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Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:42 am
by Ciclistas
Zentaron wrote:...may the (sprint) force be with you...
tss, the sprint force can only be with Oded "Skywalker" the chosen one!

It seems to me, after you lost twice in a row against me 8-) and we're now tie in sprintvictorys this year you get scared of loosing the sprinttitel... and i agree with Peter Singe, that this panic transfers was worst u could do ;) . But all this mercenarys make me cic. :|

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:39 pm
by Zentaron
Panic? There was panic? It was discussed detailed and well considered. Is it panic to catch the best possible sprinter on the market? Not only the best possible on market, one of the best of the whole game! Maybe THE best? Yes, then i had as much panic as i had when i bought Alonschenko, Hadorn, McBright, Niclas (only in alphabetical order, no valuation) etc. :lol:
And i always had some mercenaries - that's nothing bad, that's the way to success. :P
And to appease you: I selled another mercenary. ;)

I think you are as scared as the little tigerape to only see Fokkes backwheel in future. And you are jealous to not have such an advisor and such a good transfer politic.

Ah, and another thing, Cicli. I decided to annex (yes, annex, not adopt!) you as my royal son. So beware, or you get punished by confinement to your room and tv interdiction. Ask Libby, your new sister, that's no fun.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:47 pm
by Ciclistas
Zentaron wrote:
Ah, and another thing, Cicli. I decided to annex (yes, annex, not adopt!) you as my royal son. So beware, or you get punished by confinement to your room and tv interdiction
:lol: :lol: no,no,no! this wont happen. i cant be in a position where i have to call u daddy :shock: ... and i have the feeling that i'm more the voice of the people! :D

...and for me, this annexation seems more like a try to keep me silent. so i will do what ever it takes to break out of castle Marzahn! :evil:

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:17 pm
by Zentaron
No chance to struggle. I decided, it's done, my son!

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:16 pm
by Zentaron
Fokke wins again, Conti loses self-confidence

First stage at Sarthe and Fokke won it relative clear. So he won the stage, the points jersey and the leaders jersey for the moment. That's the way a real sprinter goes. This Conti-thing instead rode a cat.1 single-day-race and lost it. He starts to fear Fokkes presence.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:48 pm
by Zentaron
Bashed the revolution
Fokke wins against revolutionaries

Quer durch Wien - typical sprint race, but very good contenders at the start. However, Fokke showed them who reigns the circuit and won. Down with the revolution, long lives the king.

Countdown: 10 left

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:11 am
by Lizard
Yes, when Peter isn't there it's easy for Fokke, right? Right?^^

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:54 pm
by Blaue Quellen
Beating Silvetta once or twice doesn't mean anything ;) This alone won't save the monarchy. But where were the so-called the revolutionaries? Were they alredy incarcerated by your most trustworthy advisor?

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:01 pm
by Zentaron
The monarchy strikes again
Fokke wins first stage of Dunkerke

Fokke "The Machine" Zylstra striked again for the monarchy and won the first stage of Dunkerke. Nice to wear Yellow and Green again, but it's time to save the jerseys till the end and do not lose them as in the past tours. Anyway, it was another slap in the face of the revolution.

Countdown: 6

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:54 am
by Zentaron
Your King is happy. Why? Look yourself. :)

Countdown: 4

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:07 am
by Zentaron
Succesful Elektrotoer
Fokke wins two stages and points jersey

Our goals are fulfilled, at last we rode a succesful tour again. Fokke Zylstra won two stages and the points jersey. All in all a good practice for the hard time that we will have during the Tour de France.

Countdown: 2

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:24 am
by Zentaron
Countdown: 1 :!:

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:19 am
by Zentaron
200th win in a mass sprint for BSE Marzahn
Fokke wins three stages in a row

After being dropped at the first stage of this years Tour de France because of not believing in a mass sprint and missing the sprint at stage 3 for three seconds, Fokke and the team learned a lot and the whole team rode till exhaustion for him and so he won three stages in a row. After being succesful at stages 5 and 6 (with a lot of help by our little daughter, without her block it wouldn't have been possible), he won also today stage 7. What a great result for him, what a great result for the whole team. Now it looks pretty good for winning our fifth green jersey at our fifth participation. And to let this win become even greater, it was the 200th win in a mass sprint. It needed nearly five years to reach that awesome mark. We are proud.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:02 am
by MiSa
congratulations for the 200th victorious. the lousy misa is for 20 years need ;)

