Joyner - 50 - 78 - 49 - 52 - 46 - 57 Reg - 30 Years - Great Britain
The always willing to work and escape guy of the team ... cheap still pretty young and a important loader for the leaders

Stefano Botticelli - 47 - 79 - 70 - 53 - 48 - 46 Reg - 30 Years - Italy
Another cheap guy for the team ... he dislikes the mountains but he likes hilly terrain to help from the back of the peloton there

Upcoming Riders:

You really think the management will tell you about them? :P You will be told around end of august but yes there is already a new young gun ...

Future plans:

Jeremy is getting older ... so what to do? The new management decided to do a change again from a sprinting team back to a classics team with chances in sprint ... this means: 4th classic, Jeremy will go soon then Goldmund will get an 80 guy as leadout, The management wants an 80-70 guy and all in all up to 15 better 16 riders to be able to always start cheap

Latest Results:
On 09.08.2013 Goldmund Falterhöcker reaches his 5th win with only 23 years after doing a great sprint ... He also says big thanks to Jeremy who did a perfect leadout for him

So much about the team for now - Greetings Team Trojer!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:35 pm

Breaking News:

In the very small 18 o clock field of todays hill race (only 3 teams) Team Trojer Vellau earns a doublewin ... Mark Kuhn and Peter Flemings attacked on km 5 getting an advantage of maximum 12:30 minutes - Kuhn was pulling Flemings until km 112 thinking he would have finished his race but surprisingly he could not be siebed by Peter who finally decided then to give Kuhn this win for his great work. The great team result is completed by Hannes Gruber, Markus Kribitz and Anton Plank reaching places 7-9 and Edelbert Falterhöcker just missing his first top 10 result in the end.

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:53 pm

And another big action in Eneco 18 o´ clock

After reaching second place yesterday Mr. Goldmund Falterhöcker wins against the trains of and Berry with Jeremy ending up in 3rd place.

Congratulations to great Goldmund!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:57 pm

Eneco continues and Goldmund rocks - His second stagewin now and he is wearing Yellow Green and White overnights ... but hell loose after the ITT tomorrow :(

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:57 pm

Some news:

The month ended pretty nice with another 3 stagewins and Anton Plank gaining 1 stagewin and 3rd place and white jersey of the ENECO Tour.

This month the team starts at Div 3 wanting to go to Div 2 in October.

And the news of the month? Mr. Goldmund Falterhöcker 24 Years old is now the Number 3 in the world.

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:14 pm

6 years after - now we have a classic team that wins something again so time to redo the presentation:

We went back to the roots with a real classics team so here it is:


Manfred "The Gun" Kessler - 72-81-73-56-62 45 reg - 26 - years old - Started with 56-72 he was our designated captain in the last months and he delivered with a tour win and several stages

Patrick "The reliable" Thaler - 74-78-67-46-53 44 reg - 31 years old - starting off with just 55-71 he has not won any race until now but he was the designated captain before Kessler arrived and he always does his job well

The Future

Stefan "The Monster" Hörburger - 70-79-69-53-53 - 59 reg - 24 years old - He decided to join us with 56-74 and had a perfect mountain training till now and already won a stage - He will be the designated uphill and everywhere helper for Kessler

Daniel "The lazy one" Hagberger - 69-80-65-49-54 - 40 reg - 27 years old - He started with 56-72 and refuses to train mountain but with his 80 flat and already 2 stage wins we dont want to sell him

The hill helpers

Markus "We wonder about him" Eisenbichler - 74-76-66-50-47 - 43 reg - 31 years old - Joined us with 55-71 ... he was lazy in flat but liked the mountains and he will always be there when someone needs help out there

Richard "Wood" Koini - 65-82-78-62-45 - 40 reg - 31 years old - Starting off with 51-74 he is now our best hill helper and we will really miss him when he is gone!

Christian "Different" Neyer - 60-82-58-51-58 - 38 reg - 24 years old - He went off with 52-73 and now wants to be the koini ... the one with more sprint and less downhill ... ahhhh and more flat ... but less mountain ... so he wants to be different

Stefan "Similar" Gunz - 58-73-64-47-43 - 39 reg - 21 years Old - He started as a 56-71 guy but even if his starting values where totally different he wants to be like Richard soon

The flat team

Daniel "Universal" Raid - 53-82-78-49-56 - 41 reg - 23 years old - 49-73 so he goes the way to be our flatbitch for everything - attacks - flathelper - attacks - flathelper :D

Max "Cheap" Sinz - 52-82-48-48-45 - 39 reg - 23 years old - with 48-72 he was the cheap cheap and even more cheap answer to flatguns

