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Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:13 pm
by NoPikouze

It's Taylor Show !

For the first unflat stage in this Tour, it was obvious that a lot of people would try to get out of the peloton and aim for either red jersey or stage victory. Allan Taylor, thanks to his great course reading and by taking Marcel Roller's wheel (Team Kajutscha) was able to achieve both!
No doubt, the latest speculations of his possible transfer to a still unknown team triggered something in his mind. After taking 2 extra mountain trainings in the 2 last weeks, he exceeded expectations once more with this amazing performance. Initially his chances to be able to get out were pretty small, but with Team Kajutscha trying at all cost to get Roller in the front group, the australian hillrider saw his chance and took it brilliantly!
In the beginning, he simply followed the right wheel, and after a while, the first group was caught and he got support by the young iranian hillrider Masoud Zandi. The peloton didnt know how to handle this development, with no clear favorites and some teams having an offday. Everything went according to the pikouplan :)
Now, let's hope this trend will go on for 20 more days.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:06 am
by NoPikouze
The Tour seems to distract some riders from training duty, that's really bad

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:23 am
by Foot77

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:53 pm
by NoPikouze

Aija strikes twice!

After an august season with average results and only a couple of podiums without any single win for the team, the september season starts in a tremendous way for the Nopikouze squad !

Jiangsu Cycling Cup
An important sprint race in China, dominated by 2 powerful sprinterteams (Little Ape and Nopikouze) results in a first astonishing win for Aija Inese, our sprinting star. Carlita Hemorroid tried everything to defeat the latvian warrior, but there was no way he could compete versus this bunch of talent.

München - Stuttgart
After an easy race, Aija didn't recover enough from the party he had last night, so he couldn't make a long sprint and started only at 50m. A couple of losers who started earlier were able, through this perfidious tactics, to take the win... Bah who cares, such an unimportant race...

GP Jef Scherens
On this kind of hilly circuit which is actually flat, Aija was clearly not a favourite, especially with a -1 final km... But his incredible talent and the good analysis of the manager made the difference and here comes the second win of the week for the former U23 world champion! The explosivity and power of the viking were definitly out of reach for the other sprint stars like TT and Jeeks.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:51 pm
by NoPikouze

Our supposed to be pavéstar Andrei Potemkine decided that cycling wasnt a thing for him. He doesn't like training nor ride hard in competitions. Actually he enjoys riding more as a hobby. That's why, after some talkings, the management decided to release him from his life contract. It's a real heartbreaker though for the manager who counted a lot on him, but when the mind isn't good, the talent cant express itself as it should...
Goodbye Andrei, and have fun wherever you are going to ride now. Only one condition: don't set great performances on future pavé races, or I could regret this very badly. We will mis you... :cry:

For a reminder, Potemkine will be in our team's history for the worst training rider ever: 2 points at 22 and 2 at 23... But still, his skills are interesting...

His departure allows the arrival of 2 young upcoming stars. You'll hear about them soon enough, believe me :D

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:38 am
by NoPikouze

Azizi Superstar

Yesterday, on this flat race with a huge col placed a little bit after the mid-race, the young iranian Jawad Azizi finally showed the world a part of his talent. After a nice move by Alkworld in the hill, he was able to come back in the first group, which included Trueba and his horrific helpers. On the remaining 50 kms, more or less flat, Alkworld had to ride to get a bunch sprint. There were several noticable attacks, especially one by Pedrocito and his big flat gun, who brought Bernardo and Masoud with him, as well as Gardel (or Vargas). But finally, the bunch regrouped in the next km, and for the 5 last kms, the NoPik squad joined the front of the group to keep it in control and to have a duel with Trueba.
Unfortunatly for the Chilian, he got blocked into the barriers by a sausage sprinter, and Jawad, our future superstar, was able to get advantage of the situation by jumping him on the line, which brought him the first victory of his career at 24 years and 8 days. Well done Jawad!