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:15 am
by Zentaron
Many changes and a short break

Sold riders:

Image Fokke Zylstra - sprint captain of the last half year, now our trainer for the future sprintstars
Image Dick Keerstraete - Our former nr. 1 at pavéraces, now the trainer for upcoming pavéstars
Image Dick Eickendreyer - the man for the hills, who most times had to make sure that there was a slight chance for us to come back after siebs - now coach for the hills, absolutely needed for our team ;)
Image Quentin Quirino - the comeback guy, sold young after bad trainings, bought back as helper for Keerstraete in january - he will open a restaurant in his hometown
Image Benoit Berukilukilu - the former locomotive with high reg and very good flat skill - will now work as psychologist for the team

Bought riders:

Image Wietse Wijnants 49 74 48 52 55 67.4 40 - a pure helper for flat terrain, should help us to raise the new royal generation
Image Achiel Aerenhouts 49 74 55 53 43 67.4 39 - same as Wietse
Image Wallis Wakanumune 56 72 65 50 53 64.5 45 - the new guy for the hills
Image Wanmelbu Warawara 49 58 62 54 81 55 51 - the star in sprint heaven, straight in tradition to Aigars Cakls and Frederic Iatiknu

The new direction of the team:
sportive director: Frederic Iatiknu
trainer sprint: Fokke Zylstra
trainer flat: Collin Caltapang
trainer hill: Dick Eickendreyer
trainer pavé: Dick Keerstraete
psychologist: Benoit Berukilukilu
team grandfather: Werner Hadorn

Due to this severe changes the team takes a break till the end of the month.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:55 am
by Robyklebt
Wow, Fokke is training the former sprintstars now? McBright, Niclas, Cakls and Iatiknu? Interesting!

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:29 pm
by Zentaron
:lol: Thanks for the hint. :lol:

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:01 pm
by Zentaron
Generalprobe versemmelt

Morgen startet der Giro. DER GIRO! (extra für Klebt mal betonen^^) Und das Team des BSE wird am Start sein. Die Aufstellung steht in groben Zügen, die Startzeit wird noch überlegt. Weitere Informationen werden folgen, denn ich dachte mir, ein Giro-Start ist ein guter Grund, hier mal wieder etwas Leben in die Bude zu bringen.

Die Generalprobe heute wurden jedenfalls tüchtig versemmelt, das Sprintpech bleibt uns weiter hold. Tolle Aussichten für eine GT, aber hoffen wir das beste.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:43 pm
by Zentaron
Zerknirschtes Team - belastetes Teambudget?

Etwa 18 Stunden reine Reisezeit (ohne Aufenthalte) dürften unserer Fahrer, die heute noch in Papua-Neu Guinea am Start waren, schon sehr schlauchen. Auch die Buchung eines Privatjets ist keine leichte Angelegenheit, die zudem doch sehr die angeschlagene Teamkasse belastet. Hoffen wir, daß sich der Aufwand lohnt.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:42 pm
by Zentaron
Orgien im Königreich?

Schnaps, Weiber, Party. Auf dem Flug des BSE-Teams von Papua-Neuguinea nach Dänemark soll es heiß hergehen. Ob man sich das erlauben kann?

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:24 pm
by Zentaron
Finally there

Das Team ist endlich in Dänemark angekommen. Werden die Fahrer nach dieser langen Reise fit genug sein? Wird es Probleme mit dem Jetlag geben?

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:18 am
by Zentaron
Nix zu melden

Heute Prolog, und die von der Flugzeugparty noch total besoffenen BSE-Fahrer eierten in Schlängellinien die Prologstrecke entlang. Ein gutes Ergebnis war eh nicht zu erwarten, also furzegal.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:08 am
by Zentaron
Weiter besoffen?

Anders ist das heutige Sprintergebnis fast gar nicht zu erklären. Allerdings waren unsere Jungs im Gegensatz zu manchen Konkurrenten noch nicht im Koma.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:00 am
by Zentaron
Schläfer der Revolution?

Abwesende Sitter und schlafende Sprinter kosten den Sieg auf der dritten Etappe. Das geht richtig gut los hier. *seufz* Hoffentlich geht das mit dem Start hier nicht komplett in die Hose. Es bleiben die Hoffnung auf das Punktetrikot sowie auf Besserung.

Re: BSE Marzahn - le roi du sprint

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:47 am
by Robyklebt
Good luck for the points jersey!