Fine for Idéfix for insults

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Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:16 pm

Idéfix wrote:"Pedobear" is not acceptable, indeed.

1) the figure is exagerated but it makes sense.
2) you reap what you saw/ you get what you give.

What he's saying is: Pedobear is generally not acceptable, but in my case it makes sense= he's calling me a pedophile too.

Unlike Pokemon he is not openly calling me pedobear, but indirectly, so while I still think a fine is warranted, clearly a lesser problem than the Pokemon case.
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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:51 am

1) OK, misread you then.
2) Bullshit from start to end.
Pokemon doesn't warn, he insults.
By saying "it makes sense" you certainly are not saying I harass people. Actually, if I might ask, WHAT do you mean exactly with "it makes sense"?
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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:05 pm

Idéfix wrote:Pokemon warns through insulting.
Insulting is not the best way. As i said, saying you are a pedophile is not acceptable. But that insult makes what he warns about pretty clear. That is what I mean.
Nice story. If you look for meanings that fit with the story you want to push you can find them almost everywhere. Plus you need there to be some convoluted story about a warning to be able to lie your way out of an insult.
Idéfix wrote: You love to harass people. Your repeated insults vs me (before you got fined for), and then your allusions, your underunderstandings, this fair-play thread... are more prooves everyday.
You act in your words as an immature teen, but with the words and sentences of an "old" man.
Everytime you feel too much answer to your harassment or insults, then you show yourself as the victim.
All this is enough.

I have no problem about the way you ride / the way you play the game.
But i consider the way you use chat and forum (exception for some interesting calendar messages) are somehow dangerous.
I didn't ask you for an update on what you think of me, my riding, my forum contributions. Don't care. Pseudo-psychology on the internet, superb.
But if you can't resist posting your pseudo psychology, then at least try to stay a bit closer to the truth.
I don't love to harass people.
I wasn't fined for insulting you.
Opening this fair play thread is not harassing.
Etc etc.

In this whole pedobear discussion there is 1 person that tries to make himself the victim. Pokemon. Nobody else. Not even you.
Idéfix wrote:It's remind you that harassment - when it has consequences - is punished by law. 2 prison years in France, I suppose the same in Germany.
So better you stop now, don't go too far and calm down in your words.
Ever heard of libel? Don't know how it is in Belgium, but I suppose you better think twice before writing stuff... Stuff like calling me a pedophile (I accept that you most likely didn't mean to do that, but the most logical reading of point 1 is that you are indeed saying calling me pedobear, thus pedophile, makes sense. So you seriously need to start thinking twice or three times before posting) or "love to harass people"...
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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by Quick » Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:54 am

Idéfix wrote: "Pedobear" is not acceptable, indeed.

1) the figure is exagerated but it makes sense.
2) you reap what you saw/ you get what you give.
So basically someone is calling BK a pedophile and then another person is chiming in and defending that stance. I don't know what BD has done to you but I'd draw the line at calling someone a pedophile. FK should need to look into that seperated from the whole kindergarden because that's a new dimension of insult I've seen here. Especially because Idefix even defends that comment by Poke.

The explanation later "2) However, I perfectly understand what Poke means while employing that word." leads me to:

They probably don't think BD is really a pedophile but it's ok to call him that because in their mind BD is on the same moral level as a pedophile.

Unaccaptable under any circumstances.
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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by Quick » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:23 pm

You still defend Poke and his "Pedobear" even though saying it's unaccaptable. Now simply saying you(or rather Poke) never meant pedophile but verbal harraser doesn't make any sense. There's a night and day difference in the meaning of these words.

I have nothing meaningful to add to this discussion but I think some lines were crossed in that feud and the FK needs to set an example that this is not the direction that this game is allowed to go.

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team fl
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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by team fl » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:54 pm

Idéfix wrote:
Quick wrote:the FK needs to set an example that this is not the direction that this game is allowed to go.

I agree with this. That is why I reacted. But seems people is not able to see further than their noses, and is unable to understand why we reached that point. Where is the cause? IMO the cause is harassment from BD, with insults (then he was fined) and by insidious words then. Towards Poke and towards me. Maybe others?
Then open a thread for that but don't hijack another thread for your own cause.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by team fl » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:10 pm

Idéfix wrote:
team fl wrote:
Idéfix wrote:
Quick wrote:the FK needs to set an example that this is not the direction that this game is allowed to go.

Then open a thread for that but don't hijack another thread for your own cause.
It was NOT for my own cause. It was for the game, and it was related to BD- Poke's thread.
First, I don't see any relation to a Pokemon Insult - which it is - but what YOU want. Second, Isn't that a bit self-righteous? I for example don't have to be saved by any of you three heroes.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Fine for Idéfix for insults

Post by luques » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:23 pm

This is going into shit again, so topic locked.


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