Interview of the winner
Hey Jawad, your first victory !
I'm very proud to be able to achieve something like this! Beating Trueba, it's unbelievable... That guy has won 34 races!
Could we say: Finally ?
Well yeah, I guess... I've been second behind him so many times... The odds say this had to happen someday
How do you see your future
Well, this victory gives me and the boss a lot of confidence. I really hope I can live up to his expectations. He wants me to become a world class rider. Sometimes, that's just too much pressure for me...
Anything to add ?
Well of course I want to thank my teammates for their amazing work and their trust in my abilities. Seeing them work for me even before the hill started gave me so much more strength, it was incredible. I really didnt want to disappoint them. But ok, now let's go party with Andy and Stuart!

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:07 pm
by Lizard
Aaaaah, I have only seen now! Why dropped Potemkine?!?!?! Shame! I was so hoping for him to ride the classics next year... :(

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:18 pm
by NoPikouze
Don't remind me of it :cry:

Maybe I should take him back when I have 2 millions :lol: But that's not tomorrow...

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:40 pm
by claw
i know you stalked my teampage, so i have a question :D
the flag of souissi is different from the others, isnt it!? or is it just a bug in my browser/my eyes?
can you tell my why to hell this happend?^^

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:01 pm
by NoPikouze
It's much smaller yes... Perhaps the original image is smaller as well. If not, then I have no clue...

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:17 pm
by claw
NoPikouze wrote:It's much smaller yes... Perhaps the original image is smaller as well.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:03 am
by NoPikouze
September's Debrief

Finances : +1.267.298$
Victories : 4
Inese: Jiangsu Cycling Cup, GP Jef Scherens
Azizi: Annecy-Annecy, Magnet Cove Criterium
Points : 1961
New talents :
Wouter Poels 54 73 69 49 66 68.2 43
Serguei Nazarenko 46 68 51 48 43 71.9 45

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:20 am
by NoPikouze

Finances : +2.046.784$
Victories : 4
Azizi: Cabestany - Axat
Inese: China Trophy: Stage 2
Kelderman: NM/CN Nederland
Yezersky: NM/CN Ukraine
Points : 3070
New talents :
John Casey 49 74 53 46 49 67.4 52
Still scouting for a sprinter

A very good month in terms of money and points, due to the little tours in China and Ukraine. Still I'm sad I decided to skip the pavé tour... next year better. And not so many wins this month. Buh.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:57 pm
by NoPikouze

Finances : +1.990.465$
Victories : 8
Azizi -- Campeonato Stages 3/8/10/12/ Ernakulam-Thrissur
Provenzano -- Campeonato Stage 5/Mountainjersey
Poels -- Ganada-Yebelo
Points : 3250
New talent :
Dylan Boomhut 46 73 52 48 50 68.5 37

Fantastic month in terms of victories. I never had so much! Participating to the Campeonato was the right decision.
The trainings were ok. Nevertheless I could use an extra flatpoint for Zandi and a very good classic downhiller.

Next month, Sheikh is the main objective. 23h is the most likely startingtime.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:28 pm
by NoPikouze

In the begin of November, Aija suddenly felt his time had come. After several season of interesting results for the team, he told the manager that he would like to retire from the cycling world and enjoy his children growing.
The latvian sprinter, after becoming U23 World Champion in his youth, had several years without riding due to an ugly disease. In the end he could not even find a professionnal cycling team. Nevertheless, our scouts trusted in his abilities, and convinced the manager to recruit him. That eventually was a good decision, since he brought the team 5 victories. The most significant of them were the GP Jef Scherens and a stage on the tour of Luxemburg. We could also mention his 2 wins on chinese soil, and his amazing solo win after a 150km breakaway on a national championship!