Christian "One day Race" Knapp - 51-83-61-48-48 - 35 reg - 25 years old - startin with 48-71 he just wanted to join us to be there for one day races as a cheap helper

Johannes "2nd one" Koller - 51-78-75-50-46 - 38 reg - 24 years old - He joined us with 49-67 and always wanted to be the first one to ride after

Istvan "the lung" Györi - 50-78-67-49-48 - 61 reg - 22 years old - Our only not german speaking rider came in with 47-72 and wants to ride every - yes every race

The money bitch

David "Bitch" Hämmerle - 50-55-62-46-81 - 37 reg - 21 years old - He just came here because he wants money ... he wants it so desperate!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sat Dec 07, 2019 11:08 pm

Well well some changes out there ...

After we really were confident about his excuses he still refused to train so Daniel Hagberger had to leave us. Else Markus Eisenbichler and Richard Koini decided to leave as they wanted to make place for a new captain. So goodbye to those 2 and welcome here:

Franz "The Boss" Bereuter - 74-56-79-49-56 56 reg 21 years - He is not sure what he wants to be but we know it - Augustin is back!
Raimund "Richard" Fink - 53-75-77-51-51 37 reg 21 years - Another change here ... Raimund wants to be like Richard now so Daniel Gunz has to change ... He now still wants to be similar but similar to Markus Eisenbichler!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Thu Dec 26, 2019 5:13 pm

And another change - Patrick Thaler wanted to stay some more months and start as scout for us then - As he found a great talent while his apprenticeship he decided to stop cycling immediately to make place for a new talent and start his new career.

So big thanks to Patrick and a nice and warm welcome to:

Daniel "the easteregg" Österle 56-72-71-47-66 41 reg - He wants to join Manfred in the captains role and maybe even be the sole classics captain later ... rumours go aroubs that Manfred runs around mumbling "where the hell are the nails?"

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by LENNAO » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:55 pm

I know a RL Raimund Fink - short question, where are you from?

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:21 pm

LENNAO wrote:
Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:55 pm
I know a RL Raimund Fink - short question, where are you from?
As i dont know that Raimund Fink doesnt matter normally but i am from austria - but indeed my riders names are always "paired" from two people i know

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:22 pm

Maybe after some years another try now for a real press thread as the team might be up for its most successful time in over 12 years of C4F

For the first time the Trojers decided to have a real gt Team with 2 climbers so lets just present all those guys:

First those that most likely join the Giro this year then the others

1) Stefan Todtnau: 86-59-78-52-54 - 56 pave - 51 reg - 25 years old
Our young leader that is training really well until now. He will be the number one for the Giro and the TDF most likely and already had some success including the second place at La Lombardia and a white jersey and second place in the Andes.

2) Lukas Ibach: 85-57-78-51-55 - 54,3 pave - 55 reg - 24 years old
Our number two in the team is surely going to be Stefans most important leader in his conquest for a GT win but we are also sure and promised him that if he continues training he might be leader here and there too. Until now no big success but just know trying to win the white at Atlantic Islands

3) Michael Hasenhorn: 63-81-76-56-53 - 70,5 pave - 56 reg - 23 years old
One of our two future classic riders for the big tours with much reg. Depending on his training he will also be most likely the classics captain for some races hoping to reach something like 72-82 in the end.

4) Zacharias Zeiger: 57-75-76-52-45 - 68,4 pave - 45 reg - 21 years old
He will be the second classic rider but differently to Michael his aim is to reach as much mountain as possible and carry water as long as he can for his captains.

5) Lukas Menzenschwand: 51-85-71-47-49 - 74,8 pave - 47 reg - 25 years old
Lukas was bought to be able to keep the field together as long as possible when it gets fast and still beeing able to ride several km with his regeneration

6) Ludwig Fahl: 50-81-63-51-46 - 70,2 pave - 65 reg - 24 years old
He is surely the lung of our team that is able to ride many kilometres in the beginning of a race without beeing to slow. Until now he was a bit of a disappointment in training but we still have faith in you Ludwig!

