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a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:08 am
by auxilium torino
barba roja: yes, no form
Coroncina: as said
RideforMoney: Alexandra almost topform..
RideforMoney: ok Jardel weak :(
RideforMoney: why sprinting at 200 with only 2 ?
Team Viromet: was my rider :)))
Whisbone: yes olafscelts, i see , me it is the same
RideforMoney: nice
RideforMoney: ok, super gives the win to barba
Ambition: actually i chose jardels wheel, but obviously too late…
olafscelts: hate sprints
Team Viromet: go mario jardel!!!
RideforMoney: coro, ready for a top 3 podium? loool
Coroncina: if I work almost half race I would know how it finish ;)
RideforMoney: rfm = 12 guys , super : 1 guy :d
Buttons Bashers: because sucker
RideforMoney: why always me x)
RideforMoney: Alcolo
RideforMoney: hmm
Coroncina: UHAUL Pro Cycling Ansach off. after 1: 30 of play didn't want to know how finish
RideforMoney: i think the only who could go is a 81+ flat but even not sure to take 1 sec
Team Viromet: first points for uhaul ?
olafscelts: ok
RideforMoney: in order to avoid escapes
RideforMoney: olafs, better to go alone with Marks last 2 kms
RideforMoney: btw tips for olads
Whisbone: olafscelts ?
RideforMoney: and btw, don't expect an attack from Angelina..
Buttons Bashers: and Viromet with his 46, don't forget him
RideforMoney: as i said
RideforMoney: btw 73 and 75 sprint in peloton
Buttons Bashers: for your 46 sprint ?
RideforMoney: on est d'accord, j'ai pas sieb
Buttons Bashers: Viromet tempo ? really ?
Buttons Bashers: :(
RideforMoney: vs 58-60-63 ^^
RideforMoney: superdragoes 58-60-64 f.e
RideforMoney: but nobody 68 hill/68 sprint?
RideforMoney: btw, some of you spoke about my classics, ok why not
Coroncina: don't forghet the UHAUL climber at right moment ;)
RideforMoney: mais pas cool de dire un truc pour faire le contraire ensuite
Buttons Bashers: dommage que Stian ait une forme si pourrie
RideforMoney: franchement, si je sieb, je te reprends ^^
Buttons Bashers: dans tout le cas je serais content d'avoir essayer lol
RideforMoney: 1:40 ça va être dur de te reprendre de toute manière
RideforMoney: if someone siebs
RideforMoney: and i do'nt forget that Ansach will have 4 guys in front against 3 for me normally
RideforMoney: i mean, the group in front is caught ^^
RideforMoney: btw, as i said i'm pretty sure that i'll not Why not whisbone and olafs in tempo behind?
Buttons Bashers: enfin bon, je tente tampis hein
Buttons Bashers: ouep j'aurais du le laisser tomber mtn
RideforMoney: à part avoir mis Mihaita trop tôt
RideforMoney: bah non
Buttons Bashers: J'ai fais une couille ..
Buttons Bashers: give me my chance :(
RideforMoney: should i sieb so? :D
barba roja: i rest 2 kms
RideforMoney: Delbeek !
Coroncina: red and pullerout or no chance
Team Fedex: ok
olafscelts: 107km?
Team Fedex: Castro 178 fresh when?
Ambition: sure... good tactic ;)
RideforMoney: but better to give an explanation BEFORE ^^
Ambition: if suspicious an ip-check, yes, sured.
Ambition: dont know what exactly they check…
RideforMoney: check-ip
RideforMoney: yes but maybe not stars but by chec-ip
Ambition: stars are only shown if same time same ip… or am i wrong? it would mean that a friedn eg. is at same place playing same race with another team.
RideforMoney: lol
Coroncina: don't worry you are in frairplay and you aren't italian ;)
RideforMoney: so , that's why he has a possibility to see **
RideforMoney: i was in a friend (named A). An other friend of mine (named B) was the ex-bf of the friend A so sometimes when he had a race he used thecomputer just to check some things. But today, me , RFM, the team :d, i was in the friend A too..and i used the pc !
Ambition: rfm: i dont care ata ll, i have no chances anyway. ;)
Ambition: why should your friends pc have the same IP rfm?
Buttons Bashers: multi
RideforMoney: and as i said to Luques apart.. if you see stars for me today , i've an explanation.. for my settings in pre-race i used a pc who was already used by a friend of mine in this game a looooooooooongtime ago.. now i'm at home, so this is my pc and my own ip.
RideforMoney: so after, if you have no trust.. it'll show how kind of guy you are :)
RideforMoney: but a promise is a promise, i was off so, don't worry
RideforMoney: i just said that i'll not sieb, so i'll not sieb (or only shristi at least)
Coroncina: gw rfm
Ambition: well someone will sieb anyway rfm… will you drop your riders and wait then? ;)
Coroncina: so someone else will work and sieb for your 3 classic, ok no problem as always ;)
Ansach: hi
RideforMoney: Hey , i'll be off for first 60 kms, so don"t count on me to sieb on last hill
Whisbone: czesc

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:10 am
by auxilium torino
Online: 11
Buttons Bashers
Team Viromet
Team Fedex
barba roja

Offline: 2
UHAUL Pro Cycling(12)

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:03 am
by team fl
Can you please point out what you want to say exactly so that we don't have to look for the needle in the haystack?

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:35 am
by Alkworld
team fl wrote:Can you please point out what you want to say exactly so that we don't have to look for the needle in the haystack?
RideforMoney: i was in a friend (named A). An other friend of mine (named B) was the ex-bf of the friend A so sometimes when he had a race he used thecomputer just to check some things. But today, me , RFM, the team :d, i was in the friend A too..and i used the pc !
I think it's about a love triangle ...

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:09 pm
by PeterMeter
Triangles are my favorite shape
Three points where two lines meet.
Toe to toe, back to back, let's go
My love it's very late.
'Til morning comes, let's tessellate.

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:52 pm
by Robyklebt
Clearly not a typical evening race. If it was we would read some Aux gems about the bad crucchi, some insults by Aux to some newbies who don't ride like they should, some whining about the racism against him personally (the Aux race) in the game.

Very untypical race. You should apologize for trying to mislead the world.

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:46 pm
by Moscow Team Pro
I do not comment because Captain certain situations almost never in my races. And 'no doubt that when racing teams are some strange things always happen. As there is no doubt that the relationship between a number of managers is really worn out and exhausting for the viewer.

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:04 am
by Pokemon Club
an evening race without free team + Coro + Ambi + drago can't be normal

Re: a normal evening race!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:42 pm
by IDF
An evening race without Auxi and his friends who mad on me or other guys which have different interests ... is not a normal evening race :)