Although, this sudden retirement forced the team to hire a replacement with good sprinting skills. In addition to these, the new star also had to be good on the difficult sprinter stages. Which means good up and downhill skills, and enough flat to keep following the best riders.
And our scouts were proud to introduce us to this french young guy called Patrick Bruel. No doubt his skills are amazing! And he's even able to beat his opponents at poker!

Image Aija Inese

Image Patrick Bruel 50-55-71-46-82-60.7-45
21 years

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:45 am
by NoPikouze

Finances : +92.429$
Victories : 1
Azizi -- Sheikh 4: Taif - Barahrah
Points : 1795
New talent : None...

After the best month ever, we had one of our worst months. :cry: :cry: (stupid sheikh, stupid flake, stupid lulus :evil: )
Let's hope the new season will be luckier. Although it's a pity that I cant afford a new rider, I could certainly use an extra helper for Azizi.
2010 - NoLife Out.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:21 pm
by Philéas
Good luck NoPik for 2011 and i wish you an happy new year! Champagne à gogo for your team... :D

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:38 pm
by Lizard
Nice to have you here in RSF Piko, looking forward to another year against your riders :mrgreen:

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:34 pm
by NoPikouze
Thank you :)
The team is looking forward to winning more this year than the previous one. We had 24 stage wins (grp1), but a long time without riders able to win stages!
I'm finishing my studies soon though. Need to find a job where I can play the game :lol:

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:56 pm
by NoPikouze

Finances : +1.756.980
Victories : 4
Azizi -- Le Strade di Sardegna / Vuelta a Islas Canarias ET2
Provenzano -- Nobatia Tour ET1
Kelderman -- Tour Down Under ST5
Points : 2726
New talent :
Matt Saracen 55 73 79 51 59 73 53
Great classic rider imo, a bit expensive, but very helpful for me, and will be the leader for the spring classics in 2012 :lol:

Very good start, but the second part of the month was more quiet. Very happy for Wilco who was able to defeat Franco's army :D

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:42 am
by Rockstar Inc
NoPikouze wrote:Very good start, but the second part of the month was more quiet. Very happy for Wilco who was able to defeat Franco's army :D

grr one more annoying race with your annoying team :lol:

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:07 am
by NoPikouze

Finances : +1.640.528
Victories : 7
Azizi -- Besseges Et3 / Inca-Inca / Trofeo Palmanova / NM Iran
Poels -- Ruta del Sol Et2 / Pointsjersey
Team ranking in Besseges
Points : 3197
New talent :
Francis Lefebvre 47 65 68 52 48 62 45
Morgan Grimes 46 71 48 46 44 63 36

2 additionnal cheap riders was a must for the team. Francis is a semi professionnal cyclist, the other part of his job is to be the legal adviser of the team. And Morgan is a decent rider, who is afraid of everything which isn't completely flat. Perhaps we will be able to ride with wages less than 400k per race.

About February: This season was pretty good for the team, 5 stages, a green jersey, a team ranking, and a 2nd place in the GC of Besseges, making an awesome total of 8 successes! Although the evil Franconia did everything he could to prevent me from winning.
Nevertheless, the classic season didn't start with any success. Ok the team performed quite well, with a 5th place for Wilco in Het Nieuwsblad (+9th with Vlad), and a second place for Patrick Bruel on Kuurne Brussels Kuurne. By the way, the manager says we must blame the designers who made those races easier for pavé monsters than for true heroes...

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:04 pm
by Robyklebt
Hihi... Nr 11 in February? Guess who was nr 10! And I didn't even try.

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:07 pm
by NoPikouze
Pure luck from a division 1 newbie. Moreover, you didn't have the honor and the bravery to defeat RV "my helpers win more tours than all your leaders alltogether" Allagen in Mallorca :)

Re: NoPikouze, a drug free team

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:11 pm
by Robyklebt
Well, since Mallorca isn't a tour that wouldn't have helped at all.

Mmh, what's the plan with Francis Lefebvre? You wanted your own Cyprien Richard to finally have a real RFS Team?