Christmas Islands GP 14h

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Christmas Islands GP 14h

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:53 am

As someone asked for this to be posted. Haven't read anything, will do so tomorrow or the day after. If anything was written afterwards, someone from the race needs to post it

NoMoreLulz: ah too bad, jere alone wouldnt have worked then
OLcycle: don't say that lünen; we will think you are friend with him :p
RC Cost: gamarra is weak, no option today
NoMoreLulz: anyways guys, have a good christmas :)
RC Cost: oh gott toto deine beleidigungen sind ja schon unterste schublade, aber so eine beleidigung hier reinschreiben, solltest dich einfach nur schämen du bemitleidenswertes würstchen
rsv lünen: gw Gambrinus
NoMoreLulz: I wonder if we would have been able to go together
OLcycle: Gambri is gonna get a -2 collection for christmas !
NoMoreLulz: cost did you follow jere on the last 7=
NoMoreLulz: y I shoud.. though I could try with the 75 guy from cost or smth
OLcycle: let Ezequiel go I said :p
OLcycle: 85 guy was dead. you should have tried on the 7%, would have been forcing gambri to ride, or just make you win with Jere :)
Team Toto: ach du Spasti Cost, klar verstehe ich es
NoMoreLulz: my strategy was to go with jere on the 7, but then the 85mountain guy was there and I thought he would block anyway
OLcycle: let Ezequiel go :)
Team Toto: LOL, you did today. next time, someone else will do ;-)
OLcycle: he was already in my list. he's the plague.
RC Cost: you understand nothing anyway toto so thata not point :D of course nml can ride with 67 sprinter, but yeah gambri is just a little troll with no good behaviour, but just doing nothing then kills the game
NoMoreLulz: so gambrinus on my list now. I wont ever do tempo with him in the group
Team Toto: i dont see it like that. better chances? to win? never
OLcycle: gambri is going to do 1-2-3 maybe ...
Pokemonogatari: the main point is that teams often have 1 or 2 strategies and managers are unable to make it evoluate during the race
Gipfelstuermer: well, NML has better chances if Jacob is still in the sprint... but ok as I couldn't bring a fit team
NoMoreLulz: I try
OLcycle: can Jere try to go now to see if he can put some pressure or not at all ?
Team Toto: you dont have a chance against his 3 riders! be realistic
NoMoreLulz: y really bad, I just rode for my chances as havin the best sprinter
Team Toto: yes, not to understand why NML do this. really bad!
NoMoreLulz: but yeah. thats the advantage of havin 3 guys, no tempo at all, and everypne above 58 sprint. OL you were right, I just should have let you win
OLcycle: teams who rode fast between the 2 last hills, now you see how you played for gambri.
RC Cost: wow gambri the gentleman again, :D hard to see this guy winning like this
NoMoreLulz: goo tammy in the back
berryberry: pôle
Team Toto: bad :( they catch us last km and gambri wins
NoMoreLulz: I wonder who (how many) will do some tricksprints now :)
Team Toto: lets go OL, good luck
NoMoreLulz: wow its so close actually
NoMoreLulz: I did.. and you are right. but what should I do? just not ride from the beginning. this is one of those many reasons this game is dying
RC Cost: but to be honest gipfel did a more disappointing job today
OLcycle: NML, let me win now that I did the move to let you win.
RC Cost: you never rode with gambrinus? :D always the same..
NoMoreLulz: maybe I do
NoMoreLulz: I really would like to stop riding and give you the win. cause guys like gambrinus are doing nothing and will profit from that in the end
Team Toto: 30secs to less i think
Team Toto: yes, good try
OLcycle: thanks for the coop, toto anyway !
Team Toto: yes, thats right, normally now easy win for gambrinuis again without any riding
Team Toto: ah doch, dir und freeteam, aber sonst niemand
OLcycle: yep maybe, but we'd have more chance if on these flat sections it would be real favos chasing in the back !
Team Toto: ich machs eigentlich nur bei dir. sonst hab ich es glaub bei keinem bisher gemacht
RC Cost: nächstes mal bist du es dann wieder ;) bei dir kann man echt nur noch den kopf schütteln toto
Team Toto: maybe we can get over 148km OL
OLcycle: lots of people willing to ride in the back for gambri train :p !
Team Toto: diese Rachetempofahrer sind süß, wie Lünen letztesmal ;-)
OLcycle: c'est vrai qu'alexander a de grandes chances de victoire aujourd'hui
rsv lünen: Valverde wait one km please we can help
berryberry: pas grave je vais rouler derrière maintenant
Team Toto: bad cooperation Berry
OLcycle: fallait répondre un peu avant, et comme tu sieb derrière, on sait pas ce que tu fais.
berryberry: Merci les gars
Team Toto: yes, lets go. the problem berry is away :)
OLcycle: let's keep going in red toto.
OLcycle: didn't meant it
Team Toto: oh nice sieb :)
Team Toto: yes OL, i wait for berry, dont know what he is doing and he dont answer anything.
OLcycle: and let's go red now as you said.
OLcycle: it's possible Marius stops km130 if the gap is too small to hope to reach km149.
rsv lünen: NML you chase your own rider
OLcycle: yep, can go red
Team Toto: better red now in front ?
Team Toto: i ride ok. at the end i can go out but i think we will not go there ;-)
rsv lünen: okay but help in the first group too
NoMoreLulz: and jonas is so dead, it doesnt matter anyway
OLcycle: under 600 in 5kms I think
NoMoreLulz: put "pressure" on gip to keep on riding, cause he siebed
rsv lünen: NML why you ride in the second group?
Team Toto: under 600 now and you ?
OLcycle: idk how much energy has flower, but feel free to join, as I said, we won't be through anyway
OLcycle: no idea
Team Toto: why berry rides now and not before?
OLcycle: I think Flower can join us now, the aim is only to get over the next mountain now, not get to the finish line.
OLcycle: no need to hurry anymore in the back, it's only Kai in tempo now, and he's nearly dead xd
OLcycle: ok, I thought this group had a chance.
Team Toto: hm ok, berry kills it. schade
OLcycle: berry and Melange, please ?
Pokemonogatari: peloton speed up
OLcycle: time to join Marius !
Pokemonogatari: go ?
Melange: bb
Team Toto: and they are old, they had more sprint before
Team Toto: better than 42 yes ;-)
OLcycle: Wolf, 46 sprint, much better indeed :p