Possible starters depending on training are:

7) Dietmar Koller: 60-82-70-51-43 - 72,1 pave - 53 reg - 28 years old
Our only sure 60-80 until the Giro but he will be 33 years old by then so it depends on the training effort and if we have enough money to get 2 60-80 riders soon enough

8) Silvan Giradelli: 74-79-53-48-55 - 70,9 pave - 37 reg - 28 years old
His chances to start at the giro are not that big regarding he will also be 33 years old by then and his low regeneration. But still if one of our young classics refuses to train chances are surely there for him

9) Alexander Ahornbühl: 49-75-66-47-56 - 69,9 Pave - 41 reg - 21 years old
Our future flatstar will most likely get a spot even if his reg is not too high but he might be strong enough by then to be a valuable blocker for sprint stages and hopefully something like 54-86 by then

10) Michael Münstertal: 48-73-49-53-47 - 64,6 pave - 35 reg - 21 years old
He is surely the guy that will first be kicked from the team as we dont believe he can be more than a cheap helper for smaller tours or one day races in the end. But never say never

Guys that will leave the team before the giro:

11) Simon Bechter: 72-79-71-46-49 - 72,1 pave - 53 reg - 32 years old
He is something like our capitaine de route and the oldest of our riders. Over all the years he always was a valuable but not great classics helper doing his job for the team as well as he could with "only" 72-79, but his downhill is helpful! He will leave the team before giro depending on his downtraining

12) Ralf Schönau: 48-80-65-48-50 - 70,4 pave - 44 reg - 32 years old
The only guy that didnt start his career in our team. He was bought when we got not enough money and couldnt start cheap after buying our 2 young mountain riders to have another option. Still the rider that rides least in our team

Guys to come for the free giro spots:

Most likely we will not afford all 3 as we often start pretty expensive with the 2 climbers. But we would wish to have
60-80 more on the mountain side with downhill and over 45 reg
60-80 more on the flat side with downhill and over 50 reg
A cheap moneysprinter sth like 70 flat 80 sprint or so

Stay tuned!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:45 pm

Well as we have overdone our team again and its very young now maybe some actualization could be nice :)

The Team Trojer Vellau rode 2600 races and won 308.913 points in a bit over 14 years now.

The actual squad looks like this:

Classics / 60-80 Section:

Giovanni Garibaldi - Italy - 24 Years Old - 69-79-71-54-54 - 72,7 - 50 - Our biggest hope to become a High mountain classics rider with perfect training till now

Andreas Hofer - Italy - 22 Years Old - 60-79-71-49-55 - 68,8 - 62 - The typical Trojer Classic. Extremely High reg, low tt, low pave and hoping to go to at least 74-8x

Athanasios Diakos - Greece - 22 Years Old - 56-77-71-48-55 - 67,4 - 44 - The greek geek is not supposed to be a really 60-80 but more like a 58-85 guy as hillstrong helper for the sprinters but we wont be mad if he reaces 60mt though so we are happy to present him here

Sprinter Section:

Vasco Goncalves - Portugal - 21 Years Old - 50-60-66-51-83 - 58,5 - 38 - One of the biggest sprinter talents in the last years has decided to join us as the Trojers promised him to rebuild a strong sprintteam for him

Cengiz Dogrul - Turkey - 22 Years Old - 51-59-63-55-81 - 56,3 - 35 - With his extremely cheap price and low salary for a sprinter he was a must buy for us as his former team didnt like him anymore

Flat Section:

Lluis Companys - Spain - 25 Years Old - 52-85-60-55-46 - 76,3 - 49 - He is not only our strongest pave rider but also the one that we are hoping to be the last blocker for our growing sprinttrain soon

Rodrigo Vivar - Spain - 25 Years Old - 55-84-63-47-43 - 74,4 - 57 - "The Cid" seems a perfect match for us as with his high reg he can be a strong rider to control groups as well as a perfect puller and with some mountain he is also not that easy to sieb

Jacob Houdin - France - 24 Years Old - 50-83-55-52-46 - 72,5 - 39 - The former AGF rider decided to join us for an extremely cheap price and on behalf of his training he can be the future blocker for one day races or even a starter at small tours

Alexander Bustamente - Jamaica - 20 Years Old - 55-74-50-50-64 - 68,9 - 39 - This young flatstar just came to our eyes and was extraordinarily cheap for what he is capable of. We hope he can be a real strong leadout for our sprinters soon

Filling Material:

Alexander Nothelfer - Germany - 26 Years Old - 55-79-73-56-43 - 72,3 - 37 - The name is program, he was a buy when the teams finances looked really bad and helped us to keep our salary pretty low. Nowadays he is not riding that much as the team focused somehow on tours the last months but he will be a valuable helper for flat and light hilly stages in winter

Wassil Lewski - Bulgaria - 21 Years Old - 46-64-54-46-45 - 60,4 - 47 - Wassil was a suggestion that some teams might have overseen. For a price near to the absolute minimum he can still become a very decent battery as his 47 reg are even enough for some bigger tours

To Come:

The next plans for the teambuilding are not 100% sure but most likely the next riders will be:
- One or two 60-80 guys
- Another classicrider with medium (so 45-55 for us) reg and some sprint to have a strong triple for our feared attacks

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:12 pm

The team is very proud to welcome another rider to our team:

31 year old hungarian Oliver Nacsa decided to join us as 12th rider for just over 1 million.
He should fill the gap as a reg and downhillstrong flatrider until the team is able to get another young guy able to do this job.

