fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by luques » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:28 pm

It's interesting btw that in a topic where you ask a fine for insults you start with an insult yourself "I hope you/the admins won't be ballless as usual"...

Btw let's see if the Donkey has something to say consiering it's not the first time...

P.S. we are much in a subjective sphere also, same (or near) as "Mafia" or "Nazi".

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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:13 pm

Idéfix? What is Idéfix if not an ultra-nationalist dog? Ever read Asterix and Obelix?

Plus as I told him in the chat, if he can't take it, he shouldn't start. He called me "brother of free team". Which I regard as a big big insult. Free team, a guy with countless multies, an arrogant loudmouth who knows everything better and always blames others if he doesn't win. Keeps giving out -2 (nowadays -3, by using the old design, which could be called bugusing too) for tactics, but then tries to paint himself as the victim of hate and resentment because he "used to have multies, but not now", as he likes to say. (Which clearly isn't true since the team he uses now rode its first race when he had at least another team riding, so technically free team IS a multi team.) Anyway, somebody thinks he can call me brother of that guy? Being in an unusually nice mood I didn't start insulting back immediately but told Idéfix, the ultra-nationlist dog, that I expected an apology for that, an apology that never came, so what the fuck does he want? He thinks he gets to insult me and I don't hit back? Naive.

Being called "brother of free team" or an ultra nationalist? Brother of free team is the bigger insult. He could have apologized when I made it clear that this in my view that was crossing a line. He chose not too, his decision, instead of whining around, he maybe should learn to assume the consequences of his actions.
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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:49 pm

Idéfix wrote:- Idéfix, saying once, a long time ago, to Big Donkey: "you are free-team's brother" [Roby, you say yourself "an arrogant loudmouth", reading your text that should apply...]
Was more than once. Was on one day more than once. Interesting how the truth isn't good enough for you.
And what I love about people like you is the hypocrisy. You just called me arrogant loudmouth. Which is an insult. Which doesn't bother me much, unless somebody is demanding a fine for insults AND a free pass for himself at the same time. As you are doing.
Idéfix wrote:- Big Donkeys, saying every race with me that I am an ultra-nationalist, extremist, etc.
Now tell us how many races we had together since then :D And what does "etc." stand for?
Again, you should just have apologized, or not used that insult in the first place.
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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:56 am

Where am I word playing? You sure are a tiring little dog.
Whining whining whining. And what do you want to copy chats for now, I'm not denying calling you a ultra nationalist and a Marine fan, you even named one of your riders after her after all... (I have mor doubts about the word "extremist", but possible and doesn't matter) But feel free to copy chats if that's what you want. The question I asked was HOW OFTEN we rode together since you started the insults (a fact, you started insulting, not me, I've been enjoying the retaliation since then) Every race sounds like a lot. The problem is that this every race might be around?? 5? Or how many? Pretty sure it's less than 10. Yesterday was the first time in a looong time I had the bad luck of landing in the same race as you.

You keep insulting btw, now Aux cousin (Velo Piemonte) which is indeed much better than free's brother, but still not a compliment. Or tell me is it meant as a compliment? Is it meant as a simple comment without further meaning? Or is it meant in a negative way? See?

Again, if you're going to start this whining routing you're doing now, maybe don't start insulting, or then apologize when somebody clearly tells you they don't appreciated that specific insult. In both scenarios you wouldn't be getting insulted. For the xth time: You decided to go another way, insult and not apologize, ok, you get the appropriate response.
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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:11 am

You're bla blaing, not me.
But less in the last post though, that's progress, congrats.
1) it was only while 1 race, which was relative to the way you rode that race, and not that you "are in life" his brother. I would apologize if you do too for riding like an asshole that time.
Another insult. You really enjoy this insulting somebody while asking for a fine thing?

