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Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:32 pm
by olmania
Hi all !

This afternoon, with Mr Sandow, he was favo and he want to go in front, to have no job to do in the peloton. Like each race with him.
It's over for me. I ride against him in front, and after a offline tempo (not me) kill the escape with him.
He's always talking in german in the forum, ok maybe not an english speaker, not a problem. But i can read "francoze" few times, and when I ask the others, they answered me "He speaks about stupid stuff". mhhh, after all, he can, i understand nothing because he writes in german and the others germans speakers are not angry against him, so what he says, it's maybe not a big deal.
At the end, the new escape win the race after a bad chase (without sandow for a long time), and he did a bad place to conclude.
And, a -2 with a german comment for me.

Ok, i've maybe not all the elements (what he said in the chatbox ...); Ok ride with stupidity is his right; Ok it's incredible for a guy with more than 600races to ride like that; Ok some players in RSF knew for a long time this guy for this speciality (go in front and stay favo, doing no job); Ok he can speak only in german; But NO, he have not the right to give me a negative fair play mark ! What I did wrong ? That's my right to want to catch him when he did his stupid attack km1. And after that, that's my right to expain to everybody in the chatbox why I do that.
So, I'm angry ! More than usual, really more !


Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:47 pm
by US Radler
Hard to say, but there are sereval teams to act like this quite often.
Some may only want to keep a helper or something like this, but especially in tours, this is a good working strategy...
You can tell us his voting so we translate it for you, if you haven't already done this yourself.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:56 pm
by Quick
It's Sandows usual way of riding and usual way of behaving. Would think it's good if someone talks with him...

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:06 pm
by Luna
Translation of Sandow's chat messages:

OLcycle: ?
OLcycle: why all these "franzose"
OLcycle: he's off.
Sandow Racing: der labbert ein scheiß der franzose The frenchman is babbling crap
Team Bearclaw: we care about you and montania, it was right to follow immediately, so calm down sandow
Baratellos: Orwo you should stop tempo, because no advantage for you by riding like this
Sandow Racing: montania viel besseres team reißt mit zwei leuten aus solltet euch da mehr sorgen machen
OLcycle: mhh, it's horrible with Mr sAandow. Always favo, always in front. When he will take his responsabilities ?
World Riders: orwo was soll das
Team Bearclaw: sorry ol, i only said to sandow that he doesn't say stupid stuff
Wookie: ok, sry
OLcycle: why not in english dudes ?
Wookie: und warum sollte er blocken?
VC Aywaille: hi all / bonjour tout le monde / hallo zusammen
Team Bearclaw: behindert ist hier sicher keiner, solltest dich etwas zügeln was deine sprache angeht sandow
Sandow Racing: der franzose hat doch die richtigen leute um den zu blocken The frenchman has the riders to block them [my classic riders]
Wookie: mitfavo allemal
Wookie: klar. wer soll denn deine klassiker wieder holen?
Sandow Racing: is der behindert bin doch kein favo Is he handicapped? I'm not that Favo
OLcycle: sorry, but sandow is always going in the escape when he's favo.
Nozawa Onsen: hallo
Team Scotland: cheers
OLcycle: hi ! big group this afternoon :)
Wookie: hi
Satzte Sich: hallo
MSport WRC: hallo!
Baratellos: hallo
Team Bearclaw: first race for "Poo" today :)
Team Bearclaw: good afternoon

Fairness message:

laber nicht so viel scheiße don't babble that much crap

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:16 am
by Buhmann
Not the first time, that Sandow makes some problems. I´ll send him a message. But his personal attitude won´t change.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:30 pm
by Lizard
Buhmann wrote:I´ll send him a message. But his personal attitude won´t change.
If you know that, why not make a ban for races? He deserves it.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:48 pm
by Luna
That's my stand, too. We don't need fascist attitudes in chat or forum. Mischievously exluding every other players from communication, but german, is just that. Speaking of them only in third person is just that. Knowing the team names but only speaking of "the frenchmen" is just that. Refusing to use any english word for communication, while using an english team name is just that, fascist.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:43 pm
by team fl
Luna wrote:That's my stand, too. We don't need fascist attitudes in chat or forum. Mischievously exluding every other players from communication, but german, is just that. Speaking of them only in third person is just that. Knowing the team names but only speaking of "the frenchmen" is just that. Refusing to use any english word for communication, while using an english team name is just that, fascist.
hmm... sounds quite harsh but perhaps you're right, at least with your basic message. I would just say that continued harassing in any way should be punished.

