Team Attack Escartteam 9h Aargau

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Team Attack Escartteam 9h Aargau

Post by schappy » Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:20 am

Km: 1, Steigung: 0

Ray Mata (SV Furpach) attackiert
Benjamin Chevalier (Escarteam) geht mit
Christiaan Dijkstra (Trekken Racing) attackiert
Thijs Roeken (Trekken Racing) schafft es nicht auszureissen
Terremoto Denzel (Escarteam) attackiert
Mario Testino (SV Furpach) attackiert
Frank Löffler (Escarteam) attackiert
It was an offline Team attack, but he attack with 2 and hang with an other. So he accept to make a team attack with this.
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Re: Team Attack Escartteam 9h Aargau

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:09 am

Thanks. FPC is reviewing the case.
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Re: Team Attack Escartteam 9h Aargau

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:14 am

Additional information from watching the replay and chat:

Escarteam did an offline attack at km 0 with 2 guys and hung with a third guy, resulting in a clear violation of Rule 3) Chained Attacks. He rode with his 2 attackers until km 15 (where he went out because of beeing offline). Bengals Udine caught the group back at km 28, so the situation was neutralized at that moment. Escarteam did not show any reaction (he was offline), the attack didn't really influence the race, he didn't profit from it. Still it's a violation of the rule, by being offline attacking and hanging the manager risks doing illegal team attacks.

Escarteam(10:57): gw
Eintracht Fuhle(10:55): GW FUrpach
Schnuggeritos(10:50): Gw Furpach. Well done
Schartner Bombe(10:50): GW
Schappy(10:49): gw Furpach, have a nice weekend
SV Furpach(10:48): Thanks
Trekken Racing(10:47): gw furpach
SV Furpach(10:46): Looks like:)
Trekken Racing(10:45): vohor strong today
Schnuggeritos(10:43): Leine Ahnung warum ich da nicht hing 😅
Schartner Bombe(10:43): oh, doesnt matter - rsf is turning in a no ridign community :-)
Bengals Udine(10:42): sorry:(
Schartner Bombe(10:42): or no?
Schartner Bombe(10:41): yes
Schartner Bombe(10:40): put Lory in :-)
Schartner Bombe(10:39): Diogo out
Trekken Racing(10:38): hoped that ashby or a kelleher would follow dokker
Trekken Racing(10:37): schappy you know that jill roord is a dutch female soccer player
Schartner Bombe(10:23): the other was too late
Schappy(10:22): Alone Woody
Schnuggeritos(10:20): @Peloton: i will stop at 152
Schappy(10:16): we can wait until we get dropped km 161
Schartner Bombe(10:14): ah jetzt passts - ich seh das Rennen :-)
Schartner Bombe(10:13): @Schappy: siehst du nun Seidlroas?
Schappy(10:07): tomorrow is pave, he have to ride, the monthly plan say it to him
Trekken Racing(10:06): are there flat stages in Swiss :0
Trekken Racing(10:05): Panteleid was greedy today
Schartner Bombe(10:05): he will need one, if he rides Swiss :-)
Schappy(10:04): Kevin ask for a free day tomorrow... pff. the youth...
Schartner Bombe(10:03): ... sometimes
Schartner Bombe(10:03): yes, she always calls me - i connect Didier with teamradio
Schappy(10:01): his Girlfriend on your phone? hmm
Schartner Bombe(10:00): sorry, his girlfriend was on the phone
Trekken Racing(10:00): benzema waiting for something? :)
Schappy(09:59): red and hope?
Trekken Racing(09:59): green blue or red?
Schappy(09:59): we can try
Trekken Racing(09:58): schappy?
Trekken Racing(09:58): ok for me
Schartner Bombe(09:58): last 60km?
Schartner Bombe(09:58): Trekken all in?
Schartner Bombe(09:57): Mulatschak Wien müsste im editor sein
Schappy(09:54): Seidlroas only in the profile editor, i cant see a race
Schartner Bombe(09:52): @Schappy: absolut unlogisch der Editor - wo ist das Rennen jetzt hin? gebe ich nur namen, mintact ein?
Schartner Bombe(09:26): but the first attack doesnt matter, there are other interests from the beginning
Schartner Bombe(09:25): ok. danke Schappy
Schartner Bombe(09:25): problem, you slowed the attack down with two in green tempo - why do you attack if you know you are offline than. I remember the same last week I think
Schappy(09:24): Beim race Editor kannst du so den namen machen, wie er dir gefällt
Escarteam(09:23): 2 of them dropped to second group already
Schartner Bombe(09:23): ... und die bezeichnung Rennen geht dach auch mit space und so. oder wieder alles in einer wurst?
Escarteam(09:23): I missed start of race, sorry guys for this team attack I just read from your comments
Schappy(09:22): ja, da musst du dann bei stages das plus betätigen und dann kommt eine zweite etappe
Schnuggeritos(09:22): Bei Rundfahrten ordnest du alle einzelnen Etappen dem Rennen zu. Also nachdem du das Profil erzeugt hast, erstellst du ja das Rennen mit mehreren Etappen
Schartner Bombe(09:20): ist dann nur ein pool, wo sie die rennen raus nehmen können?
Schartner Bombe(09:19): @Schappy: das gleiche mache ich mit einer tour nehme ich an?
Bengals Udine(09:17): :D...but not for me :D:D:D
Schnuggeritos(09:16): now even worse with 6 teams :D
Schartner Bombe(09:15): ok - so ists egal wenn ich das rennen jetzt reinstelle und es erst im herbst ist
Schappy(09:14): Nein, das machen die anderen, du kannst nur den hinweis geben, dass es ein reales rennen ist und am tag xy stattfindet
Bengals Udine(09:13): or not 5 teams in escape ;)
Schartner Bombe(09:13): Udine wants a new group guys
Schartner Bombe(09:13): und ein reales rennen, wenn das i einem bestimmten monat ist - kann ich nicht beeinflussen?
Schappy(09:11): Schatner, ne, das macht dann der Kalendar Dude, du machst einfach nur die stage rein, sagst wieviele fahren, mintact und was für ein rennen es ist und dann speichern
Schartner Bombe(09:11): @Schappy: gebe ich auch Termin und Uhrzeiten im Editor ein?
Schappy(09:09): Escart, you have to drop Benjamin, to have no adventage from your team attack
Schartner Bombe(09:08): Schappy could I ask you something more about the editor?
Trekken Racing(09:08): maybe need to talk about that with in the fpc
Schartner Bombe(09:07): 2nd time he does that
Eintracht Fuhle(09:06): Guten Morgen
Schappy(09:05): team attack and off
Schartner Bombe(09:04): escarteam again attack and off
Bengals Udine(09:03): teams
Bengals Udine(09:03): too much tema in escape sorrry