OLcycle: Marius will show the example soon, join him fast if possible (Flower a few kms later).
Team Toto: my man for group was Wolf, but didnt works ;-)
Team Toto: flower has 1 stage win in career ;-)
Pokemonogatari: at least things are clear for group coop
NoMoreLulz: can become a good helper
Pokemonogatari: and it is better, less energy and less sprint so he can rest more in the end if it is possible to rest
OLcycle: Flower won a race one day ! so it's possible :p
NoMoreLulz: I bought a 56-74-69 guy with 43 sprint and 50 reg :( kinda reget it but he was cheap af
OLcycle: don't buy 42 sprint riders if you want to win a stage :D
NoMoreLulz: :D
OLcycle: NML, you can't speak in both groups, take care of rsv slowing you down :DD
Team Toto: i think flower has no chance to win with less energy and 42 Sprint ;-)
NoMoreLulz: he has 42 sprint btw..
Team Toto: what do you mean poke`?
berryberry: j'ai plus que 200 d'energie
OLcycle: so you recover energy now with a helper, take that into consideration in your calculation;)
Pokemonogatari: btw Flower with 65 mountain so if he has some energy issue for the final, it isn't a big deal he know he will survive at everything
Team Toto: mineiro is down, under 100
OLcycle: fine to me Toto. is Karla dead already ?
rsv lünen: hahaha don´t believe it
Team Toto: so, if you ride all i come in a few kms later. for sure flower will not sieb at the end
Pokemonogatari: well >Football Manager caught me so I don't really follow here
Team Toto: i think flower has round about 150 less than your riders
OLcycle: Poke is the energy specialist, he can tell you :p
Team Toto: approx. 10km, alone
RC Cost: always wonderful with the family on christmas :)
OLcycle: all riders did several attacks:following I think ?
Pokemonogatari: yep
OLcycle: you did lots of tempo with Flower ?
Gipfelstuermer: Always problematic with the family on Christmas
Team Toto: less
Team Toto: i would like to know how much lee energy flower has
OLcycle: I agree. we should start green early maybe ? km78 ? km 86 ? km97 ? any idea ?
RC Cost: ist das wieder ein kindergarten hier
rsv lünen: weil ich nie favo bin
Team Toto: OL i think the group has a chance if everyone rides
Team Toto: scheint so ja.
NoMoreLulz: ja.. er ist da wohl etwas stumpf. ausnahmslos jedes rennen attackiert er und wenn er dann mal nicht in der gruppe ist vorne, dann flippt er wohl aus
rsv lünen: Toto halt dein Maul
rsv lünen: gw escape
Team Toto: und er hat sie mir gegeben für das was er heute gemacht. ner gruppe nachattackiertziemlich witzlos
OLcycle: what would be the plan with the fresh guys in front ? do we plan to ride for real or you are just here to save a helper in case it's necessary ?
Team Toto: bekommst ne -2 von ihm wie ich letzt wegen gruppe ;-)
NoMoreLulz: what is that
Pokemonogatari: yep
rsv lünen: NML -2
NoMoreLulz: salam?
Pokemonogatari: NML you have the the salam from RFM
Team Toto: ok berry, but flower later a few kms later. he rides more than 10km still alone
rsv lünen: NML when you will chase then ride
NoMoreLulz: group with you too big, gambrinus on your wheel. too much for me
berryberry: go toto
NoMoreLulz: sry but you should have been earlier
NoMoreLulz: idc, there are several other things why you wont join them
rsv lünen: I am no Favo
Team Toto: OL,Berry, tell me when i should come in with 400 mineiro
NoMoreLulz: no lünen, you are to late. sometimes you then should just sit in the back and wait.
rsv lünen: NML let me in escape
NoMoreLulz: no you want to destroy another group? :D
Team Toto: i have to wait a little bit. flower rides 10km so far and mineiro is at 400
NoMoreLulz: everyone is always so greedy lol
Team Toto: weil die favos nur 1-2 fahrer vorne haben ;-)
RC Cost: quatsch warum denn. kannst ja mal berry fragen war ja seine idee
Gipfelstuermer: with Gamara and two helpers, maybe better chances than you think :)
Team Toto: cost auch nicht mit pham ?
rsv lünen: nö
Team Toto: jemand interesse vorne? sonst bin ich auch wieder raus
RC Cost: espacially why following me :Dif you follow co favos, ok, like this parasite tactic at its best
RC Cost: not really
Gipfelstuermer: It matters.
rsv lünen: why stop all? Come on
RC Cost: following what ever, doesnt matter how you do the parasite tactic ;)
NoMoreLulz: so everyone is hanging now. great
Gipfelstuermer: Attacking?
rsv lünen: please all in who have two riders
RC Cost: uff gipfel attacking is a word
Team Toto: ja is legitim. habs zu spät gesehen
NoMoreLulz: ist halt fies das so zu machen, aber sieh dir an was das geblockt hatte.. glaube alle wollten ausreißen :D
Team Toto: alles gut
Team Toto: eher scherzhaft weil mich geblockt hast
Team Toto: war auch net böse gemeint
NoMoreLulz: aber gut zu wissen
NoMoreLulz: ? wüsste nicht, wann ich dir mal was getan hab toto
Team Toto: wüsste nicht warum das niveau an weihnachten höher sein sollte. die idioten sind doch die gleichen ;-)
NoMoreLulz: dont want to work hm ? :D
OLcycle: cooking for tonight
NoMoreLulz: where is jonatas?
RC Cost: ach toto sogar an weihnachten so tiefes niveau
Team Toto: no more lulz the idiot
OLcycle: NML
rsv lünen: who was in Tempo by km 1? I have none see one
OLcycle: with 2 nice helpers, a 66sprint is a safe bet for many hilly races !
Team Toto: gipfel, dein sprinter dabei aber ohne die klassikerhelfer?
S L Benfica: Bom dia! Bom Natal a todos!
NoMoreLulz: enough ranting :) :D
NoMoreLulz: 71 mountain is too low, at 6 you will never be able to follow. that means you need a strong team. and for that you could also build a 70x with 75 sprint
NoMoreLulz: but if someone with 66 sprint gets 75 mountain + like tahon, that is huge
NoMoreLulz: imo you are better of buying 59-62 sprint and chill
NoMoreLulz: but yeah that guy was nice.. maybe too nice imo. 66 sprint always means everyone with 63 sprint thinks he has no chances and escapes ;) :D
Pokemonogatari: Merry Chistmas
Pokemonogatari: yopp
NoMoreLulz: team trojer vellau I think, he sold one of his riders and insta bought him
Gipfelstuermer: Which rider was the Christmas gift?
OLcycle: @NML : who got the rider we placed a bid on and someone stole it :D ? that young rider will become the 2020 Saku !
OLcycle: Hi folks !
Gipfelstuermer: good afternoon and merry Christmas
NoMoreLulz: hello and merry christmas
Valverde: Good afternoon
rsv lünen: hi
Team Toto: hi