Apologize for riding like an asshole? Interesting. I ride like I want, I didn't see any reason for me to ride, and didn't ride. Which is my right. Don't remember the details, but must have had a reason for not riding. You asked me to ride, absolutely ok thing to ask, I said I wouldn't, absolutely ok thing to answer. You asked again, I said no again, you asked again I refused again, all no problem. We could have gone to the end of the race like that, you asking, me refusing. The problem is that then you couldn't accept others riding the way they themselves decide and not the way you want them to ride, and you had to start insulting.
Seriously, you need to learn to accept that others might not always ride the way you'd like them to ride. Even if it is frustrating sometimes, but there is no set rule, not fixed way to ride. Sometimes somebody will ride when you wouldn't, sometimes somebody will not ride when you would. I don't remember why I didn't want to ride, but a) I'm pretty sure I had my reasons not to ride. b) I actually don't need to explain my tactics to you, I can do it and do sometimes when somebody asks why, genuinely wants to know, preferably after the race, but you certainly don't fall into that category.
Robyklebt wrote:2) the content of your repeated insults is much more serious.
Your opinion, not mine. And not a fact. I'd rather be called a right winger than free teams brother. Actually some guy here said he thought I was a SVP voter once, which surely didn't make me happy, but didn't make me retaliate (but I remember it). I retaliate for free teams brother, as you might have noticed by now. And while the SVP is not the same as the FN, it's not that dissimilar either, the difference is that the SVP comes from the center, FN from the far far right, now they meet somewhere between right and far right, depending on who you ask. But ok, not here to give you a lesson in politics. Different people react to different insults differently. And I made it pretty clear at the time that "brother of free team" wasn't an insult I was going to accept. If you thought I wasn't serious or thought I was joking that your problem, not mine.
3) it may concern 5-6 (?) races (hopefully we dont ride that much at same time), but with a mean of 10 insults per race... without counting the general chat...
If you burn 10 schools, it is bad enough, you dont need to burn 100 to get punished...
Races sounds about right, maybe, mean of 10 insults not, see yesterday, it's enough to mention it once to get you going, then just 1 or 2 more. As for the general chat once or twice right after that race, don't have the energy to play with you all the time.

The school burning... ehm, let's see what you wrote further up:
I may have begin with "free team's brother", but :
So if you burn one school it's ok? (Plus the "may" is unnecessary here)
Idéfix wrote: I never named a rider relatively to Marine Le Pen. Marine is a very common firstname... you really think every Adolf or Augusto or Benito or Vladimir or Jack recently born in the world are named in honour to those slaughterers?
To your culture, my rider "Marine Gault" was named for a cooked beef. (Ok, sorry vegans...)
Who's Jack? And you really think Marine Le Pen can be compared to Adolf? Whole different thing. (but of course I'd have used Adolf on you if you were German, after all the point of insults is to insult, to hurt).
Idéfix wrote:5) "brother", "cousin" : here meaning is "behave alike". You faint to be too stupid to understand that i never meant you are really a family member. Let Velo Piemonte where he is, and concentrate on the subject that you do not deny: your repeated serious insults vs me.
No shit Sherlock. You really are a genius, are you? What else could it mean? If I was really the brother or cousin of free or Aux I wouldn't feel insulted by somebody mentioning it, hell, I probably would think those 2 little trolls are great people. and if I was related to them you wouldn't use it as an insult. And I don't "faint to be too stupid to understand that", I object to that characterization of me, since it is INSULTING. And it was meant as an INSULT.
As for repeated serious insults, it's a mischaracterization, it should be repeated fully deserved insults vs you. You got what you deserved. You got what you asked for. Maybe you're used to others letting you insult them and then letting it be, being the greater man. The Donkey is a different animal, you insult him, when it bothers him, either you apologize immediately or he'll hit back. You wanted hit back, you're getting hit back.
A) But with something that was more a way to tell you what did your riding look like, than an insult.
B) that was not a reason to turn into real insults, and to continue. But was ok, you were angry. But repeatedly, every race together, in the general chat... it's far too much. That is why now I ask for a FPK action.
A Now you're denying it's an insult?
B Doesn't work like that. You can't go around insulting people and then demand that they only insult back as long as you're ok with it.

Let the FPK do their work?
Should clearly be no fine for me. If you didn't want to get insulted all you had to do was apologize.
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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by luques » Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:07 pm

No Warning, No Fine, No Ban.

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Re: fine asked for Robyklebt - insulting matter

Post by luques » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:44 am

Idéfix wrote:
luques wrote:No Warning, No Fine, No Ban.
Ok so FPK fully allows/permits the repeated insults. Good to know.
So now, no backthoughts using the word "Mafia" :p
I hope you are just unaware of what mafia is, and you are just provoking as you did all the post.

A similar provokation as the Donkey one in Italy would probably be that you are an ultranationalist Salvini supporter (and some guys may even be happy about thtat).
After all Le Pen got millions of votes.

And there is a huge difference between her political party and a criminal organization. You don't risk jail and a trial in France if you are a Le Pen supporter, but yes you risk jail and trial if you are suspected to have links with Mafia. It is more or less as being part of Isis, just to give you an idea.

P.S. In any case the mafia thing wasn't punished, just for info.

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