Schartner Bombe(09:03): udine 178km to go?
SV Furpach(09:01): Offline
Trekken Racing(09:01): escarteam team aatack
SV Furpach(09:00): Good morning
Trekken Racing(08:59): he was in front of me with his launcher 75 against 79 and bukken wat protected all race. So he also has form and mine not
Trekken Racing(08:58): nope he has the best train with me and he knows that with his flat sprinters. but he talks if his train is not strong enough
Bengals Udine(08:58): hi
Schartner Bombe(08:54): good tactic if others ride than :-)
Schartner Bombe(08:54): yes I know, he always comes with riders where he is not the clear Favo
Schartner Bombe(08:53): we had to go to my mam.
Trekken Racing(08:52): need to wait untill jimmy get stronger
Trekken Racing(08:51): he did shit again yerterday
Trekken Racing(08:51): missed you 2 days
Schartner Bombe(08:49): yes Trekken :-) thats it
Schartner Bombe(08:49): hello again
Schnuggeritos(08:46): good morning
Trekken Racing(08:44): he needed to work for it :)
Trekken Racing(08:44): he had no sure win so he got out
Trekken Racing(08:44): do that :)
Schartner Bombe(22:51): ich schreib Alk mal, dass wir alle morgen nur mit 7 Fahrern dabei sein wollen
Schartner Bombe(22:50): uih uih 5 angemeldet. Free wechselt schon das erste mal die hose :-)
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Re: Team Attack Escartteam 9h Aargau

Post by Gipfelstuermer » Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:11 pm

FPC Decision: No fine, no ban.

To be clear, chained team attacks remain prohibited, regardless of being online or offline.
Gameplay: Flexible Min-Tact. Improve Sprint System. Windkante.
Marketing: Re-attract old players. Advertisement. Social Media.
New Players: Fair Start Budget, New Tutorial.
Fairplay: Improve FPC features, Fair Prize Money Disribution.

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