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Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:26 pm

Re: Christmas Islands GP 14h

Post by ProTour-Team » Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:55 am


Team Toto: dir auch
Team Toto: :)
RC Cost: tut mir ja leid für dich nach so vielen jahren so gar kein spielverständnis zu haben, muss echt frustrierend sein aber rechtfertigt solche begriffe nicht ; ) frohe weihnachten allen und besinnliche tage, besonders dir toto, so eine unausgeglichene person hat das dringend nötig ;)
RC Cost: nö ich halte genug aus keine sorge, vorallem nehme ich leute wie dich nicht ernst, aber die benutzung von so menschenverachtenden beleidigungen in öffentlichen chats unabhängig gegen wen ist einfach nur traurig und sollte auf jedenfall bestraft werden
Valverde: I wosh all of you a Merry Christmas and a nice rest of the day
Team Toto: ich kopiers für dich und stells rein damit es jeder weiss
NoMoreLulz: bb guys see you
Team Toto: Das war ne Feststellung, keine Beleidigung :D
RC Cost: wäre nett wenn jemand die beleidigung von toto ins forum kopieren könnte, bin grade am handy und in dem browser geht das nicht
rsv lünen: why should he ride when all ride for him
Valverde: gw Gambrinus
Team Toto: ach cost heul net rum. einfach klar kommen damit dass du nur scheisse von dir gibst
rsv lünen: Gambrinus is okay

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