His values:

54-82-78-55-55 71,2 54 reg

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:52 pm

What a Vasco!

Just after joining our team as young rider Vasco Goncalves 21 years old managed to win stage 4 of the Vuelta. He finished the stage in front of Jakob Wolfensberger (Hansa) and Orville Poirier (Provinois) after he was perfectly led out by young classic Garibaldi, old lady Labous, and leadout Cengiz Dogrul (who finished 6th).

After a 3rd and 6th place yesterday the team is very proud of his win and very happy to drink some beer tonight! :)

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sat Sep 02, 2023 8:40 pm

Double Trouble?

In a tour that is very dominated by stevens the sprinter teams seem to be the only ones able to win stages against him and so for the second time a TTV rider did yesterday.

In a surely questionable sprint Cengiz Dogrul left his captain Vasco behind and went alone from far winning the stage in the end! Now 3 more stages with chances are awaiting while the rest of the vuelta looks more like win some money on the way here and there and go as good as possible (Top 10-15) with Giovanni Garibaldi

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Thu Sep 07, 2023 12:15 pm

Dobrodošla Hrvatska

The first time in its history Team Trojer Vellau welcomes a rider from Croatia. As Athanasios Diakos whom we wish well in another team could not fulfill the training plans at all he will be replaced by Petar Zrinski

The young man came into our eyes shortly when the team manager missclicked on his tv and woke up watching a croation youth road race. After short discussion he decided to join our team for just over 1,4 mio.

His starting stats are:


He shall be a pure flat rider with downhill and part of the new "TTV" Treno Trojer Veloce.

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:38 pm

The double Vasco

After a really hard stage especially with a nice late group and thanks to some other teams that helped in the end the TTV train could go for the 3rd stagewin in this Vuelta and again its VASCO GONCALVES who is a double Cat. 5 Winner with only 22 years now!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:22 pm

Vuelta - Recap

Well the first GT since years where we didnt have any rider that could have at least a little shot for the gc - instead a growing sprint train.

And all in all we can be very happy with the result.

4 Sprint wins (3x Vasco Goncalves, 1x Cengiz Dogrul) and a 13th place in GC for growing classic Giovanni Garibaldi are a nice achievement for the growing team in a field that was totally dominated by stevens with the Velasco army. (10 times winner Alejandro Velasco)

Also around 950k plus while the vuelta look not that bad so there are good chances that another rider will join our team soon, while Gladys Labous and Oliver Nacsa which were bought to strenghten the team for the Vuelta (and did both very well!) will leave as soon as they start downtraining.

The next goals are not clear most likely some One day races and small tours and concentration on the December Tour contest.

The next riders will be another 60-80 guy with reg and a flatrider with downhill and reg.

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:08 pm

From Salawat with Love

As expected before Oliver Nacsa whom we thank very much for his great work left the team already for young Estonian talent "Salawat Julajew" a Bashkirian national hero.

With starting values of 46-70-75-51-45 and 53 reg he fits perfectly into our growing sprint team with ambitions for tours.

So what about the sprint team? The sprinters themselves train very well leading already to an 79-67 (22) - 60-85 (24) - 63-90 (23) train but the flat power is still missing with only 86-85-84 in the team ... we really hope that problem can be solved soon as we dont want to be the parasite always needing others!

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Re: Team Trojer Vellau

Post by Chense » Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:02 pm

The rebuilt is finished and Vasco strikes again

And now we can proudly announce that the rebuilt of the TTV team to a young team is finished and we wont see any sales regularly in the next months anymore as 20 year old Ethiopian Kassa Hailu (also known as Theodore II) has joined our flat squad.

With 49-73-50-46-58 and 45 reg for just 1,45 million he joined us to keep the flatsquad yound and fresh.

His development will also depend a bit on what the older flatriders do ... will he go more for flat only or for something like 57-85.

Meanwhile also Vasco could succeed once more. After beeing siebed on the first day of the Gree Tour of Guanxi he was so angry on day 2 that other sprinters didnt stand any chance against him, making his 4th win possible!

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