Team Trojer Vellau has 717 races and won 72 stages. The Team has 60460 eternal points what means an average of 84.32 points per Race.
One of our stagewins was a Cat 4 (Piemonte 2010) besides of that we have won 6 Tours, 7 green jerseys, 6 red jerseys and 8 white jerseys.
Also we have won 8 team classifications.
At the moment the team consists of 14 riders
Goldmund Falterhöcker - 50 - 58 - 76 - 51 - 89 - 35 Reg - 23 Years - Germany
Following the Falterhöcker tradition but this time a sprinter not a classic guy ... already 5 wins with his young age ... he is the actual number one of the team
Jeremy Joystaff - 49 - 62 - 50 - 50 - 92 - 40 Reg - 31 Years - USA
The old sprinting gun of the team ... now on his way to give his experience to Goldmund who is the new captain of the team.
Hannes Gruber - 61 - 86 - 60 - 54 - 47 - 45 Reg - 27 Years - Austria
Not a typical captain but with already 3 stagewins and a tour win he may be mentioned here
Josef Plank - 51 - 77 - 77 - 54 - 77 - 37 Reg - 24 Years - Austria
The topdraw leadout guy of the team ... Wanting to be a 80flat 80sprint guy in the end ... anyway he is doing it all again and again
Johann Zirker - 49 - 85 - 72 - 57 - 52 - 39 Reg - 29 Years - Austria
A bit disappointing in training but still a important flathelper
Mark Kuhn - 54 - 85 - 62 - 59 - 44 - 63 Reg - 30 Years - Germany
The reggun in the flatteam - Always able to ride or to escape
Hans Miedl - 50 - 84 - 55 - 49 - 46 - 55 Reg - 24 Years - Austria
Another important flatguy with much reg and still young enough to train up he is always riding and riding and riding if he is needed to
Peter Flemings - 62 - 81 - 71 - 52 - 55 - 35 Reg - 27 Years - Eire
The 60-80 guy of the team willing to escape and help the classics guys mostly in the one day races
Young guns:
Markus Kribitz - 61 - 76 - 74 - 49 - 52 - 46 Reg - 22 Years - Austria
The first of 3 young classics in the team may be a offensive captain sometimes or a helper for the upcoming classicsstar in august
Anton Plank - 59 - 77 - 76 - 53 - 55 - 52 Reg - 22 Years - Austria
Another young classicshelper with reg ... he will be wanting to ride much for his leaders or to escape for mountainjerseys
Edelbert Falterhöcker - 58 - 79 - 49 - 49 - 56 - 41 Reg - 22 Years - Germany
Another Falterhöcker not following the classics tradition but wanting to be a 63-87 guy so the new Hannes Gruber
Andy Joyner - 50 - 78 - 49 - 52 - 46 - 57 Reg - 30 Years - Great Britain
The always willing to work and escape guy of the team ... cheap still pretty young and a important loader for the leaders
Stefano Botticelli - 47 - 79 - 70 - 53 - 48 - 46 Reg - 30 Years - Italy
Another cheap guy for the team ... he dislikes the mountains but he likes hilly terrain to help from the back of the peloton there
Upcoming Riders:
You really think the management will tell you about them?

Future plans:
Jeremy is getting older ... so what to do? The new management decided to do a change again from a sprinting team back to a classics team with chances in sprint ... this means: 4th classic, Jeremy will go soon then Goldmund will get an 80 guy as leadout, The management wants an 80-70 guy and all in all up to 15 better 16 riders to be able to always start cheap
Latest Results:
On 09.08.2013 Goldmund Falterhöcker reaches his 5th win with only 23 years after doing a great sprint ... He also says big thanks to Jeremy who did a perfect leadout for him
So much about the team for now - Greetings Team Trojer!