Anyway, he's not easy to handle but my personal advise (just for yourself and your inner balance) if you have to ride with him: ignore him. just do that. leave it to the race and your possibilities there (according to the rules of course).

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:51 pm
by Robyklebt
Honestly this time here I don't see enough to ban him. It's not nice to speak about others in the third person in a language they don't understand, but it happens all the time. And no reason to give Sandow a ban for it, just because he has proven what kind of person he is before.

If you want to ban him, ban him, but for what he is, not for what he has said in the example above.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:12 pm
by olmania
Robyklebt wrote:Honestly this time here I don't see enough to ban him. It's not nice to speak about others in the third person in a language they don't understand, but it happens all the time. And no reason to give Sandow a ban for it, just because he has proven what kind of person he is before.

If you want to ban him, ban him, but for what he is, not for what he has said in the example above.
I agree, that's not enough to ban him.
A message first, ok. And if later, we have others problems with him, again, -50K ! Or another thing.
First, try to educate him a little for the races in peace (give him 'another' chance). If the results are bad, sanctions.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:25 pm
by Zauberlehrling
I see two more possibilities:

1. Temporary ban: Just a ban for let's say 2 weeks, then he can continue riding as usual.

2. Ban of the chat: He has for 2 weeks or so no possibility to write anything in the chat... of course it will become hard to communicate with him, but much harder for him.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:01 pm
by Lizard
Zauberlehrling wrote:2. Ban of the chat: He has for 2 weeks or so no possibility to write anything in the chat... of course it will become hard to communicate with him, but much harder for him.
Nope, then because of him others get involved and when he tries to get in an escape the chances of other teams will die as a collateral damage.

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:03 pm
by Sandow

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:27 pm
by Lizard
1. Jemanden behindert zu nennen ist keine unglückliche Ausdrucksweise, sondern einfach nur Charakterschwäche.
2. Ob deine besten Freunde, deine Familie oder weißgottwer Ausländer sind, interessiert keine Sau, es geht um dein Verhalten, und ob du ausländische Freunde hast wird da doch relativ irrelevant im Vergleich dazu, dass du so herablassend gegenüber den Franzosen reagierst.
Allein die Tatsache, dass alle in diesem Thread auf Englisch schreiben, was natürlich verständlich ist, da OLmania den Thread aufgemacht hat und er kein Deutsch beherrscht, und du der einzige bist, der jetzt auf Deutsch antwortet... du hast dich nicht den anderen, sondern ihm gegenüber zu rechtfertigen. Und dein Englisch wird ja wohl noch so weit gehen, dass du sagen kannst "Sorry Olmania, I did not mean to make trouble, I apologize and will change my behaviour" oder etwas in der Richtung...

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:27 pm
by Aixteam
Robyklebt wrote:Honestly this time here I don't see enough to ban him. It's not nice to speak about others in the third person in a language they don't understand, but it happens all the time. And no reason to give Sandow a ban for it, just because he has proven what kind of person he is before.

If you want to ban him, ban him, but for what he is, not for what he has said in the example above.

I agree too . Finally , he didn't do something racist like you said . He speaks about Ol with " French " . OK , I saw that many times in groups 2 with French who speak about the Germans . The problem is that he has 600 races , maybe he could ask to someone to translate in the race , to communicate with Ol . But he didn't and put him a negative vote ... That arrives all the time and we can't ban him for that ! A message is okay , but not more

Re: Sandow, my friend !

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:05 am
by Quick
Sandow answering in german is quite funny. ^^